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Dear Mom and Dad,

I signed my name and joined the military today
I know you never wanted it to be this way
But I must hold the enemy lines at bay
Before troop morale begins to fray
That's all my recruiting officer would say.

So I've packed up my bags and I've left my wife
Gone to join the struggle and end the strife
I go to a place where evil is rife
Do not worry over me as wood to drawknife
I pray, instead, care for her. She is my life.

Your Son

My Darling Wife,

I received your letters this very night
I am proud to say we continue the fight
For freedoms lost and Humanities' right
To live a good life in our Savior's light
Our shoulders still squared, we walk upright.

Let mom and dad know that I am alive
That we live by the day and at night we survive
At month's end, we hear, we should arrive
In a place we don't know, I hate to deprive
But pray, from my next letter, comfort you derive.

Your Loving Husband

Dear Folks,

Your correspondence has reached me, though I can't speak
Of much that we do here, but the future looks bleak
There is word we march again at the end of this week
While bullets split the air above the heads of the meek
I must continue this later....It is refuge we seek...

I apologize for the delay, in getting this through
A cease fire has been called, now I can finish this letter to you
The arrival of my son is the most wonderful news
It has restored my faith in this thing that we do
Tell my wife, to her always, I remain true.

Your son

My Beautiful Wife,

A year and three months I have passed in this hell
But it does my heart good to hear our son does so well
My eyes fill with tears and with pride my soul swells
When the guys ask after you and I've something to tell
For a moment we share warmth in this dank cold shell.

I've news of my own now, it's happening so fast
My time here is over, my vigil has passed
A week, maybe two, for this Private First Class
Though, even two weeks more, seems interminably vast
You can tell mom and dad, I'm coming home at last.

Your Loving Husband


We regretfully inform you, your son has been lost
He walked a straight line, but then the lines crossed
Though the truth in no way can be shined over or glossed
He fought valiantly for country and paid a blood cost
Our condolences to you we may never exhaust.

Patriot. Hero. No words can describe
While my secretary sits with pen to transcribe
Any remedy we may offer, but will not prescribe
"For Country, For Honor" we hope you imbibe
Our sympathies to you we feel we must rescribe.

However, for the future, if another son you bore
Send him our way, we beseech you, we implore
A new world to explore is what he can shoot for
That is, until, we pack up this fake stage door
Then strap him with a gun to be sent off to war.