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Kiandra. Seventeen years ago, this space was unknown, this sector unnamed, this station unbuilt, and this discovery dormant. Kiandra...

Remember Kiandra.

Welcome to the Kiandra Station. This station is in the midst of an unusual expanse of space, which falls under some dubious areas within the Federation. For this reason, much of the station is classified, and only those carefully screened for this project may enter into one of the most unusual explorations in the history of Starfleet. Only time will tell what we find here, whether it be new friends, new enemies, new adventures, and new discoveries.

The Kiandra Project is a group based in the Star Trek universe and we pride ourselves on interesting, lifelike and original storylines which *you* can become involved in. This group is absolutely free. We charge nothing, promote nothing, and don't clutter you with annoying advertisements. You can create your own character and interact with others which inhabit the station, or the other ships in the Kiandra Fleet. Or perhaps you are one for the past or the future, or non-Trek entirely, in which case one of the Kilandra Nexus RPGs might be for you.

We are entirely a PBEM-RPG, expanded, it means, A Play By E-Mail -- Roll Playing Game. The Kilandra Project is set in the Star Trek year 2278, after the end of the Dominion War. WIthin this site, you will find resources at your fingertips for understanding and further learning about the Star Trek universe, and even more resources on the Kiandra Project in general. There is emmense possibilities for exploration in this relatively unknown section of the universe.

But you will only learn of this if you beam aboard the Kiandra Station and apply for transfer to this unique section of space. It won't be easy, but then, nothing worth doing is ever easy. And we have great faith that *you* will make a great addition to our crew, wherever your interests lie, wherever your talents lie, if you have the will, we have the way. Just click on the banners above, or the enter button below to get started. Welcome aboard!

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The KIANDRA PROJECT is a SIM group that is based on Star Trek which was created by Gene Roddenberry.
Star Trek © is a trademark of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
No copyright infringement intended. This site is created, owned, and updated by Anya Talisan.
Please e-mail before using, reproducing, or borrowing any portion of this site. May the legend live on!