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Bardock | Lageta | Turles | Vegeta | Chibi Trunks | Mercury | Teen Gohan | Shockblaster | Natas | Tonya | Necro | Ace | Link_jr | Ditto | Gogitta | Tatsumaru | Gosix | Rikimaru Shiunsi | Phoenix | Luna | Marine-o | Tatsuo | Ryoko | Hyper Vegeta | Jasmine Evalynn Tareth-na | Majin Kabito | Odin | Talous | Gohan | Dominator





DESPIRATION ATTACK - Saiyan Spirit Bomb - 14 823 019 - Bardock raises his arms and hands like he is going to power up a Spirit Bomb. Instead of calling upon the power of every living form, Bardock calls upon the power of all the dead Saiyan. The Spirit Bomb quickly gets bigger and stronger until Bardock thinks it has sufficient power. Bardock then releases the Spirit Bomb. Its power is so immense that it causes thunderstorms and earthquakes as it crashes into Bardocks opponent.

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ICQ - 125118272
AOL AIM - Steven19862000






DESPIRATION ATTACK - Dragon Fury (Sword Needed) - 14 377 497(SSJ - 16 534 122) (USSJ - 20 128 496) (SSJ2 - 20 128 496) - Lageta pulls out his sword and throws it straight up in the air. As the sword is spinning and flipping through the air Lageta charges up a KameHameHa and fires it at his opponent to distract him. He then grabs his sword before it hits the ground, charges up some energy in the sword and then swipes furiously at his opponent. Just before it looks like he is going to finish his multiple swipes, Lageta stops suddenly and slides his sword back into it's leather sheath. Then in the blink of an eye he runs up and upper-cuts them into the air, pulls out his sword and with two hands on the sword Lageta swipes diagonally upwards from right to left. Lageta then flys back down to the ground to see what damage he has done.

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DESPIRATION ATTACK - Shock Wave Buster - 9 048 726 (SSJ - 10 406 035) (SSJ2 - 12 668 216) {Majin - 13 573 089} (MSSJ - 15 609 052) (MSSJ2 - 19 002 325) - When Turles is beaten badly he puts his hands together to form an "O" almost like Tiens Tri-Beam attack. He then yells out "SHOCK WAVE BUSTER" and then a small shock wave emitting for Turles, knocking Turles' opponent back. This stuns his opponent for 3 turns.

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SSJ Vegeta

SSJ2 Vegeta



  • Normal - 18 044 979 (27 067 469 with KaioShin Sword)
  • Super Saiyan - 18 144 979 (27 217 469 with KaioShin Sword)
  • Ultra Super Saiyan - 18 144 979 (27 217 469 with KaioShin Sword)
  • Super Saiyan 2 - 23 044 979 (33 442 469 with KaioShin Sword)
  • KaoKenx2 – 36 089 958 (54 134 937 with KaioShin Sword)
  • Oozaru - 180 449 790
  • KaoKenx2 & Oozaru - 360 899 580


  • Physical Hit – 180 450 [198 495] (SSJ – 207 518) (USSJ – 252 630) (SSJ2 – 252 630)
  • Critical Hit - (9) 270 675 [297 743] (SSJ – 311 276) (USSJ – 378 945) (SSJ2 – 378 945)
  • KaioShin Sword – 812 025 (SSJ – 933 829) (USSJ – 1 136 835) (SSJ2 - 1 136 835)
  • Blocks (14)
  • Evades (8)
  • Ki Attacks (20)
  • Final Flash - 2 000 000 [2 200 000] (SSJ – 2 300 000) (USSJ - 2 800 000) (SSJ2 - 2 800 000)
  • Gallet Gun - 1 600 000 [1 760 000] (SSJ - 1 840 000) (USSJ – 2 240 000) (SSJ2 – 2 240 000)
  • Oozaru
  • Controlled Oozaru
  • Moon Blast - 4 turns
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Bakuhatsuha – 1 200 000 [1 320 000] (SSJ - 1 38 000) (USSJ - 1 680 000) (SSJ2 - 1 680 000)
  • Kaiho - 1 400 000 [1 540 000] (SSJ - 1 610 000) (USSJ - 1 960 000) (SSJ2 - 1 960 000)
  • Death Disk (1) - 1 500 000 [1 650 000] (SSJ - 1 725 000) (USSJ – 2 100 000) (SSJ2 – 2 100 000)

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Ultimate Final Skill – 18 044 979 [19 849 477] (SSJ – 20 751 726) (USSJ – 25 262 971) (SSJ2 – 25 262 971) - Vegeta's most devastating attack. It is a suicidal attack that uses Vegeta's own Power Level as the source of the energy for the attack. The explosion from the attack is over 10 kilometer wide.

Contact Info
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AOL AIM - RockLegend86


Chibi Trunks


  • Age: 12
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Alignment: Evil (Patient)
  • Race: Human/Saiyan
  • Items: Weighted Clothing I & Capsule Corp Ship II
  • Money: $250
  • Status: Travelling to Namek training under 100x gravity while making a Dragon Radar 14/12
  • Team: The Triad
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars Left: 2
  • Background Story: Chibi Trunks was sent to heaven by Teen Gohan. He wanted revenge and knew he would be helped. Think again, Chibi trained and learned new attacks. After he was tired of training he studied the Earth and heard of the possibilities of being evil he almost became that. But thanks to certain people it didn't happened. After false promises he was sick and tired of being this kid that had nothing to do with the business of the living so he studied those books about evil and slowly turned evil, that's now the Chibi you gotta learn to know ...


  • Normal - 6 667 982
  • Super Saiyan - 6 767 982
  • KaoKenx2 – 13 335 963
  • Oozaru – 53 343 852
  • KaoKenx2 & Oozaru – 106 687 704


  • Physical Hit – 66 680 [73 348] (SSJ – 76 682)
  • Critical Hit - (7) 100 020 [110 022] (SSJ – 115 023)
  • Blocks (10)
  • Evades (7)
  • Ki Attacks (18)
  • KaoKenx2
  • Oozaru
  • Trump Card - 600 000 must have sword [660 000] (SSJ - 690 000)
  • Chou KameHameHa - 660 000 [726 000] (SSJ - 759 000)
  • Fuse
  • Instant Transmission
  • Spirit Bomb – 3 000 000 [3 300 000] (SSJ – 3 450 000)
  • Kame Hame Ha - 300 000 [330 000] (SSJ - 345 000)
  • Telepathy
  • Kamakazi - 1/2 Current Power Level
  • Perfect Kamakazi - Current Power Level

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Double Kick Blast – 3 333 991 [3 667 390] (SSJ – 3 834 090) - The user of this attack kicks the opponent two times so fast it lookes like he is squishe. Then he blasts his stronget beam to finish off.

Contact Info
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AOL AIM - kidbuurpg


SSJ Mercury


  • Age: 16
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: Dragon Radar, Scouter, Ki Blaster, Senzu Bean Bag, 2 Senzu Beans, Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing, Capsule Corp Ship II & Z Sword
  • Money: $66 625
  • Status: Stuck in SSJ. On King Kai's training with King Kai for Spirit Bomb 20/12 and then KaoKenx2 to x10 22/2
  • Team: None
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars Left: 3
  • Background Story: Born of royalty, grandson to the prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta. Since Mercury was a child he was trained by Vegeta and his father Trunks to be a fighting machine. So that when Vegeta and Trunks should die one day he can live up to the honor of the Saiyan race. Mercury has hair like his father Trunks but the color is black like his grandfather Vegeta's hair, and he has dark eyes filled with fury.


  • Normal - 12 360 976 (17 305 366 with Z Sword)
  • Super Saiyan - 12 460 976 (17 445 366 with Z Sword)
  • Ultra Super Saiyan - 12 460 976 (17 445 366 with Z Sword)
  • Super Saiyan 2 - 17 360 976 (24 305 366 with Z Sword)


  • Physical Hit – 132 610 (SSJ – 142 152) (USSJ – 173 054) (SSJ2 – 173 054)
  • Critical Hit - (8) 185 415 (SSJ – 213 227) (USSJ – 259 581) (SSJ2 – 259 581)
  • Z Sword – 503 440 (SSJ – 578 956) (USSJ – 704 816) (SSJ2 – 704 816)
  • Ki Blaster – 265 220
  • Blocks (12)
  • Evades (7)
  • Ki Attacks (16)
  • Final Flash - 1 350 000 (SSJ - 1 552 500) (USSJ - 1 890 000) (SSJ2 - 1 890 000)
  • Solar Flare - 3 turns
  • Masenko - 1 100 000 (SSJ - 1 265 000) (USSJ - 1 540 000) (SSJ2 - 1 540 000)
  • Instant Transmission
  • Dynamite Punches & Kicks - 800 000 (SSJ - 920 000) (USSJ - 1 120 000) (SSJ2 - 1 120 000)
  • Final Masenko - 3 062 500 (SSJ - 3 521 875) (USSJ - 4 287 500) (SSJ2 - 4 287 500)

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Final Fury – 6 180 488 (SSJ – 7 107 561) (USSJ – 8 652 683) (SSJ2 – 8 652 683) - Mercury fires a Ki blast that makes his opponent dodge then uses the Dynamite Punch and Kick Attack to daze his opponent. In a fit of rage Mercury charges his opponent and uppercuts him into the air. While his opponent is in the air still dazed Mercury charges up and fires his Final Flash Attack. Leaving his opponent begging for mercy on the ground or dead.

Contact Info
Email Address - JDAWG2040@AOL.COM


Teen Gohan


  • Age: 17
  • Height: 6'
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan/Human
  • Items: Dragon Radar, Weighted Clothing II upgraded once, 2 Ki Blasters, Senzu Bean Bag, 6 Senzu Beans, Capsule Corp Ship II, KaioShin Sword, Full Saiyan Armour, Tail Protector, 200x Gravity Planet (New Earth), Dojo on New Earth, 2 Henchmen & 2x Gravity Planet (Pee Wee)
  • Money: $8750
  • Status: On New Earth training in the Dojo for more Ki Attacks 9/12
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars Left: 3
  • Background Story: Gohan, son of the legendary Goku, was once afraid but now brave. He is one of the most powerful warriors in the universe, and with the right training, he might be the strongest soon.


  • Normal - 11 653 103 (17 479 655 with KaioShin Sword)
  • KaoKenx2 – 23 306 206 (34 959 309 with KaioShin Sword)
  • Oozaru – 93 224 824
  • KaoKenx2 & Oozaru – 186 449 648


  • Physical Hit – 116 531 [128 184]
  • Critical Hit - (6) 174 797 [192 277]
  • Ki Blaster – 233 062
  • Ki Blaster - 233 062
  • KaioShin Sword – 524 391
  • Blocks (16)
  • Evades (12)
  • Ki Attacks (12)
  • Oozaru
  • KameHameHa - 1 200 000 [1 320 000]
  • Moon Blast - 4 turns
  • Masenko - 1 000 000 [1 100 000]
  • Kaiho - 900 000 [990 000]
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Zanzoken

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Split Form KameHameHa – 5 826 552 [6 409 207] - I split into 4 Gohans surounding my opponent and then all 4 fire a powerful KameHameHa.

Contact Info
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MSN Messenger -
AIM AOL - Gohanssj5rulz
ICQ - 107901395




  • Age: 15
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Human
  • Items: Power Pole, 1 Henchman, Scouter, Weighted Clothing I & a Ki Blaster
  • Money: $7000
  • Status: On Namek training
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: None
  • Spars Left: 3
  • Background Story: Shockblaster can be extremely good, but gets a evil thoughts once in a while. Shock, for short hates to be called "Shockblasted" and will almost kill anyone that brings up that name. When Shock senses a worthy opponent, he can't help but battle to improve his strength. One of Shock's weaknesses is a good love problem. Very strong and will recieve no mercy from any opponent. Shock's famous move is Shockblast, but will not use it unless provoked or very weakened.


  • Normal - 10 991 389
  • Super Human - 11 491 389


  • Physical Hit - 109 914 (SH – 137 393)
  • Critical Hit - (7) 164 871 (SH – 206 089)
  • Power Pole - 109 914 (SH – 137 393)
  • Ki Blaster – 219 828
  • Blocks (10)
  • Evades (6)
  • Ki Attacks (12)
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Barrier - 2 turns
  • Telepathy
  • Electric Blast Attack – 1 000 000 (SH - 1 250 000)
  • Kame Hame Ha - 1 300 000 (SH - 1 625 000)
  • Solar Flare - 2 turns
  • Divine Dragoon - 5 000 000 (SH - 6 250 000)

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Shockblast – 5 495 695 (SH – 6 869 618) - When near certain death, the user puts his hands up in the air and powers up a lightning ball. When it hits the opponent it sends 165,324,732 volts thru their body. The blast pushes the opponent back as it causes major damage.

Contact Info
Email Address -
AOL AIM - Shockblaster1




  • Age: 21
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Alignment: Evil (Terrorist)
  • Race: Human/Saiyan
  • Items: Saiyan Space Pod, Dragon Radar & 7 Earth Dragonballs (Stone)
  • Money: $4750
  • Status: On Earth
  • Team: The Triad (Leader)
  • Job: None
  • Spars Left: 3
  • Background Story: A while after his creation, Natas found his reason of being. He is a simple clone of the Tetran, Natas, with DNA of Trunks accidentally added in him. He was discarded as a failure from Dr. Gero, but was programmed to believe he escaped. Natas' attitude is cold and he keeps to himself. He is very unpredictable and is a leader-type person.


  • Normal - 435 100


  • Physical Hit - 4351
  • Critical Hit - (6) 6527
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Trump Card - 40 000 must have sword
  • Nova Blast - 45 000
  • Finishing Buster - 50 000
  • Dynamite Punches & Kicks - 25 000
  • Destructo Disk - 42 000 and chance of injury
  • Garlic-Ho - 48 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Kalamitees - 217 550 - Natas raises his hands above his head and forms a energy ball. Natas launches the ball at his opponent and it causes major damage and sometimes stuns the opponent for a move. Takes two turns to charge.

Contact Info
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Fighting Tonya


  • Age: 16
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Human
  • Items: None
  • Money: $9125
  • Status: On Earth training
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Tonya is on the Ground Zero team. She has been friends with everyone and had a few fights with Gohan but then they became friends. But when she met Vegeta something clicked. Since then they have been close ... very close. In fact Vegeta is the one that trained her. She once was an android, but because of one fight she was turned Human and loves being Human.


  • Fury Blast - She closes her eyes and glows a bright orange and fires a black and yellow blast at the enemy able to knock the enemy almost unconcious. Takes 2 turns to charge.

  • Martial Arts - Contains kicks and punches, regular beat 'em up move. Used Instantly and doesn't waste Ki Attacks.

  • Beam Saber - Very rarely used. But, a few slashes across the enemys body if deep enough can bleed to death. Takes 1 turn to charge.

  • Pin Blast - A clear blast the pins the enemy down making them helpless for a few minutes. Takes 1 turn to charge.

  • Snake Rope - A green flaming snake that slowly burns people by sqeezing them tighter. Can burn through skin, clothes, etc. Firstly the snake wraps itself around the opponent and than does damage to him/her each turn, until you evade in which the snake disappears. Used instantly.
  • Flaming Thunder - A very Strong Fire Blast. Take 1 turn to charge.
  • Kitrasent - Sharp Metal Shards attack the enemy. Used instantly and doesn't use a Ki Attack.


  • Normal - 4 905 857
  • KaoKenx2 - 9 811 714


  • Physical Hit - 49 059
  • Critical Hit - (6) 73 589
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Fury Blast - 500 000
  • Martial Arts - 350 000
  • Beam Saber - 400 000
  • Pin Blast - 2 turns
  • Snake Rope - 200 000 each turn
  • Flaming Thunder - 400 000
  • Kitrasent - 350 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Power Kick – 4 452 929 - Her Power Kick sends a jolt of energy through her right leg and when it hits her opponent it sends them flying several feet across where ever they were and severally damages them.




  • Age: 5 (Years of activation)
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Android
  • Items: Dragon Radar, 1 Henchman, Supply Room, Saiyan Space Ship, 200x Gravity Planet (Dark Side Hell), Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing upgraded twice, Planetary Defence System for Dark Side Hell, 4 Saiba Men, Ki Crystals, 2 Ki Blasters, 2 Ki Gattling Guns, Ocarina, Sword of the Fallen Devil & 7 Dark Star Dragonballs (Stone)
  • Money: $20 250
  • Status: Killed by Bardock! On King Kai's training with King Kai for Telepathic Control 15/12
  • Team: Ground Zero (Leader)
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 0
  • Background Story: After Dr. Gero was destroyed be his two androids the computer remained working on the prototype Cell, yet unknown was yet another android in the process of being made. Far greater then android 16, 17, and 18, the android Necro was finished a mear few years after Cells destruction. Now as he emerged from his chamber Necro traveled through the lands in search of his destiny. Always taking part in battles and never really finding what Gero had planned for him. Suddenly one day another android as himself appeared and requested a battle, Necro simply destroyed the android no problem, but wondered where it had come from. It was not Gero’s as all his except for Necro were destroyed. So Necro now set out on a mission to discover the mysterious android that had attacked him. Necro is also known to be a dangerous android when he uses his trusted Beam Saber.


  • Normal - 17 543 486 (26 469 578 with Sword of the Fallen Devil)
  • Semi-Android - 17 643 486 (26 629 578 with Sword of the Fallen Devil)


  • Physical Hit – 165 435 (SA – 181 979)
  • Critical Hit - (7) 248 153 (SA – 272 968)
  • Ki Blaster – 330 870
  • Ki Blaster – 330 870
  • Ki Gattling Gun – 413 588
  • Ki Gattling Gun – 413 588
  • Ki Crystals
  • Ocarina - 1 240 765 & 4 turns (SA - 1 364 842)
  • Sword of the Fallen Devil - 744 459 (SA - 818 905)
  • Blocks (18)
  • Evades (11)
  • Ki Attacks (10)
  • Divine Cutter - 1 600 000 (SA - 1 760 000)
  • Trump Card - 1 600 000 (SA - 1 760 000) must have sword
  • Finishing Buster - 1 700 000 (SA - 1 870 000)
  • Electric Blast Attack - 1 400 000 (SA - 1 540 000)
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Zanzoken
  • Split Form
  • Telepathy

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Horizonal Dawn – 8 271 743 (SA – 9 098 917) - Necro uses the power of the sun, the sun shoots rays of light into Necro impowering him with its godly strength. Then once fully charged Necro lets loose of the power through both hands as a beam of pure heat energy slams into the enemy. The blast causes massive damage as well as major burns and causes the skin to peal off the flesh and bone.

Email Address -
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AOL AIM - rpgames2030




  • Age: 19
  • Height: 6'
  • Alignment: Evil (Terrorist)
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: Saiyan Space Pod
  • Money: $4250
  • Status: On Dark Side Hell training for Ultima Blast 9/12
  • Team: The Eternal Gold
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: An unknown Saiyan, who knows nothing about his past (Parents, home planet, or even that he is a Saiyan). He was raised on a mysterious planet and was sent to Earth when his planet was destroyed. He is an angry person who takes it out on anyone and everyone who stands in his way. His goal in life is to become the strongest fighter in the universe.


  • Normal - 648 100
  • KaoKenx2 – 1 296 200
  • Oozaru – 5 184 800
  • KaoKenx2 & Oozaru – 10 369 600


  • Physical Hit - 6481 [7129]
  • Critical Hit - (6) 9722 [10 694]
  • Blocks (16)
  • Evades (10)
  • Ki Attacks (12)
  • Oozaru
  • Nova Blast - 50 000 [55 000]
  • Multi Form
  • Masenko - 60 000 [665 000]
  • Fire Crusher Ball - 50 000 [55 000]
  • Death Ball - 90 000 [99 000]
  • Zanzoken
  • Dodonpa - 60 000 [66 000]
  • Moon Blast - 4 turns
  • Darkness Dimension - 50 000 [55 000]
  • KaoKenx2

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Point of No Return - 324 050 [356 455] - Ace unsheathes his sword, Ace charges Ki energy into his sword, doubling it's power, he raises his sword above his head and flings it forward, out of his landing in the ground, handle up, only the point in the ground, the ki energy is released and completely annialates anything within a 50 mile radius, the sword is destroyed when this attack is used.

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  • Age: 28
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: None
  • Money: $19 000
  • Status: On Mithdert training for Perfect Kamakazi 3/12
  • Team: The Eternal Gold (Leader)
  • Job: Peacekeeper
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: A young Saiyan sent to Namek to destroy the planet. His ship was set of course and he slammed into Earth. Injurying his head he had forgot his mission, then throughout the years he trained not willing to help the Z fighters in there battle to save Earth.


  • Normal - 398 900
  • Oozaru – 3 989 000


  • Physical Hit - 3989 [4388]
  • Critical Hit - (6) 5984 [6582]
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Telepathy
  • Fuse
  • Double KameHameHa - 20 000 each [22 000]
  • Final Flash - 50 000 [50 000]
  • Oozaru
  • Controlled Oozaru
  • Moon Blast - 4 turns
  • Kamakazi - 1/2 of current Power Level

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Seki-ka-tsuba - An attack that turns any one to stone. Stone can only be broken by creator or team members. If the opponent is attacked when in Stone, Attack Power and Power Level goes down 80% and than the stone breaks.

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  • Age: 15
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan/Human
  • Items: Weighted Clothing II
  • Money: $5750
  • Status: On King Kais training for Time Stop 9/12
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: Peacekeeper
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: From an unknown planet that resembles Earth, Ditto comes from a family of five. He is in the middle. He studies the ancient art of Ghost Shadow. Once his training was complete he saught out on an adventure wanting to make a name for himself.


  • Normal - 11 797 272
  • KaoKenx3 – 35 391 816


  • Physical Hit – 117 973
  • Critical Hit - (6) 176 959
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Trump Card - 1 100 000 must have sword
  • Instant Transmission
  • Divine Cutter - 1 100 000 must have sword
  • Masenko - 1 200 000
  • KaoKenx3
  • Finishing Buster - 1 300 000
  • Solar Flare - 2 turns

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Shadow Wave – 5 898 636 - Once beaten badly, his sword has a black glow around it. When he draws it, he begins to swing it as if he was cutting someone, but instead invisible, unblockable waves fly from it constantly cutting his enemy until he is no more.

Email Address -
MSN Messenger -
AOL AIM - Quietstorm60032




  • Age: 28
  • Height: 6'
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: 1 Henchman, KaioShin Sword, Dragon Radar, 4 Saiba Men, 2 Ki Blasters, Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing & Tree of Might Fruit
  • Money: $134 000
  • Status: On Earth working for Capsule Corp
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 0
  • Background Story: Gogitta is the fusion of Vegita and Goku. This is where Goku has the control over the fuse, and he is quite powerful. Something happened in the fusion and now they are stuck together. Gogitta now searches Earth in hopes of finding a way to unfuse.


  • Normal - 16 889 082 (25 333 623 with KaioShin Sword)


  • Physical Hit – 168 891
  • Critical Hit - (6) 234 586
  • Ki Blaster – 312 782
  • Ki Blaster - 312 782
  • KaioShin Sword – 703 758
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Bakuhatsuha - 1 100 000
  • Tri-Beam - 1 500 000
  • Death Ball – 2 000 000
  • Barrier - 3 turns
  • Solar Flare - 3 turns
  • Split Form

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Devistiononal Finger Blast – 3 909 771 - Gogitta holds out a hand with fingers pointed outwards. Then large Ki Blasts of energy fire from them hitting the enemy. Stuns enemy for 2 turns.

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  • Age: 18
  • Height: 6'8"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan (No Tail)
  • Items: Dragon Radar, KaioShin Sword, Saiyan Space Ship & Tree of Might Fruit
  • Money: $1000
  • Status: On Namek training with Goku to learn Instant Transmission Upgraded 11/12 and making Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing 18/12
  • Team: The Triad
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Back, when the Saiyans were fighting the Truffle, a group of Saiyans were gifted with the gift of knowledge. Believing that the waring parties might destroy the planet, they left planet Vegeta and went into space to find a new home. They came upon a planet uninhibited, so they settled there. They elected the leader of the group as their King. A couple of millenea's later, King Akira's wife had a son, they named him Tatsumaru. At the age of 15, I left planet Tenchu and travelled into space and came upon a planet, which I later found out was called Earth. I have been training there ever since.


  • Normal - 12 158 721 (18 238 082 with KaioShin Sword)


  • Physical Hit – 121 587
  • Critical Hit - (6) 182 381
  • KaioShin Sword – 547 142
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Oozaru
  • Masenko - 1 200 000
  • Nova Blast - 1 100 000
  • Death Disk - 1 100 000 and chance of injury
  • Controlled Oozaru
  • Gallet Gun - 1 100 000
  • Instant Transmission

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Gallactic Boom – 3 039 680 – When I get below 1/4 of my health, I curl up into a ball and in my rage I summon all the dead Saiyan spirits to help me. I become the epicenter of a black ball that extends out for 1 km. While I'm inside the black ball, it powers up I gain back 1/4 of my max Power Level. When the ball has finished powering up, I explode the ball out for 10 kms. Anyone within the blast radius of the explosion of the ball will recieve damage.

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  • Age: 22
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: 2 Henchmen, Capsule Corp Ship 2 (200x), Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing upgraded twice, 200x Gravity Planet (New Mars), Planetary Defence System on New Mars & 1 Rejuvenation Tank on New Mars
  • Money: $23 625
  • Status: On Earth
  • Team: Elite Saiyan Generation
  • Job: Guardian of New Mars
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: He was found and adopted by Goten in the moutains around his home.


  • Normal - 1 068 148


  • Physical Hit – 10 681
  • Critical Hit - (6) 16 022
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • KameHameHa - 120 000
  • Nova Blast - 80 000
  • Million Ki Blast - 15 000
  • Fuse
  • Multi-Form
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded
  • Masenko - 90 000
  • Special Beam Cannon - 120 000
  • Destructo Disk - 100 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Saiyan Spirit Cannon – 534 074 - It is used by making a beam like Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. I gather all my enrgey from my tail (if I've lost my tail I gather it from all the dead Saiyans). Than I fire it at my opponent.

Email Address -
AIM AOL - Mistacoke or Mista_coke


Rikimaru Shiunsi


  • Age: ???
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Saiyan/Android
  • Items: Mafuba Bottle, Dragon Radar, Scouter, Power Pole, Tree of Might Fruit (Eaten) & Android Enhancements (Used)
  • Money: $5500
  • Status: On Namek
  • Team: The Triad
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Taken away from Planet Vegeta a long time ago by an advanced race of cybernetic species, I was experimented on and injected with nanoprobes and released into space in a ship in cryostasis for approximately 2 millinea. After a long time, drifting endlessly through the black of space, I landed on a planet which I later found out to be called Earth. I was training alone one day when I sensed a power unlike any other I have felt. I followed the power to find a young alien to whom the nanoprobes refer to as a Namek. The 'Namek' called himself Kami. I befriended this Kami and taught him to survive on this planet. After a long time he became the Guardian of the Earth. After he left I went in to absolute solitude to train until a new threat arised.


  • Normal – 48 414 645
  • KaoKenx2 – 96 829


  • Physical Hit – 484 146
  • Critical Hit - (6) 726 220
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • KaoKenx2
  • Death Disk (1) - 4 800 000 and chance of injury
  • Chou KameHameHa - 4 800 000
  • Double KameHameHa - 2 300 000 each
  • Dodonpa - 5 000 000
  • Barrier - 2 turns
  • Instant Transmission
  • Inner Powers Unlocked
  • Healing
  • Eraser Cannon - 4 500 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Nanoprobe Power Up - After I reach 1/4 of my Power Level I go into a state of extreme enragement. I turn into what looks like a Super Saiyan but I have platinum hair with a purple aura. When this happens my nanoprobes become fully active and power up. All of my Stats double (Blocks, Evades and Ki Attacks). They stay powered up until I either win or lose (live or die) and they also restore 1/4 of my Power Level in the current level that I am in.

Email Address -




  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Saiyan/Android
  • Items: Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing & (Used) Android Implants
  • Money: $3250
  • Status: Killed by Immo'tal! In the Holy Lands training with Goku for Super Saiyan 2 16/12
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: One of the Legendary Saiyans who was said to be deceased, he carries the element of fire when he becomes angry. Saiyans say that every time they perform a Spirit Bomb they feel the presence of an overwhelming source of energy, that is the Saiyan Phoenix!


  • Normal – 23 160 040
  • Super Saiyan - 23 260 040
  • KaoKenx3 - 69 480 120


  • Physical Hit – 231 600 (SSJ – 266 340)
  • Critical Hit - (7) 347 400 (SSJ – 486 360)
  • Blocks (10)
  • Evades (6)
  • Ki Attacks (12)
  • Garlic-Ho - 2 500 000 (SSJ - 2 875 000)
  • Makosen - 2 300 000 (SSJ - 2 645 000)
  • Galactica Donut - 2 turns
  • Dynamite Punches & Kicks – 2 000 000 (SSJ – 2 300 000)
  • Barrier - 2 turns
  • KaoKenx2
  • Fuse

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Hell's Eruption – 11 580 020 (SSJ – 13 317 023) - Phoenix (carrying the element of fire) becomes very angry, so angry the ground begins shaking and fiery large rocks surround the enemy, suddenly they form one large blazing lava boulder and crashes into the enemy.

Email Address -




  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Human
  • Items: KaioShin Sword, Dragon Radar, 2x Gravity Planet (Alpha), 1 Henchman, 4 Saiba Men, 400x Gravity Room on Alpha, Senzu Bean Bag, 10 Senzu Beans, Meditation Room on Alpha, 2 Rejuventaion Tanks, Sun Glasses, Weighted King Kai Reflective Clothing upgraded once, 2 Ki Blasters & 2 Net Grenades
  • Money: $141 250
  • Status: On Earth working for Capsule Corp
  • Team: Ground Zero
  • Job: Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Luna is a lone fighter searching for a fight worth having. Although she is very kind hearted and one day met Necro, although he was an android, she became good freinds with him.


  • Normal - 9 921 999 (14 882 999 with KaioShin Sword)
  • KaoKenx2 – 19 843 998 (29 765 997 with KaioShin Sword)


  • Physical Hit – 99 220
  • Critical Hit - (6) 148 830
  • Ki Blaster – 198 440
  • Ki Blaster - 198 440
  • KaioShin Sword – 446 490
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Barrier - 2 turns
  • Solar Flare - 2 turns
  • Trump Card - 900 000 must have sword
  • Instant Transmission
  • Split Form

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Luna's Kiss - Kisses the opponent, Stuns them for 5 turns.

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  • Age: 9
  • Height: 4'1"
  • Alignment: Good
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: None
  • Money: $4750
  • Status: On Earth training
  • Team: Elite Saiyan Generation (Leader)
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: The little brother of Phoenix. He's always in the shadow of Phoenix and wants to prove to the world that whatever Phoenix can do he can do. Marine-o and Phoenix used to spar but Phoenix would never lose. Ever since Marine-o was young he had the pride of Phoenix and the strength also. With a little help he's hoping he can become a great fighter just like his brother! He finds himself in trouble all of the time.


  • Normal - 2 765 809


  • Physical Hit - 27 658
  • Critical Hit - (6) 41 487
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Final Flash - 350 000
  • KameHameHa - 330 000
  • Big Bang Attack - 250 000
  • Kaiho - 180 000
  • Gallet Gun - 220 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Tsunami – 1 382 905 - Marine-o (carrying the element of water), forgets all of his worries and concentrates on one thing; the ocean. A huge wave builds up above Marine-o and suddenly transforms into a ball. It floats down to Marine-o's hand and he fires the ball causing a KameHameHa like beam at his opponent.

Email Address -




  • Age: 16
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: None
  • Money: $2750
  • Status: On Defrosger training with Hakira Shinsu for Cyonic Boom, Storm Blast & Lightning Genocide 29/12
  • Team: The Triad
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Back when the Saiyans were fighting the Truffles, a group of Saiyans were gifted with the gift of knowledge. Afraid that the two waring party's might destroy the planet, they left planet Vegeta in search of a new home. After travelling through space for months they came upon an uninhibited planet so they stayed there. When they landed, they discovered that the planets gravity was 200x Earth's Gravity. They elected the leader of the group as their new King and he named the planet Tenchu. A couple of thousand years later I was born. I am the second son of King Akira and am the younger brother of Tatsumaru. A year after Tatsumaru left, I left to find him. I followed him to Earth and have been training ever since in secret and also watching out for my older brother.


  • Cyonic Boom - The user summons a blue disk. The disk blows up when it hits the opponent. When the user is Powered Up to max, it is red and does double normal damage. Takes 1 turn to charge and uses 1 Ki Attack.
  • *Storm Blast - The user gathers the energy from the sky and throw this at the opponent it explodes on impact. It is yellow when the user is normal and purple when the user is Powered Up to max. Takes 2 turns to charge and uses 1 Ki Attack.
  • Lightning Genocide - The user gets a purple orcus around him/her and does a combo of punches and kicks. Takes 1 turn to charge and uses no Ki Attacks.


  • Normal - 611 790
  • Kaokenx2 – 1 223 580


  • Physical Hit - 6118
  • Critical Hit - (6) 9177
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • KaoKenx2
  • Masenko - 50 000
  • Solar Flare - 2 turns
  • Moon Blast - 4 turns
  • Nova Blast - 55 000

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Gallactic Blast – 152 948 - When my max power drops below 1/4, I thrust my arms out and summon the spirits of the dead Saiyans of long ago. The spirits form two black balls, one in each hand. I then lower my arms out to the side and start to spin. While I am spinning, a black aura surrounds my body. Inside the aura, I receive back 1/4 of my max power. I then stop spinning and bring my hands forward in front of me. I then combine the two balls into one and throw it at the opponent. When the ball hits I yell out Gallactic blast and the ball explodes and the explosion surrounds the opponent. The opponet receives damage at the moment I yell Gallatic blast. The power from this attack comes from the dead Saiyans and not me. This attack is unevadable and unblockable.

Email Address -




  • Age: 2017 (Physical Age: 17)
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Goddess/Demoness
  • Items: None
  • Money: $1000
  • Status: On Earth
  • Team: None
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Ryoko is a very powerful Eternal Goddess/ Eternal Demoness who had 3 gems of power. She had once tried to rule the universe, by being an evil Space Pirate. She almost destroyed the planet Jurai then fled to the planet earth. Yosho (part of the Royal family of Jurai) was sent to earth to put the evil Space Pirate into an eternal sleep. The only way to get Ryoko into eternal sleep was to take away her 3 gems of power and keep them in the Tenchi Sword for safekeeping. On earth Ryoko and Yosho fought a long but very difficult battle. But in the end, Ryoko lost, and was put to eternal sleep in a cave (the Masaki Shrine).

    This would never have happened if she had the power back then, that she has now. Now she can survive, and fight, without those Gems of Power. Now she has 4 new gems ~*~which she can live without~*~, but they are totally different from the old ones. These new gems contain 4 elements of the earth; Fire, Water, Wind, and Thunder/Lightning. But, there is a downside to these Element Gems. Ryoko can only use one gem per battle. She chooses one of the 4 Element Gems, and uses it. Each Element Gem gives her 4 Abilities/Attacks. Each Ability/Attack it special in its own way. Ryoko is the ONLY person who can become an Eternal Goddess/Eternal Demoness, because her and Washu worked many days, nights, and weeks, perfecting this new Eternal Being, and Ryoko is made up of Mashu, so that NO ONE ELSE can copy her design, not even Katago.

    Note: Ryoko does not use any of the attacks that the Z-fighters do. Her attacks are one of a kind and very powerful. Like any other Goddess/Demoness, Ryoko can breath in space (and under water). She also has Super Humen Strength (part her of design), the ability to pass through any kind of matter (even ki beams), she is stil able to teleport, and the amazing ability to control her physical age! She prefers to take on the physical age of 17.


Element Fire

  • Fire Glare – This is where Eternal Ryoko’s eyes turn red and look like they are just about to burst into flames. Then she stairs at her opponent, and Fire comes flying out of her eyes, hits her opponent ether in the eyes, or anywhere else causing them to lose their sight for 2 turns.
  • Fire Whip – Eternal Ryoko pulls out a Fiery Whip out of nowhere, and slashes her opponent with it 5 times in a row. This stuns them for 2 turns.
  • Inferno - A huge wall of fire scorches the area, and traps the opponent for 2 turns.
  • *Call of Fire – Eternal Ryoko summons all the spirits of fire, and forms them all into one little ball of burning hot fire. Then she fires this at her opponent, and it burns them for 5 turns taking off 1000 pl every turn, and gives it to Eternal Ryoko.

Element Water

  • Aquatic Illusion – This raps the opponent in water confusing them, making them not now where they are, and keeps them like that for 3 turns.
  • Watery eyes – This makes the opponents eyes go all watery like ~*~almost like crying~*~, causing them to lose most of their eyesight. This divides there blocks, evades, and Critical Hits in half, for the rest of the fight.
  • A claw of the arctic – Eternal Ryoko creates razor sharp blades all over her body using the moisture within the air then freezing it. These places are longest on the fist doing additionally 15,000 points of damage when used to hit someone.
  • *Waterfall – A huge waterfall comes out of nowhere, and swallows up her opponents, disabling them from moving, and attacking for 5 turns. Takes off 1000 pl each turn, and gives it to Eternal Ryoko.

Element Wind

  • Windy – The powerful Windy Spirit is summoned, and attacks the opponent doing a large amount of damage.
  • Tempest - The planets winds are summoned up so fierce, it takes away the opponents ability to fly. This guts evades by half, and thanks to the decree within the air, it cuts the sight of her opponent, lowering their blocks in half for the rest of the battle.
  • Wasteland - This moves releases a lot of wind so strong, the energy turns anything it touches, into ice. This damaging the target, as well as taking away half the opponents evades, thanks to their slower movements from recovering from the cold. This move can also turn a planet into a frozen wasteland.
  • *Tornado – A huge Tornado raps around the opponent trapping them in the twisting, swirling wind for 5 turns. Takes off 1000 pl each turn, and gives it to Eternal Ryoko.

Element Thunder/Lightning

  • Cage of light - A shield of thunder is placed around the user. This takes away 5,000 pl from the user at a time while dealing 10,000 points of damage to anyone who touches the shield. It also adds 15,000 points of damage to any attack done such as from a punch.
  • Thunderclap - Charging into her hands, Eternal Ryoko slams them together sending out a shock wave so powerful, and concentrated it brakes the opponents focus. This ruining any attack they were powering up at the time since they can't focus enough to maintain it.
  • Lightning Whip – Eternal Ryoko pulls out a Lightning Whip out of nowhere, and slashes her opponent with it 5 times in a row. This stuns them for 2 turns. This is the same as her Fire Whip, but with Lightning.
  • *Apocalypse - The planets energy is drawn out the natural power within it creating a lightning storm over the entire planet. Ripping the power up from the ground this move can’t be avoided since it comes from all directions. It shocks the opponent with the destructive power of the planet itself. This move gains power the greater the gravity on the planet since it has more energy. It can also rip a planet apart at the very heart.


  • Stage 1 - 7000


  • Physical Hit - 70
  • Critical Hit - (6) 105
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Fire Glare - 2 turns
  • Fire Whip - 2 turns
  • Inferno - 500 & 1 turn
  • Call of Fire - 600
  • Aquatic Illusion - 3 turns
  • Watery eyes
  • A Claw of the Arctic - 500
  • Waterfall - 600
  • Windy - 500
  • Tempest
  • Wasteland
  • Tornado - 600
  • Cage of light - 500 (doubled if hit)
  • Thunderclap - 1 turn
  • Lightning Whip - 600
  • Apocalypse - 800

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Full Power (Doubles all Stats and Power Level) - When Ryoko is in a critical state and no friends of hers are around, Ryoko finally uses her full power. Washu was afraid of Ryoko using her full power because she knew that Ryoko would become so powerful, not even Kagato would have a chance. At full power, Ryoko's eyes turn burning red, the energy surounding her becomes a wall of fire, and she can vaporize everything around just by the power surrounding her! This is very dangerous ... for the opponent that is.

MSN Messenger -

MSN Messenger -


Hyper Vegeta


  • Age: 45
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: None
  • Money: $3000
  • Status: On Earth
  • Team: Elite Saiyan Generation
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Soon after becoming SSJ4 Vegeta (being as incontent as he is) wanted to go further so he went far away to develop his powers. Than one day he transformed again into ... Hyper Vegeta! With a blue aura.


  • Normal - 7000


  • Physical Hit - 70
  • Critical Hit - (6) 105
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Double KameHameHa - 300
  • Gallet Gun - 700
  • Million Ki Blasts - 100
  • Final Flash - 900
  • Instant Transmission Upgraded

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Super-Pissed Vegeta – 3500 – When Vegeta has just had enough he transforms into Ultra-Pissed-Vegeta, pounds his enemy with punches and kicks then with ki blasts then one big ki blast.

Email Address -


Jasmine Evalynn Tareth-na


  • Age: 3117 (Physical Age: 17)
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Human/Demoness/Goddess
  • Items: None
  • Money: $1000
  • Status: On Earth
  • Team: None
  • Job: None
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Jasmine spent the majority of her ~3,000 years of life wandering from realm to realm. In her travels, she developed her powers of sorcery, especially the tantric areas of seduction and enchantment. For most of her life, the other gods did not recognize her as a deity. She knew that one parent was human and part demon, and the other was a god. The origin of either was kept from her. No matter where Jasmine goes, along with her communication devices and tiny gadgets hidden in her jewelry, she also carries with her, the crystal of Everlast. It contains the souls, and or powers that she has stolen in the past, but is also the only thing left from her home land ((The land of Everlast)) that she has. It gives her the powers of lust, darkness, and fate, and grants her the name, "Tareth-na", Demoness Goddess. Strangely enough, it also gives her the powers of Heaven and "Love". She also had a black hell hound named Cerberus, who was beaten and killed by her foster father. For nearly 2,000 years she ruled over The land of Everlast, but her need for adventure turned her astray. Jasmine is deeply loyal to those she loves, and can be vindictive to those who cross her. She is usually cool under pressure ((note: Just don’t mess with her when she’s pissed!!!!!!)) But has a violent temper when her loved ones are in danger. Jasmine is just the girl you would want to hang out with at a party or bar. She’ll have fun anywhere and loves to dance!!!!!!!!A free spirited girl at heart- Jasmine stops herself from falling "inlove" with anyone, and stays as far away as she can from relationships. Sadly enough, she has been known to let her mind govern her heart at times.

Special Attacks

  • Fire Bomb - A defensive maneuver in which Jasmine internally detonates a protective fire sphere six feet around her body. A powerful but draining move. Used instantly.
  • Fire Ball/Tri-Fireball - With just the fireball, Jasmine shoots a ball of fire at her opponent. With the tri-fireball, the fireball splits into three. Useful against multi-opponents. Takes 1 turn to charge.
  • Disconcert - A spell that confuses her opponent's sense of perception for 5 minutes.
  • Catch & Drag - A trick she learned from watching Scorpion. Jasmine uses her whip to grab her opponent by the neck to drag them to her. Used instantly.
  • Lust Transform - Often used to either spy or get close enough to use "Enchant". Jasmine can transform herself into the person, of desire, of her victim. Through the use of phermones, Jasmine's victim is too overcome with desire to question her appearance. Used instantly.
  • Enchant - Once she has gotten her victim relaxed, Jasmine can mind-control her victim. How long she maintains control depends on the other's mental strength. It is difficult for Jasmine to keep this up for long periods of time. Her average time Is about 24 hours. Successfully controls the opponent when he/she is down to Critical Zone (1/4 Power Level). Used instantly.
  • Firesnakes - Two black firesnakes wrap around Jasmine's body and up to her hands. She then sends them to forcefully knock down her opponent. Then they return to her body. Takes 1 turn to charge.
  • Tendril Wrap - Jasmine binds her opponent's arms to their body with tendrils of her dark energy. She then runs over and upper cuts them. Takes 1 turn to charge.
  • Belly Slash - Jasmine leaves a warning cut across her opponent's midsection with her knife. Used instantly.


  • Normal - 7000


  • Physical Hit – 70
  • Critical Hit - (6) 105
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Fire Bomb - 2 turns
  • Fireball/Tri-Fireball - 550
  • Disconcert - 2 turns
  • Catch & Drag - 500
  • Lust Transform
  • Enchant
  • Firesnakes - 600
  • Tendril Wrap - 700
  • Bell Slash - 500 must have sword

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Fire Sweep - 3500 - Sweeping her hand in an arc, from the floor to over her head, Jasmine summons a trailing ball of black fire. Never stopping the motion, she throws the ball at her opponent's chest, knocking them down. Jasmine rarely uses this. She then runs over to her opponent and stabs her opponent in the back. The blade then sucks out a very small amount of his or hers powers, and the opponent becomes weaker.

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Majin Kabito


  • Age: 21
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Alignment: Evil (Terrorist)
  • Race: Saiyan
  • Items: Dragon Radar
  • Money: $5250
  • Status: On King Kai's Planet training with King Kai for Spirit Bomb 11/12
  • Team: The Triad
  • Job: Terrorist
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: Majin Kabito was born on planet Vegeta as a full-blooded saiyan. He grew up to be a powerful warlord. As he grew up, his lust for blood and enjoyment of distruction and suffering grew from tiny civilazations to giant planets. He traveled from planet to planet destroying civilazations for fun. One day, he went to planet Tuffles, a planet ruled by a demon lord, Babi. Kabito wiped out all of the inhabitance and enraged Babi so much, that Babi chalanged Kabito to the death. Kabito toyed with Babi because he was so much weaker then Kabito. Babi made one final attempt to destroy Kabito, by trying to take over his body. Babi entered Kabito's body. Unfortunatly for Babi, Kabito's body was too powerful and Babi died instantly. His remains transformed Kabito into Majin Kabito. A few years later, Majin Kabito came to earth and challenged the Z soldiers. They gave it everything they had (Goku and Vegeta even had to fuse into Gogeta and after being split the had to go to Vegitto) but lost. Before Majin Kabito could dilever the final blow, Majin Immo'tal appeared and introduced himself. He beat Majin Kabito and left him there to die. Feeling sorry for him and convinced that he would turn good, Goku healed him with a senzu bean. Majin Kabito was still evil and left earth. His two goals in life are to destroy both the universe and Majin Immo'tal.


  • Normal – 10 000


  • Physical Hit - 100
  • Critical Hit - (6) 150
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Death Ball - 1500
  • Electric Blast Attack - 800
  • Big Bang Attack - 1000
  • Solar Flare - 2 turns
  • Instant Transmission

DESPIRATION ATTACK - End of the Heavens - 2500 - Majin Kabito creates a deadly fireball and launches it. When it connects, it scorches the opponent with flames of 465 degrees ferinhight and immediatly begins a giant thunderstorm and a huge earthquake. On top of that, volcanos also erupt and cover the planet with smoke and lava. The planet then starts to look like the original Namek before it was destroyed. The opponent then is stunned for 3 turns because of the lightning storm and the earthquakes and the erupting volcanos. The opponent is then burrned with fourth degree burns. If the opponent isn't dead, they are seriously wounded.

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  • Age: 19
  • Height: 6'7"
  • Alignment: Evil (Terrorist)
  • Race: Namek
  • Items: Majin Scepter
  • Money: $44 750
  • Status: On Saiya-jin training in the Gravity Room for Majin Power Up 3/1
  • Team: The Majins
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 2
  • Background Story: Guru, wanting to live on, attempted to produce an egg before (like Picolo Diaomo). But something went wrong, for some reason no good went into his off-spore. So Odin was cast out into to space in a Space Ship and crashed landed on Earth. He wishes for nothing more than to do evil all over the universe.


  • Normal - 12 152 281 (19 443 650 with Majin Scepter)
  • Ultra Namek - 12 652 281 (20 243 650 with Majin Scepter)


  • Physical Hit – 121 523 (UN - 151 904)
  • Critical Hit - (6) 182 285 (UN - 227 856)
  • Majin Scepter – 546 855 (UN - 683 569)
  • Blocks (8)
  • Evades (5)
  • Ki Attacks (8)
  • Mystic Attack - 2 turns
  • Regeneration
  • Kyodaiko - 4 turns
  • Hashuken - 2 turns
  • Special Beam Cannon - 1 300 000 (UN - 1 625 000)
  • Fuse

DESPIRATION ATTACK - Thick Skinned - Odin, enraged that he could lose a battle, grows extremely big, bigger than any normal Namek. This triples his Physical and Critical Hits and also reduces Physical and Critical Hits, made against him, by half.

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  • Age: 16
  • Height: 6'
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Race: Alien
  • Items: Weighted Clothing II, Half Saiyan Armour, Tree of Might Fruit, Dragon Blade, Changling Ship, Ki Blaster, Ocarina & Scouter
  • Money: $65 000
  • Status: On Earth training with Android 16 & 18 for more Ki Attacks 14/12
  • Team: None
  • Job: Part Time Capsule Corp Worker
  • Spars left: 3
  • Background Story: I was born on the planet Sentinal 5 and since I was 4. I've been trained to be a knight for my planet and by age 15 I had become the best fighter/knight on my planet but then there were signs that our sun (a super nova) would explode soon and become a black hole so everybody started to build escape pods and when your pod was completed you left. I finished my pod first got some supplies and left but I was the only one to escape because minutes after my pod cleared my planets atmosphere the sun exploded and I only survived because I was on the other side of the planet but my pod was damaged and when I tried landing on Earth my pod was destroyed. Thus I was stranded and I have been training since to fulfill my families wish and become the strongest fighter in the universe.


  • Normal - 14 000 (21 000 with Dragon Blade)

  • KaoKenx3 - 42 000 (63 000 with Dragon Blade) ATTACKS

    • Physical Hit - 140
    • Critical Hit - (6) 210
    • Ki Blaster
    • Dragon Blade - 770
    • Ocarina - 1050
    • Blocks (8)
    • Evades (5)
    • Ki Attacks (8)
    • Masenko - 1200
    • Regeneration
    • Death Disk - 1300
    • Tri Beam - 1400
    • KaoKenx2
    • Barrier – 2 turns

    DESPIRATION ATTACK - Acid Storm - 3500 - I make a green ball of energy form in my hand, then I throw it up and yell "Acid Storm" and acid starts raining down on everything and I regain 1/4 of my Power Level.

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    • Age: 14
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Alignment: Good
    • Race: Saiyan
    • Items: None
    • Money: $1000
    • Status: On Earth
    • Team: None
    • Job: None
    • Spars left: 3
    • Background Story: Gohan was born on Earth, and when Gohan got kidnapped by Radditz, he unleashed a hidden power within that was enormous. Now Gohan is training to master his devestating power.


    • Normal - 4000


    • Physical Hit - 40
    • Critical Hit - (6) 60
    • Blocks (8)
    • Evades (5)
    • Ki Attacks (8)
    • Masenko - 300
    • Dynamite Punches & Kicks - 250
    • Big Bang Attack - 400
    • Solar Flare - 2 turns

    DESPIRATION ATTACK - Typhoon Crush - 1000 - Gohan raises his hands in the air, and concentrates all his energy into one spot. He then yells Typhoon Crush out and his energy starts twirling around him, and regenerates 1/4 of his Power Level, and then travels to his opponent and traps him in the twirling energy.

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    • Age: 14
    • Height: 11'
    • Alignment: Neutral
    • Race: Saiyan
    • Items: None
    • Money: $1000
    • Status: On Earth training with Trunks for Defence 11/12
    • Team: None
    • Job: None
    • Spars left: 3
    • Background Story: Unknown.


    • Normal - 4000


    • Physical Hit - 40
    • Critical Hit - (6) 60
    • Blocks (8)
    • Evades (5)
    • Ki Attacks (8)
    • Death Disk (2) - 350
    • Electric Blast Attack - 300
    • Flame Shot - 250
    • Solar Flare - 2 turns

    DESPIRATION ATTACK - Domination - 1000 - It restores 1/4 of my Power Level and does massive damage to my enemy.

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