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Arraken Gamescape and Overview: Origin of Arraken Knighthood

Writings preserved in the great libraries of Berelan and Ergedh, confirm the tales of the fey lords, that the land is not round or flat, as is oft said. It is, instead, a tangle or knot. a twisting, of the four primary elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water, into that which we see and hear about us. The elemental plane of Air lies above, Fire below, Water to the South and Earth to the North. Common people oft deny this, though there are those travellers who agree. If you travel up there is only air, to the south only water, to north a great mass of solid stone and ice reaches in all ways, and if you dig down far enough there is only fire.

When it came to pass that Torechel, of the Allien Kighthood, had slain many of the foul brood of wizard and witch; to be knighted. Then, was he, held as first among the vassals of his king. It was he that challenged Cloretherregge, the Great Drake, sending the dragon hence with many a sortie to the wilds of Nede. After his foe had flown, Torechel turned, leading his host, to lay siege to the halls of Ergedh last of Wizard Kings.

Before, Cloretherregge returned from his fright, the citadel was op’ed, and Ergedh slain with the very tooth-sword of his dread lieutenant. Torechel was then, by the Allien declared Duke of Drake, first beside the King, to stand shoulder to shoulder, with the Earls, and his sovereign.

Carel Eiadawen, daughter of the king, was to him betrothed, and in time, bore him a son, Atol Gunerson I, grandfather to Herigar Gunerson. Coretherregge, yet lived returning to declare himself supreme emperor of the land, spreading his seed from Nede, to drive the Arrakens into their strong stone castles, and citadels, so again did fear rule the land..

For a century more the war raged on. Forces of Coretherregge, her spawn mixed with the beings of Rotwart Swamp, fell upon the knights of Drake bolstered by the Arraken crown. Many fell in the fiery onslaughts that issued under the plume of Coretherregge's flames, widows and orphans, wandered the kingdom, homeless. Devastation and waste flooded the low and high lands.

Thus was it that, Torechel tiring of the bitter conflict, donned his thick Derem fashioned plate, and taking Atol as squire rode to Nede to face the lieutenant of Ergedh, Thangbite burned at his side longing for a taste of blood from its birth spring.

They found the wurm sunning its hide before its mountain throne, and unable to run from the draw of the blade, Lord and dragon, each smote the other.

Atol returned to Ergedh with Thangbite and the tale of his father's death. So came the passing of the wurm, and the dawn of the age, the Fey call, the Time of Three Thousand Wizards. Seredan, lord of Thornbreak, seeing the pain of his nephew’s death, in the eyes of Feorowin, the Chief Justice of Arraken, then, renamed, his brother, Feorowin the Cursed, barer of the doom of man.

It was in this way, that Feorowin lost his right to lordship over Thornbreak and the Fey People, that before this time, had been his, as it had been his brother's, in accord with in the genealogies of his people. Feorown was truly cursed to lose his birth right, his people and ever to see that which he loved wither and die before his immortal eyes.


Cultural Land Areas:

The Kingdom of Arraken

Arraken, is ruled by King Ottar Eiadwin from the fortified Island, the Red Towers of Berelan. Primate Simmon, in the Star Court of Berelan, uses his inquisition, to keep Ottar's people on the path of the One. His bishops have outlawed all practise of Magick by any but the clergy throughout the Kingdom.
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The Lands West (The City State of Threnobal, Thornbreak and the Jarls)

Far to the west across the Doom Mountains lies the Fey land of Thornbreak, the Elven King, Searadan swore fealty to the Throne of Arraken, on the death of the Great Drake Clorrtheregg. His people are diverse both human, dwarf, halfling, and elf. The Town of Thronbrek's, human Lord Morien Wirthwing is overlord of the most prosperous and populous city. North across the wilderlands from here is the City State of the Seat of Threnobal, a great Thaumaturge Lord's City State, and the Jaldoms of the barbarian Kings.

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The Lands East (The Grey Lands, Zymosia and the Great Waste)

To the East, and South, the Master of Waters, Ever Radiant Earl Hasselblad the Protector of the Greylands, rules from an Island citadel, Greymoon Spire. The Greyglow River flows up from here into the wilderness Earldom of their Eastern borders. Beyond, the Earldom lays The Great Waste a land of Sand, fire and a few nomadic peoples. Closer to Arraken and the main Kingdom, is Zymosia ruled since the crusades of Theine, by the Barrack and his family. Barrack Theine. A mighty knight of adventurous spirit, protects the birth place of the Profit of the One, and Arraken's Southern approach .

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The Lands North (Darkmore, Rodenwack and Vale of Mist)

A treacherous route leads from Tratia in the North of the main Kingdom to the barren and desolate land of Darkmore. The Giants of Bogwood's End plague these mountain passes. Here Earl Atoral guards the gates into the Halls of Mist, from the walking dead, with the metal and steal of his vassals. East from here is the Earldom of Roddenwack and his spider guards, a gateway to the strangely peopled land of the Bladewares and their immortal lords.
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The Lands South (Papal States of Arecia, Jungle Lands, and the Under Ocean)

The Islands of Peace, the Papal Islands of Arecia and the Holy Worship of the One, dominate the Southern Sea of Arraken. The Ancient Pope Leopold the 4th, casts an air of tranquillity through his sacred eye of St. David. His Cardinal of Boatyards and the Cardinal of Exploration have proclaimed the word of the One far and wide. For long it was borne beneath and above the lands. They journey, following routes into the sea caves and through the deeps of the Under Ocean. They travel high in vessel and on winged steed. They bring trade and peoples from the Jungles, and word of the distant Empires of the Far continents.
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