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I am Skyblade. I am Gold Dragon from the realm Trikin. I was a king in my realm who like many others fought for good.

I was born human and had a mother and father who loved me greatly. I never knew my father for he was a fighter. I found from talking with my mother that my father had died in battle.My mother and I were happy but I was able to tell my mother missed my father. As time went on my mother met and fell in love with a man by the name of Ashen. He and my mother married and he took me under his wing as his own.I grew up learning how to use Magic and learned the fundementals of it as well.

I learned how to use the magic and Ashen gave me a gift. The gift was to be able to turn into a Gold Dragon. I learned and mastered it as well. I was proud of who I had become. As time went on Ashen had a son who hated me his name is Pyre. I was better then him and he knew it. Pyre always plotted against me and I always bested him in every plot. After some time Mother and Ashen had a child that they named Rayne. They loved this child very much and I loved and cared for her as well.

After my sister got older my father sent her and mother away for reason I dont know. I always asked him why but he always avoided the questions that I asked. Ashen and I started to grow apart. We eventually grew apart and I went on my own.

I became king of Triken and rulled it with a firm hand. I married a woman by the name of Brianna. We had a child together who we named Tomas. the whole time I was king my brother Pyre had be plotting against me to take away what I loved most my family. Pyre succeeded in doing just that he kidnapped my son. he told me to leave which I did taking my wife with me. I created a portal not knowing that he also created a portal inside of mine which was meant for my wife. When I came to this new world I was without my wife and my son.

I have been here on this world for some time now and I have met many ppl and have help many as well.I first came in contact with clan DarkClaw I help them and they gave me the position of Advisor. I help the clan as best I could but like any clan that I have ever seen they fell.

After the fall of Clan DarkClaw I joined clan Dragoon the leader cD Lance Dragoon I found out later is my cousin. I to was the Advisor for that clan.I am still apart of the clan Dragoon

As time went on I traveled around Tyran and again found a new clan. The Clan is the House of Venegence. I was made the Lord to the King by VengenceX and his Queen Emerald. I am proud to be apart of this clan because I again have found a family here that I care.

I have been with clan Hv for sometime now and while I have been with them I again began to travel around some when I came to the realm of Mystic there I met a wman by the name of Rayne. Rayne and I became good friends. At the time I met her she was apart of the clan known as the Vidicators. Rayne I found out through the use of a Dragoon Staff that was given to me that she to was a Dragoon like myself. I also found out that Rayne is my long lost sister.Rayne has just recently become her true self and that is of a dragon.

While I have lived on this world I have help many people that I have called friends and I have fought along side those same people. I am happy on this world and I hope to runite with my son Tomas who I miss dealy.