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Welcome to the homepage of Sword's Pointe Website. To navigate the site, use the pulldown menu at the top of the page.

Sword's Pointe is a little town I began creating several years ago as a result of not finding a suitable campaign setting for myself. Much of the town is still under construction (well, website wise anyway), but here is the material that is ready for your enjoyment. Feel free to use the material for your own setting, but if you use any original material, please give credit where credit is due. Just click on the button below to send email

get this gear!

A new update, two new poems.

Break The Glass

Don't Even Bother Enjoy

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Fire's Internet Pick Of The Month

I have been busy remodeling the site. The goal of the remodel is for easier navigation and a cleaner look. Also added are a couple of new pages. Desktop enhancements and Website enhancements. Most of the pages are up and running, but some of the links may be down. Please be patient and I will get it straightened out in time. If you do find any missing links, please email me so the problem will be corrected. Just click on the button below.

get this gear!