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~Rules For Shatiza~

~Claiming and Joining a herd~

1. After joining..mares can be claimed by a stallion on their own side..example: Evil stallion may not claim a good mare..

2. No hording..This means stallions may not claim all of the mares or invite all of them to his harem..that's not fair...

3.Mares may not start a herd and must go with the stallion that claims her...

4. If more than one stallion are wanting a certain female..they may battle..or the mare can chase of the one she doesn't like..

~In the Herds~

5. Stallion chooses his lead mare..but other harem femms may challenge the lead for her position..The loser of the fight must wait 2 weeks before re-challenging..and may only do this 2 times..then the lead keeps her position..

6. Rouge stallions may not join a harem..1 stally per herd..

7. Mares may challenge for any position they desire..but remember the challenging rules...

~Stealing Mares~

8. Mares must be with the origional stallion for atleast 4 days before she is legal to steal..

9. After posting..the lead stallion has 2 days to reply to the post..If he does not reply..the mare must stay with that stallion until she is stolen back..or the stallion challenges the other steed..

10. NO ONE can warn the stallion that his mare was stolen..if he is warned..the stealing stallion automatically obtains the mare..

11. All mares are eligible to be stolen..even Reowna..but no fillies..that's evil..

12. Mare may not resist being stolen..she must stay in the other stallion's herd until dismissed..

13. Stallions can only sneak a particular mare 3 times..Example: Rusty can not attempt to sneak Blacky more than three times..he must then leave her alone..but he can try to steal other mares.

~Capturing Horses on Another Side~

14. To capture a mare/ post that you have captured them on his or her tt on the opposite sides..

15. If the unicorn resists capture..there will be a challenge following the meathods of the challenge boards on each side..coin toss or battle...

16. If the captor wins..the captured unicorn must stay in the captive cave of the opposite side untill he/she is recruted by another unicorn who wishes to challenge for them.

17. If the captured unicorn wins..they are set free and can not be re-captured for 4 days..

18. Unicorns in the opposite captive caves may NOT may roam in the main board of that side..but can NOT start a battle..this could result in the death of that character..

19. I, Tori, will judge the outcome of the judgement is final..i will not tolerate defiance and will ban your ip if you give me crap on my decision..

~Challenging On Your Own Side~

20. All of the rules of the challenge are explained in detail on the boards on both sides..Just one must wait 2 weeks before re-challenging if you lose..


21. Stallions may breed with mares whenever they want..

22. Mares are pregnant for one week before the foal is born..

23. It takes a foal 1 month to reach maturity..

24. To have twins you must have my permission..

25. Short and long breeding are both allowed..long breeding must be kept inside the posts..


26. No powerplaying..example: *Black rears up and slams down on rusty's spine..shattering it and insuring the death of the beast* You see? Black controled the other player's actions..making them look weak..don't power's a big offense and it makes the battle upseting for both players..

27. No good playing..this means ignoring the other player's attacks..example: *rusty slams into ebon steed..hearing the satisfying crunch of bones..* *Black laughs at the tiny scratch and rears up..breaking the other stallion's jaw with his hooves* Black is the good player..he ignored the fair attack and powerplayed in his response..there will be few warnings of both of these..then it's gonna be banment..

28. Swearing down to a minimum..why? Cause sometimes everyone has to cuss..but no abusing this rule cause i will ban..this site is for younger children too..

29. Advertising is to be kept on the ooc board..if i see it anywhere else there is gonna be a nasty suprise for you..

30. This site is copy righted..if i see anyone stealing of horses..anything without permission..there's gonna be a big problem..I don't stand for that stuff..

31. Last rule...what i say..goes..don't go against what i have to say..I made the rpg..everyone has to treat everyone else with respect..I credit Jenn and Britt for helping me with the graphics and lay out of the site..and Rae for helping me with the message boards...You guys rock!

Also..any other questions can be emailed to me..have fun yall!!!!!
