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VirtuaPern's SmithCraft

The SmithCraft Hall is a relatively new craft. It was created because the main hall in Telgar wanted to take advantage of ample resources in the southern continent. The SmithCraft Hall was established so that the craft would work out of Xanadu Hold, but have their workrooms and offices in a separate building. One of the journeyman, Ciaran, jumped at the opportunity to help run the proposed craft. Soon after this he was promoted to teaching master and began work on the Xanadu Crafthall.

The Crafthall was small at first. It consisted of only one large workroom, and some various other needed areas. These areas included a classroom, storage area, and offices. The craft grew slowly, and eventually a project was taken on by a journeyman to create a ceramics workroom off of the main workroom. It took a while to build, but the craft finally had a working area for both glass and clay work to take place in. It was a long time until another area was added on to the craft, a lumber mill, under the hand of Journeyman Gaederon. There was a spurt of growth in the craft at this time and it was decided that they would start building a residential area on to the craft, and first and foremost personal rooms for the journeyman and masters.

Soon after this the craft, which had been craftsecondless for quite sometime filled the position. A senior journeyman by the name of Sillvena took on the role and began assisting the craft. This however did not last for long, for Ciaran stepped down as Craftmaster. Sillvena was to fill the position, which left the craft without a Craftsecond once again.

Once more the population surged, and it was decided that apprentices dorms had become necessary. They were built and now the SmithCraft did not have to rely on Xanadu Hold for rooms, only the Hold dining hall for food and drink. It was still not necessary for a Smithcraft dining hall to be built, but it was apparent that if smith kept on this upward rise they would eventually need to take one on.

Then amidst all the growth, something horrible happened, an iron ore shortage. With iron being one of the most necessary components in the metal making process the smiths had to work for alternatives. Luckily a new vein of ore was found and soon life returned to normal. Once again apprentices and journeyman alike were all bustling, Journeyman Sean even found a new gold mine in the Xanadu area.

The SmithCraft was going well, and then there was some news. Sillvena was pregnant. This posed some very significant problems for the craft, as she was obviously going to need some downtime, and there was no Craftsecond to help cover her slack. Sean took on the role as Craftsecond for several seven days while Sillvena was recuperating. Soon as she was up and running again the knot was returned, leaving the Craftmaster with the full load once again.

The SmithCraft was blossoming into it's own, it still was giving full records to Telgar every few sevendays, but it was quite more accomplished then the small little building it was in the start. There were so many apprentices creating quality products just as practice items, it was become obvious by selling these items they could make a larger profit then by remelting them for a commission. This hatched an idea to create a showroom to display practice items for sale.

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