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So...RotSim. What is it? Well, RotSim is the Rotating Simulations Forum. Sounds interesting, but what's it mean?

First we'll explain what a simulation is. A Simulation is a more structured form of role playing. Unlike straight role playing where everyone gets together and plays their role, playing in a simulation, or simmming, is not as free form. There is a host, or game master, who guides the game. The host is not in charge of the players, but is in charge of the plot for the game. The host comes up with the plot, presents clues and such to the players and the players then solve the crime, figure out the mystery or whatever the rules of that particular sim are.

RotSim is a rotating sim, which means that instead of having just one game with the same characters, there are currently eight games that run on a rotating basis. You can click on the buttons below to find out what each game is about.

There are two levels of membership in RotSim. The first level is the "Entire Package Level". This means that you play in all eight of the sims and you create one of your own to add to the rotation.

The second level is the "Individual Package Level." This means that you can play in up to three of the games without running your own sim. Of course if you WANT to run your own sim, that's good too!

Each sim has its own character sheets and rules and hosts. Membership information for both levels of play can be found at the bottom of each sim's page.

Go on and slap some buttons and check it out.

RotSim currently runs every Friday night from 10-12 EST. Just a reminder, since it's a rotating forum, if you sign up for one or two games you obviously will not be playing every week.

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