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{ In "Human" Guise }
Approx. 5'5", Hair of auburn, Eyes of pale sea green, lithe yet strong. She seems to be in her late twenties. She travels nowhere without her journal and a well hidden Crystal Dagger that was once her mother's. Around her neck she wears a small emerald pendant, matching her sisters, that keeps them ever watchful of each other. Locked in her oak trunk lies her Fae' armor and broadsword from her time spent in the army of Skye. And at her hip she carries a dagger, given in love from so very long ago. ( In her true Fae' form, she still resembles her human self, only with the added glamour of the Faerie Folk. Able to shift her shape and that of others, she prefers to remain at her human height, only her ears betray her true nature, their delicate points hidden in the waves of her hair. Her irredescent wings are often kept folded neatly across her back -or concealed completely- and out of harms way unless needed.)

Like my sisters, the fair Ceile and Jericha ~ I am a daughter of the Fae', of the Isle of Skye, of our beloved Scottish highlands. My parents Yanoc and Genovefa saw me into this skin in the year 550 AD and I have been here, err since. Crossing the bridge near the famed Castle Dunvegan from time to time. Until now as i find myself wandering the mists and following the shore here in this realm of Tyran's Cove.

Bein the eldest of the three I have stayed my place at my parents side and held our family strong and true. Little time has been left for the true nature of this Fae', stolen moments running wild amidst the old oaks and deep groves of our isle. Tasting the raindrops and gazin at the rainbows that back warmed by the sun on a quiet afternoon lost in my favorite hiding spot (a secret glenn where the river drops into a deep azure pool). How I longed for the freedom Ceile found when she fled our life there. Twas not her first choice to leave us, but I knew she couldna stay. Yet I envied her still as she sought out a life less confined. Jericha as well, so strong and free...what magnificent creatures my sisters grew to be. Yet, stay I did, and bared the brunt of our Family's burden with the Fae' Queen, Gaelwynd. A woman, nay...a Creature I hope to ne'er lay eyes on again.

Twas that ring of freedom I heard that night, not so long ago...when the voice of a sister woke me from my slumber. More than a voice, twas a plea for help to my very soul. I could no more ignore it than stop breath from my body. So, I watched Yanoc, Genovefa and gave memory to their faces as I walked the bridge one last time, hidden by the dark of night and escaping before the sun kissed the horizon. Meeting the great black stallion at the other side. Graced was I that he offered to carry me to Ceile. Havin practiced my human guise, I became as they and rode off in search of my family, letting my heart guide me home to them.

So here I find myself...reunited in the Realm of my sisters. Learning all too well the rules of trust. As thin as newborn wings and just as easily damaged. May the road forward hold better things than the one behind.

And ... as Always... There is More to Come ~

RIONA of the FAE'