Sailor Nun

The Girl....

Name: Nyssa Alexis Sibley

Nicknames: Nyssy, Syssy--Regis calls her this to annoy her; it's a pet name between the two of them. Anyone else who uses it will be sure to get a tongue lashing.

Meaning: Nyssa means beginning and Alexis means protector of mankind. I suppose this would indicate the beginning or the first protector of mankind. Sibley was a first name I used as a last name. It means prophetess, so put all together it would be "The beginning protector of mankind; prophetess."

Age: 15 (appears about 11)

Birth date: November 8th

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A

Personae Dramatis

Gram Sibley (prophetic Grain farmer)-father

Gram Sibley is a very protective father, although he is reluctant to show his true feelings toward his daughter. He has been a farmer all his life and lived in the same villa as his father and his father before him to antiquity. He rarely travels far from his small vineyard, where he makes some of the best wine in Europe. Cities are too large and impersonal for his tastes, and he claims they give him ulcers. A man of few words, a grunt is usually enough to get his point across to his family and friends. He looks somewhat intimidating, standing about 6'1", but most of the muscles that were his trademark as a young man have atrophied away with the coming of age and new farming machinery. His black hair is thinning, but he still keeps it greased back neatly. He has the same green eyes as his daughter.

Pamela Sibley (Mothering prophetess)-mother

Pamela Sibley is a very loud, large and vivacious woman. She believes that her children are the best in the world and will not accept any dissenting views from anyone. She also believes that the best part of having a family is feeding them, so she always has some kind of food cooking on the range. Wonderful smells emanate from the kitchen at all times of the day. Pamela has always been slightly awkward around Nyssa and has never really understood her. Just as her husband is growing larger, Pamela, too, is spreading; but she was always rather large. She still has long (waist length) black hair that she wears in a braid, and she seems always to be smiling.

Bambi Sibley Uberto (Shining Child prohpetess)-big sister

Nyssa's older sister (and secret idol), Bambi, is now 21. She was recently married to an Italian photographer whose main ambition seems to be to try to create mind altering photos-key word being try. Bambi herself is quite an intelligent woman, and Nyssa cannot see how she ended up marrying Lorenzo, the photographer. Bambi is working her way through a language school-she already speaks Italian and English, and she is trying to become certified as an interpreter. She is the woman Nyssa would like to be; well rounded and with a pretty, if not drop-dead gorgeous, face.

Marco Sibley (warlike prophetess)-Big Brother Nyssa's older brother by two years, Marco's main goal in life seems to torment his younger siblings. Many of Nyssa's memories include dodging her older brother's hazing. Fortunately for her, Marco was not too bright, and it was fairly easy to outsmart him-perhaps the origin of Nyssa's cunning? Hard to say. Marco is a rather developed boy for his age, which hardly seems fair to Nyssa, considering her own state. His saving grace is the fact that he is an amazing farmer, and a great help to her father.

Regis Sibley (Kinglike Prophetess)-big brother

Regis Sibley is one of the many siblings of Nyssa; he just happens to be the one Nyssa lives with (and is the most fond of). He is a cheerful young man (23) who enjoys theater and art as much as Nyssa does, if it's possible. Nyssa is hopelessly devoted to him. He lives in the Sibley family's villa in the heart of Rome (they're a very rich family), and accepts boarders too. He says this is to help pay for the up keep of the house, but Nyssa actually knows (and will never say) that it is actually to make him feel less lonely in the large villa. Regis is the spitting image of his father when Gram was that age. He has beautiful black hair, lovely eyes, and dark skin.

Caprice Sibley (Fanciful prophetess)-little sister

Caprice is a typical tweenager. Which is to say, she's the American model tweenager. She is passing through the stage where every boy is a target, and she can think of no more than a) whether her clothes matches her shoes matches her makeup, or, b)is she popular enough? Caprice spends most of her time bottled up in her room reading Seventeen (or the Italian equivalent ^^;) and talking on the phone. To Nyssa's jealous delight, she suffers from the same age-appearance difference that she does (she is twelve but looks maybe nine). Instead of being bossy and stubborn, however, Caprice has turned to being a "wannabe", which annoys Nyssa to no end.

Adrienne Sibley (Dark prophetess)-little brother

Adrienne is nine years old, and every bit as smart as Nyssa. Fact is, however, he is very quiet, and barely anybody realizes how gifted he is. He would much rather allow himself to be looked over than to say anything; he just likes to keep quiet. Adrienne is actually Nyssa's Dielectric (the one who calms her down). They balance each other out nicely, and Nyssa hopes that he will soon be joining her at the town villa.

Grazia Sibley (Prophetic grace)-littlest sister

Grazia is the baby girl of the family, at five years, and enjoys every second of the coddling and attention. She is not exactly spoiled-she's just as likely to get smacked for acting up as the other children-but she has the benefit of coming after all the worries that Pamela associated with the other children. Grazia has been taking ballet classes for about two years now, and has ambitions of becoming an elite ballet dancer someday.

Taddeo Sibley (Prophetic gift of God)-littlest brother

Taddeo is the real baby of the family at only one year. There's not much to say about him, considering all he does is eat, sleep, and make messes.

Max Terence-boarder

Max is a friend of Regis' and of the same age. He studies art with Regis at the college in Rome. He enjoys teasing Nyssa and spoiling her, alternately (depends what kind of mood he's in). Max is tall and well muscled, with light blonde hair styled into and old-fashioned crew cut. He is slightly pale, though, as he burns easily.

Living Arrangement: As was stated before, Nyssa's family was quite rich, and has been for quite some time. They're into the wine business; they've been able to ride out the economic downswings for many years because, oddly enough, the market for wine never seems to dry up (yuk yuk). Besides the country villa the family owns, they also own a townhouse/villa in Rome. The family is faced with selling this townhouse, however, because Cost of Living is steadily increasing, and the house is somewhat expensive to maintain. This is why the family must accept boarders.

Amazing info about Nyssa!

School: St. George's British International, 9th grade-Nyssa commutes from the town villa.

Likes: Musical Theater, Books, Music, pounding out (bad) music on her out of tune piano, Max, Art, Animals,

Dislikes: Roaches, peanut butter, being wrong, being bossed around by someone else, not being the boss, people who patronize her.

Fav. Food: Her mother's special garlic bread

Hated Food: Peanut Butter

Fav. Subject: Chemistry

Hated Subject: Gym

Color: Blue Green

Hobbies: People watching, Reading, Writing, Painting, creating anything, dragging Regis and Max to Art shows and exhibits.

Aspirations: To travel around the world, to finally grow up and be accepted by adults, to get into a good college. She also has fairy tale dreams about being a princess and wearing lovely dresses, but those have mostly faded with time and the realization that it is not the ideal job


Nyssa was born in the kitchen of her family's large villa where the babies of the family are traditionally born. She is neither the oldest nor the youngest; the Sibley family has eight children. I suppose you could call her the younger middle child; she is the fifth child of the family. The Sibley family was (and still is) extremely well off, despite the economic drain from the care of the many children of the family.

Generally left to her self, Nyssa came up with many ways to pass the days. Although there were many potential playmates for her, they seemed to be reluctant to play with her as she was (and still can be) extremely bossy. From the time she could walk she explored the grounds of her family's vast villa in the country. She quickly picked up the different types of birdsong and species of insects. She performed small "experiments" with these animals that brought her mother no end of grief.

She started attending the country school near her home at the age of five. Always a fast learner, she picked up reading quickly and began her lifelong infatuation with books. She always seemed to be reading, and when she wasn't, she was usually hauling around a huge tome of classic writings or treatise on science. When she exhausted her family's library, she simply started reading the books all over again (since she lacked the resources to go elsewhere to find the books she so sorely desired).

Although she craved the materials to create the experiments she read about in books, she rarely had access to them after the memorable episode with a chemistry kit (the experiments were too mundane!) Her family was understandably reluctant to provide her with any kind of potentially flammable material, especially after the grievance of having to remodel the whole west wing of their villa.

During this period, Nyssa grew peevish and sulky; ready to snap at anyone. It wasn't until her brother brought home some of his art supplies from college that Nyssa cheered up somewhat. As a last ditch effort to cheer her up, Regis allowed her to take some paints to a small, inexpensive canvas (it was his belief that she would ruin the thing, having never exhibited any artistic tendencies at all). Surprisingly, both to Regis and herself, she didn't do too badly. Sure, it was no DaVinci, but it was reasonably good for a first try. Even more surprising, Nyssa discovered that she liked creating things. When her mind was occupied with creating, she often seemed detached and distant, and certainly a lot less bossy and snappy.

This didn't stop her from being miserable at school. Not surprisingly, the small rural school could not provide the education Nyssa desired. Nyssa then turned, as so many children in her position do, to creating scenes and being insubordinate. She might have turned from school and her studies altogether were it not for the (blessed) interference of her older brother. Regis described several of the schools he'd heard of in Rome. He put forward the idea that Nyssa could possibly go live with him. Nyssa listened to his tales intently, and instead of discarding it right away as she usually did with her attitude, she agreed. Her parents were understandably reluctant to allow her to go, but after many pleadings they relented. Nyssa packed her belongings (complete with the worn chemistry set) and set off for the city with her brother. She celebrated her 11th birthday there and has lived there ever since.

Once she arrived in Rome, she promptly visited darn near every art show in the city. Even now she will drag her brother or Max to any of the shows she can convince them to go to. Going to a school that challenges her has calmed her down a lot, and she is generally a happy teenager, though liable to be easily frustrated.


Nyssa is a certified child genius, and as such, she usually has a know-it-all attitude and is very bossy (which isn't to say that all geniuses are this way, of course). She loves to be right about everything, and even when she's wrong she won't admit it, much to the consternation of her family and friends. Perhaps understandably, Nyssa doesn't have many friends her own age and tends to make friends who are either older (for intelligent conversation) or younger (those she can safely boss around).

Although Nyssa has a fiery temper and a stubborn streak a mile wide, she can be quite calm when she is working on creating something. Comments that would usually send her into a fit of rage only receive a calm, knowing smile. Nyssa also has a disconcerting habit of predicting what will happen before it takes place. This comes not from any specific ESP powers, but from watching people for many years and learning their habits.

Nyssa has found that foot stamping is the most efficient way to get attention, so she reverts to this rather annoying habit almost constantly. Whenever she's angry or trying to make a point, the foot comes down. Although Nyssa doesn't realize it, this childish habit often helps to make her seem younger.

She also has a tendency to blow things all put of proportion; one little comment on her wild hair can send her crying to her room. It isn't that she likes the attention, though. Somewhere deep inside, she believes that any comment that she takes as an insult is an insult, although usually it is not. Somehow, somewhere, she also got a deep fear of abandonment that she constantly tries to overcome by being near people and trying to impress them. She believes that impressed people will like her more, and therefore be more likely to stay with her. This habit often drives people further away, though, as her need to succeed alienates her at the top of classes.

Her bossy streak has driven many people away (she's working on it!), so she's pretty desperate for friends her own age. As it stands now, her only friends are the geeks and the nerds (not that that's a bad thing...). Although she feels silly doing it, she will sometimes act like someone she isn't to be just a bit more accepted.

To those people whom she feels comfortable around, she is a sweet, innocent teenager with grand ideas and hopes about the future, though liable to be hard to get along with. They always have to remember, though, that she is essentially a ticking time bomb and likely to explode any second.

Nyssa is one of those senshi who has the benefit of a live-in guardian, so she's known for quite awhile that she's a senshi. How does that sit with her? Well, she's split on her judgment of that fact. On the one hand, she likes looking her own age, but on the other hand, she doesn't exactly want to have to fight anyone, and she doesn't like being told what to do by a dog…



Nyssa still has the appearance of a child more than a woman, much to her frustration. Although she has already grown several inches (currently 5'2"), she still has not developed in more "womanly" ways.

She wears her hair loose, and it falls in waves to her shoulders, framing her tiny face in black locks. Her eyes appear unnaturally large in her childish face, and although her chin has developed, her cheeks still retain a child's pudginess. Dark lashes frame her green eyes, which appear very wise in her young face. Delicate eyebrows, perhaps a little full, arc over her eyes. A sprinkling of freckles across her "perky" nose completes the appearance of a young child.

Although Nyssa isn't very tall, her gangly limbs make her appear taller than she is. She still has knobs at her knees and elbows where her flesh hasn't quite filled in. Her delicate hands and feet appear too large for her because, like the rest of her, she hasn't quite grown into them. She like to paint her nails different colors, which causes people to shake their heads and wonder why her parents allow such a young child to wear such things.

Much as Nyssa would love to wear in fashion clothes such as hip huggers and spaghetti straps, they weren't designed for people of her stature. She usually ends up wearing plain jeans or shorts with solid color T-shirts or sweaters (she staunchly refuses to wear "kids" clothes). She usually wears skirts and turtlenecks to school, and if she isn't going out, she will stay in her pajamas all day long.

The Warrior....


Sailor Nun appears startlingly different than Nyssa in several ways. Nun appears several years older than Nyssa The first impression that one would notice is that Nun is a lot more...well, curvy. The limbs that are so awkward on Nyssa give a more graceful air to Sailor Nun. She has also grown into her larger eyes; it is a reminder of things to come in the next year or so (^_~)


Nyssa's "normal" clothes change quite considerably from her usual comfy jeans and T-shirt. The bottom layer of her fuku is like a halter top (sleeveless might be a better word) shirt that extends to a copper colored "belt" (you know, the little white fabric thingy at the waist...except this one is copper) at the waist. Her skirt is pleated, blue green and metallic, and probably just a bit longer than the usual senshi skirt; it is worn in the style of the pharaohs, about halfway to the knee. The skirt is itself a nice blue-green color, but it shimmers metallically in the light. In lieu of a choker she wears a blue-green and gold collar (the type you see the Egyptians wearing in all the paintings). Her gloves are white linen topped with gold bracelets around the middle of her upper arm. She wears sandals (doesn't seem like this would be such a good idea to fight in) that have leather thongs up to her ankle and are topped with gold anklets. Resting right above her heart is an "ankh" with two thin blue ribbons hanging from it. The top, "loop" part of the ankh rests on the bottom of the collar, but below the cross bar, the ankh rests on the undershirt. The ankh holds in place a cape made of the finest gauzy type material. The cape is very fine and can hardly be seen. It is edged with blue-green material. Sailor Nun wears a blue and green beaded headband that rests on top of her hair and has the sun disc placed squarely in the middle of her forehead. The sun disc has the symbol of Nun, which is the Egyptian glyph of water.


Nyssa needs a large golden bracelet to transform. This bracelet is meant to be worn around the upper arm, but it usually slips down to her wrist, as her arms are too thin to keep it in place. Shoving the bracelet back to its rightful place has become something of a nervous habit for Nyssa.

To transform, she clasps the bracelet in her hands and calls out "Nun Ba Power, Make up!". After calling out the phrase, she bows her head as if praying. Water seeps out from between her fingers, covering her in a shimmering ball of water. The water coalesces around her form, growing tighter and tighter until it leaves her standing in her uniform, sans accessories. small ropes of water twist out to become her collar, gloves, and shoes. The last little bit of water falls lightly around her shoulders, forming her cape.

The transformation sequence ends with a view of Nyssa, now Sailor Nun, standing slightly to the side. She has her hands cupped as if holding something, and her head is lifted as if she is staring at the sky.

"I am the beginning, and I am the end..."

Chaos Torrent

This attack is very draining (no pun intended...). As Sailor Nun shouts the attack phrase, she throws her arms apart. Water starts to form between her hands, eventually coalescing into a huge orb of raging water. When the orb is fully formed, Nun hurls it at her opponent. As the orb travels towards the opponent, it grows in size until it covers their whole body. Once inside the orb, they experience hurricane force winds and frothing waters (kinda like the waters during creation). The longer Nun can concentrate on this attack, the longer the orb will continue to surround its victim. Nun often experiences exhaustion after the first couple of seconds of this attacks, however, so she can't usually keep the orb around long enough to do "real" damage. Even at a weak stage, however, it can usually send a senshi reeling, if not unconscious. The flipside is that this attack is something of a "one hit wonder"; if Nun doesn't hit the target on the first try, she won't have enough energy to try again. She usually needs the period between fights to regain enough energy to use it again.


Menes the yellow lab

Menes is a large dog, standing about two feet high at the shoulder and weighing about 85 pounds. He is under the impression, somehow, that he is a lap dog and likes to jump on people as they enter or as they are sitting quietly. Although he certainly makes an intimidating guardian, he will run from the slightest noise and is quite afraid of thunder and lightning. He can be quite vicious, though, when he feels that anyone is threatening his "family" or his set of rawhide chews that Nyssa obligingly bought him. His way of talking is often quite hard to follow, as his excitement often makes him speed up his speech and blur sentences together. He also has the rather annoying habit of speaking in a very loud voice, so that Nyssa often has to remind him to "be quiet, and for Heaven's sake, SLOW DOWN!" Menes also has a problem with realizing his own strength, and walks with him usually turn into pulls. Tiny Nyssa is no match for his brute strength, and refuses to keep him on a leash for this reason, which annoys the neighbors to no end. All in all though, Menes is a dog who is very devoted to his job and is deeply dedicated to his "charge" and her friends. He also has it out for cats; he loves to chase them and absolutely hates them

Menes is the name of the first pharaoh of Egypt (or the first one that I could find information on -_-;) This is a very appropriate name for Nun's guardian, as Nun was one of the first (if not the first) being. He started creation, after is only natural that the first pharaoh should guard the first...erm, thing, no?


What is the myth behind your god/goddess/etc.? Why did you pick it?

Well, despite the many creation myths of the Egyptians, they all agree that Nun was the first...being alive. He was the chaotic, primordial waters, but he was also a little bit more. He was literally the first omnipotent force; from him came everything else. Besides being the beginning, though, he was also the end (kind of synonymous with "I brought you into this world and I can darn well take you out of it"). When the humans on earth began to disrespect Ra because he had grown old, it was Nun that suggested that the humans be destroyed. Because of his suggestion, Ra's daughter, Sekhmet, was released unto the world where she literally made the waters run red with blood. According to ancient myth, Nun is still lurking around somewhere until the day when he can destroy and begin the cycle of creation all over again.

Who is your guardian? Where does his/her name come from? How does it relate to your senshi?

Nyssa's guardian is Menes the yellow lab (Labrador retriever). Menes is the name of the first Egyptian pharaoh (or the first one that I could find information on). It seemed appropriate to me that the first pharaoh be the protector of the first...well, the first thing. Menes is a species of dog called the Labrador retriever. They are well known for their love of water. It also seemed somewhat appropriate that a senshi of chaotic, primordial waters should have a guardian who was hyperactive and had a strange affinity for water, short of actually living in it.

You may also wish to explain the relevance of your powers.

In relation to the theme of water, most of Nun's powers are water based.... Chaos Torrent is the actual embodiment of the world before creation, of the waters when nothing was controlling them. It is an extremely strong attack, but Nun has yet to master or gain enough experience to use it to the full potential. Nun has the dubious honor of being a deity of destruction as well as creation, and is also related to chaos and time (that might explain the mess her room is in...)

More stuff coming soon, as I update the page, stories get finished, and I create stuff!

Now I have something to admit...these graphics aren't mine *sob*. I know, I know, you pobably thought they were, and your vote of confidence is heartwarming, but I just did not make them. I actually got them from this nifty place called "Boogie Jack's". Just follow the mystical link below, and you too can go to this awesome place.
Nyssa: I think she's lost it -_-;
Menes: *nods*
