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Your #1 Source for news on RuneScape!

Major Update! Wilderness is finally out! PK and Non-PK has been removed, and once you move into the wilderness, you are automatically made a PK. Inside the wilderness are regenerating sapphires, regenerating Nature Runes, and Runite Ore (Level 85 Mining needed). It is said that Bluerose13x can already make runite daggers!

I didn't have time to update the main page, so I put these pics here! Its Dmonik! Bluerose's boyfried!

NIce Runite wonder where he got it from....

Greater Demons, level 89, drop Runite Large Helmets! He must be a good fighter, or he must have a lotta money to spend...but.....why wear armor in the Miner's Guild???? There are no scorpions to hassle with?

This event will go down in RuneScape History! The Raid of Zamorak!


The Raid of Zamorak occured July 31, 2001. The Monks of Saradomin attacked the Monks of Zamorak. They were a threat to everyone, so the threat had to end. And it did.

As you all well know, Runite Medium Helmets can only be obtained by killing Lesser Demons. Shadowdancer made a Petition against archers stealing kills while fighting Lesser Demons. Help this petition! There should be an option that enables or disables the ability for people to shoot at your enemy.

Ranged Combat <on> <off>

Ya know? So, sign the petiton on the RuneScape message boards! click here to jump to them.

Looks like there are 3 new quests coming out! Manager called them the Key Quests! Look on the home page for the exclusive pics of the keys!

Alchemon Seen! Looks like Alchemon never quit, he's just been away for an extended time! Picture on home page.

Sabre War in Al Kharid! Pictures courtesy of Ran_Ultra


Moderator seen! My best bro, Tristan-Karn was talking to Moderator today! He asked a few questions:

Tristan: When will Runite be available?
Mod: It has been since the game started
Mod: In the future the prices for Runite will be insane. 65k for legs, 200k for 2-handed sword, but believe me, its worth it
Tristan: Can you change people's levels?
Mod: yes, but only by 1. All my other accouts have earned their levels
Tristan: What else can you do as moderator?
Mod: I can get anything for free. The only thing available in Runite is my helmet and 2-handed sword. There will be a dragon quest to get Runite Plate.
Mod: I could get money too, if I needed it
Mod: I like my little toy
(pulls out Runite 2-handed sword)
Tristan: WOAH, sweet
Tristan: could you wear it again? I want a pic
Mod: nah
Tristan: aww....

I will hopefully get a pic from Cop Sabre. He's gonna put the pic on his site. I'll have to ask him for his website so I can put it on the links page.


Yesterday, I was trying to create the Most Crowded Place in RuneScape. It didn't turn out too well, because only a few people showed up. Cop Sabre and Coffee Sabre showed up, but still, it didn't attract too many people. It seems that someone was having a drawing for a free adamantite plate.


It seems that S O B Bspace was out of money! He tried to get on a ship to Karamja, but he had no money on him to go! Here's the pic to prove it!
Funny, eh?

There's a new popular smith in town! Numb22 is now one of the top smithers! He is usually seen in the dwarven mines getting mithril ore and coal and using superheat on it. He trades his mith kites for 12 coals, when he feels like it. After a while, everyone tried getting coals for him, and it got quite confusing for him.

What ever happened to Alchemon? Does he still mine and smith in RuneScape? I haven't seen him on the server status for some time now. Does anyone know where he is?

Shadowdancer's Friend Service......bites. I had tried messaging Shadowdancer in the game asking where he was. He said he was on server 4. I said "sure." He was on the same server I was on. Then he started getting a little irritated with me, so I just stopped talking to him, and logged out. Some friend service he's running...

Patryn seen in Varrock Square trying to get some!

I guess his mom wasn't enough for him!

Paul finally holds a Contest! We all had to find paul and when we did he would give us the following prizes:
1st Place : Mithril Kite
2nd Place : Mithril Square (which I had won)
3rd Place Steel Kite

He would then move to a new location and give out plate legs.
1st prize : Adamantite Legs
2nd prize : Mithril legs
3rd prize : Steel Legs

Here's the pic of PAUL!

Here's where we thought Paul was!

More news coming soon! Stay tuned!

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