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So, This is my site. I tried to make the font color as easy on the eyes as possible, I know how we all hate it when somebody has a really awesome background, yet nobody can read a single damn thing on the page...not that this is a really awesome background or anything *cough*...
...Anyway, this is where I'm gonna be buried online, I guess, only nobody'll be around to do the burying, oh well, anyways, lets move on.


Amnevico Deshayes

Drigon Gerrymadin

Lhando Luin

Davias Silverblood

Dungeons & Dragons Stuff...2E

The Complete Arms and Equipment Guide

The Complete Book Of Dwarves

The Complete Book Of Elves

The Complete Book Of Gnomes & Halflings

The Complete Bard's Handbook

The Complete Druid's Handbook

The Complete Fighter's Handbook

The Complete Gladiator's Handbook

The Complete Ninja's Handbook

The Complete Paladin's Handbook

The Complete Priest's Handbook

The Complete Psionics Handbook

The Complete Shaman's Handbook

The Complete Ranger's Handbook

The Complete Thief's Handbook

The Complete Wizard's Handbook

Dungeon Master's Option: High Level Campaigns

Monstrous Compendium: Al-Qadim

Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance

Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms: Kara-Tur

Player's Option: Skills & Powers

The Tome Of Magic