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As a child, Tigresss grew up wild in the deep forests not ever knowing or remembering her past or family. She grew to live in harmony and respect Mother Nature in all her forms, but the older she got the more curious she became as to who and what she was. She had seen no others like her as she began to notice that different animals had mates. She longed for one like her...a friend that she could trust.

She set off on a journey not knowing exactly what she was looking for, letting her instincts lead the way. When she did happen upon clans she kept hidden, watching people and creatures as they scurried by with their daily routines. She was able to talk to a few of them after sensing they would cause her no harm. She heard of a place called Black-Rose Realm. So curious, she continued on her quest.

There she met the kind Dragon King. His name was Calven. Knowing instinctively that he would not harm her, she told him of her story. Once finished he said there was one she needed to meet that she may find very interesting. The King led me to where his sister was & introduced me to a woman named Drk_Muse, I was to find out later she was the queen of shadow Knights. She looked at me curiously at first but said nothing. I bowed to her & began my story.

We talked until the early hours of the next telling her my story and Muse saying nothing. When I finished she looked up, slowly smiling as her hard exterior gave way to a softer side. She said, "I thought it was you. You are the other I've heard about. I've just about given up hopes of finding you." I looked at her stangely, not understanding when she then whispered..."I now understand what my herbs were saying, They were showing me you because.. you are my sister." I was in shock when she bagan the story of how we had diffrent fathers, hers had run off and our mother marrying mine. As she told me she looked down & said, "I'm sorry your father was killed when we were both young and mother not being able to keep us both as she would have liked to..." Trailing off, she shook her head and stood, hugging me and telling me that the past did not matter. That I could stay in the realm and make a new life for myself with her, but only if I choose too.

Well as you can see, I agreed. I found part of what I was looking for...a family. Now I am Kings Advisor to the Shadow Knights. The King has taken me under his wing & I am happy with this new life that has just begun...

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