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Character Bios 3

Edition No.3! Don't get tired yet, there's loads more to go!


Cyan was the best Knight in Doma and a loyal husband and father. That is, until Kefka poisoned the water system in Doma, killing his king and his family and ruining his life. Doma was a kingdom who already opposed the Empire, so Cyan went nuts for revenge for a while, having no prior convictions about fighting the Empire. And fight he can! Cyan is a skilled swordsman, with awesome strength as well as skill. He may seem a bit old-fashioned (which he is) but only an idiot would consider passing him up. Unfortunately Cyan and Celes don't get along very well at first. Cyan pretty much puts her in the same boat as the rest of the Empire's General's, former or no, and Celes has her own problems. But overtime they become able to stand each other, and even exchange a friendly word or two. Not that cyan isn't suffering from severe depression at the loss of his family. Cyan has the amazing 'SwordTech' ability. There's a metre which appears on the screen, and he performs different mind-boggling attacks depending on how full that metre is when you hit X.


Sabin and Cyan encounter this unique kid on the Veldt. Raised by wild animals after being abandoned by his insane father, he is a simple person, who joins your party once you give him some dried meat. He does not have a very complicated reason for fighting the Empire. He simply knows that they are bad, his friends are good, and he will do what he can when he can to help. In fact, at some point a particularly shiny object of his helps you be on your way to Narche. Gau really 'Leap's into action. What happens is this; when you're on the Veldt, select Leap, then select a baddie and click X. Gau will pounce on him, and the battle will end. But Gau will not be in your party. He will appear randomly at the end of a battle on the Veldt and re-join you, having learned a new 'Rage' ability.


No doubt about it, this talking, dancing, fiesty little moogle is an awesome ally to have. But mog is an optional character. To aquire him, you must at some point mid-way through the game chase a thief through Narche. The theif will take Mog hostage, but this human-loving little guy puts up one heck of a fight, and winds up dangling off the side of a cliff! Go help him right away, or he'll fall. But once you help him, he joins your party, and boy can this fella be one valuable asset! Mog can 'Dance' around any enemy. Just take Mog to different types of places, fight with him, and he'll learn area-specific dances! However, once he starts dancing, you can't control him.