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Dwayne Zretsky

A hockey player who entered the tournament to satisfy a twisted desire for blood.





Battle Arena

Hockey rink. The goals act like turnbuckles and the ice makes some characters slip.

Special Attributes:

Jet-powered, bladed skates offer vicious kick potentialities and hovering


Bladed hockey stick

Special Moves

Shoulder Check

A brutal ram; can be aided by skates.

Flying Elbow

A elbow poke using the skates.

Stick Check:

A smashing attack with the handle of the hockey stick.

Stick Sweep

A vicious, sweeping leg attack.

Puck Smash

A launching of the puck at the enemy.

Puck Throw

A throw of a puck. Not too much damage, but it can distract the enemy and allow Zretsky to get in there.