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Suikoden 2 characters
}~~_~~{ Characters }~~_~~{

Here's the first 20 characters from Suikoden 2. With the exception of Nanami, Flik, and Viktor I put them in the order that they're shown in the Stone Tablet of Destiny. I made the full body pictures all thumbnails because most of them are different sizes and it didn't quite look right.. click on them to see the full picture. I hope you find this information helpful!

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Tenkai Star - The Hero
Age - 15
Gender - Male
How to recruit - The Hero is your main character. He doesn't have much of a personality, but he is quite strong with both magic and his weapon, the Twin Destiny Fang.
A little about the Star - The Hero of Suikoden 2 doesn't really have a personality, as I stated earlier. He is, however, a kind and caring boy who seems to draw people to him. Many men and women are more than willing to lay their lives down fighting for him. He cares deeply for his adoptive sister, Nanami, and for his best friend, Jowy. As the leader of the Stars of Destiny, the Hero must be strong and confident in all the danger he faces. He is, however, still a boy. Is he ready to lead his people to victory? Only the winds of Fate will tell...

Tenjyu Star - Nanami
Age - 16
Gender - Female
How to recruit - Nanami is the Hero's adopted sister, and will be with you from the beginning.
A little about the Star - Nanami is the bubbly adopted sister of the Hero. She always seems to be happy and smiling, and is a constant source of encouragement for the Hero. Even though they are not related by blood, Nanami loves her brother very much, and has vowed to protect him from anything. She seems to see Jowy as a brother as well, and would go out of her way to protect him too. She is also somewhat of a tomboy (but don't ever call her that to her face!).

Tenko Star - Viktor
Age - 32
Gender - Male
How to recruit - You meet Viktor early on in the story, and although he plays a major role in the game, he won't join your party permantely until a little ways into the game. He wields the powerful Star Dragon Sword - or as the Sword claims, "wacks enemies" with it.. *grin* Viktor is easily one of the strongest fighters that will ever join you, and I'm not just saying that because I like the guy. ^_^
A little about the Star - Viktor is the bear-like man with a weakness for alcohol. He usually comes across as a tough and carefree guy, but inside he has a heart made of gold. He and his weapon, the Star Dragon Sword, fight almost constantly (YES, the sword can talk.. don't ask.) - the only reason they seem to work together is to finish off the vampier Neclord! Viktor has had a personal grudge against the evil bloodsucker for a long time now.. and I'm not going to tell you why right here. Go play Suikoden 1 to find out. ^^ All in all, Viktor is one of my all-time favorite characters, be it from anime, RPGs, or books. I'm quite fond of the guy.. tho' I dunno why... *grin*

Tenan Star - Flik
Age - 27
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Like Viktor, you meet Flik in the very beginning of the game, but he doesn't become a true member of your party until a little later. He is another powerful swordsman as well as magic user - the Lightning Rune he comes equiped with is very strong and will always be a huge help in battles.
A little about the Star - Flik is the blue-eyed swordsman from the Warrior's Village. Often called Blue Lightning (at least in the first game), he is a caring individual who is still on his "Journey to Manhood" by the standards of the Warrior's Village (Tho' personally I think he doesn't want to complete it.. that would mean going back to the boring old town!^^). He really is a sweet guy, and a lot nicer than he would want people to realize, I think. He's another one of my most beloved characters. How can you not love this guy? He's awesome! Cute, too.. ^_^

Tengou Star - Ridley
Age - 39
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Ridley joins your group after the events in Two River. He is a supporting Star (meaning that he doesn't fight in your party).
A little about the Star - Ridley is the leader of the Kobold Army in Two River. He is a very loyal man, always faithful to those he trusts. Ridley is admired and praised by the Kobold soldiers with good reason.

Tenki Star - Shu
Age - 26
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Shu seems to be a lost cause at first, but with perseverance (and a little help from Richmond ^^) he joins your cause soon enough. He is a supporting Star.
A little about the Star - Shu is the strategist of your army. He was a student under Mathiu Silverburg (the strategist from Suikoden 1) but was asked to leave after Mathiu realized that he wasn't as diligent a student as he used to be. He became a very successful merchant, living in the town of Radat. Once he sets his mind to a task, Shu can be a very determined man.

Tenkai Star - Luc
Age - 17
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Luc pops up - literally - after you acquire your castle and joins your army. He is very weak physically, but with his super-powerful Wind Rune he more than makes up for the loss.
A little about the Star - Luc is the apprentice of Lady Leknaat, and a very powerful Wind Mage. He is usually hanging around the Stone Tablets of Destiny in your castle, away from everyone. He has his own agenda and is the type to fly off if he doesn't like the way things are going. However, he will alwyas be around if you really need help. He also seems to have some kind of connection to Sasarai of Harmonia. Luc can be seen as obnoxious and annoying, but I actually like him. ^^

Tenku Star - Humphrey
Age - 35
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Humphrey can be found at the inn at Highway Village. He is with Futch, another Star, and needs your help. If you help him, he will be more than willing to join you.
A little about the Star - Humphrey is the ever-silent swordsman who was also a member of the Liberation Army (from Suikoden 1). He rarely speaks to anyone and is usually at the bar with Viktor (tho' I highly doubt that he drinks nearly as much as Viktor..) and sometimes Flik. All three have been close friends for a long time, and they are perhaps the only people that Humphrey speaks to, besides Futch. As to why Futch is traveling with Humphrey is something that I'm not going to spoil here.. go play Suikoden 1!

Tenyu Star - Hauser
Age - 43
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Hauser joins you automatically after the events in Tinto city. He is a swordsman.
A little about the Star - Hauser is the general of the Muse army. He is well-liked and trusted by his troops. Whenever Jess does something rash (which is quite often.. -_-;) he is always the one who tries to fix the problems caused. He thinks things through and is a very level-headed man.

Tenmou Star - Kiba
Age - 37
Gender - Male
How to recruit - When you capture Kiba after a certian battle, spare his life. In return, he will join you.
A little about the Star - Kiba was one of the generals under King Agares Blight. He was always faithful to his king, and only his king. After certian events which put Luca Blight in charge, Kiba was willing to fight for the Hero's side. He is a very devoted man, and he proves his complete faith and trust in the Hero many times.

Teni Star - Pesmerga
Age - Unknown
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Pesmerga can be found in the Cave of the Wind after your castle reaches Level 4. He is a powerful swordsman.
A little about the Star - Pesmerga is the mysterious man dresses all in black. No one really knows much about him, except that he's after his rival Yuber. Perhaps someday the reason will be revealed, but until then it looks like we'll be kept in the dark.

Tenei Star - Sierra
Age - Unknown
Gender - Female
How to recruit - You first meet Sierra at Tigermouth Village, trying to get some sleep at the inn. Soon after, you learn of what she really is, and if you can beat her in battle, she will join you for good.
A little about the Star - Sierra isn't quite what she seems.. although if you're observant, you can probably figure out her little secret before she reveals her true identity. (I did, anyway. ^^) Sierra is also after Neclord, although for a different reason, and joins you to help kill him. She is usually floating around the graveyard of the castle by herself, but she doesn't seem to mind a few human visitors every once in awhile.. even if they're trying to get her to try alcohol*coughViktorCough*. She also has taken a liking to Klaus.. hehe.. poor innocent boy. ^^

Tenki Star - Teresa
Age - 27
Gender - Female
How to recruit - Teresa is a reluctant recruit at first, but she soon decides to join the Hero and fight fot his cause.
A little about the Star - Teresa is the mayor of Greenhill City. She cares for the people of Greenhill greatly, and would do anything for them. Her people are very dedicated to her, as well. Teresa is a very smart woman and is always a help when it comes to what the Hero should do next. There seems to be unspoken feelings between her and Shin, her bodyguard..

Tenfu Star - Nina
Age - 16
Gender - Female
How to recruit - Nina will tag along with Fitcher and Shin after the events in Greenhill. She happily joins your army, if only because Flik is there...
A little about the Star - Nina is an exuberant student from Greenhill. After Flik "rescued" her, she developed a major crush on him, and has been following the poor guy around ever since.

Tenman Star - Feather
Age - 23
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Feather can be found in the Forest Village. To get him to join you, you must use one of the Listening Crystals given to you by Badeaux. He will join you along with Ayda.
A little about the Star - Feather is a gryphon, and a powerful one at that. Since he's so big, he takes up two spaces in your party.

Tensyo Star - Tomo
Age - 14
Gender - Female
How to recruit - Tomo can be found to Tsai's house. When he tells you that he wants to return home to check on his spears, take him with you. Tomo will be there waiting for him, and she'll join if you let her.
A little about the Star - Tomo is Tsai's daughter. She joins the Hero so that she can convince her father to return home to see his wife - apparently, the two aren't on the best of terms right now. She doesn't give up, either - she is constantly reminding him how much she wants Tsai to come home with her.

Tenritsu Star - Fitcher
Age - 32
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Fitcher will show up at your castle at a certian point in the game and ask for help. He will then join your army.
A little about the Star - Fitcher was one of Lady Annabelle's assistants. He is a very shrewd and intelligent man, and a great help to the Hero. Fitcher also seems to have connections, but they often backfire *CoughGreenhillCough*. The results are a ton of fun to watch, also! ^^ Fitcher is one awesome guy - do you know of anyone else who can sleep with his eyes open? *grin*

Tensyo Star - Clive
Age - 27
Gender - Male
How to recruit - You will meet Clive in South Window, lurking in the shadows as always. He won't join you until you have a boat of your own and can take him to Lakewest Town.
A little about the Star - Clive is the black-cloaked man with a mysterious past. He has been chasing after Elza for a long time, as his search for her was even mentioned in Suikoden 1. He is the only person in the Suikoden world to wield a gun(to my knowledge, that is). Clive can often be found brooding about something, probably about how to catch Elza.

Tenyu Star - Tsai
Age - 37
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Tsai is one of the first people to join the Hero, and he stays with you for the entire game.
A little about the Star - Creater of the Fire Spears, Tsai went into hiding to keep their development plans a secret. After the Hero asks him for his help, however, he reconsiders his previous objections and decides to join for good. Tsai's Fire Spears are extremely useful in battle, dealing more damage than anything else if used properly.

Tenku Star - Jess
Age - 24
Gender - Male
How to recruit - Jess will join you after the events in Tinto City. He is a supporting Star.
A little about the Star - Jess became the mayor of Muse City after Lady Annabelle.. well.. left. He is impulsive and rarely thinks things through before he acts. Jess never had much trust for the Hero and those who travel with him, and it will take a lot of convincing to make him trust you. However, in time he does see that the Hero is truly fighting for peace and he willingly joins the cause.

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