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      Organizations and Societies

Rangers of the Gnarley Forest

This "little" group consists of more than two hundred rangers.  They come from all over to protect the vast expanse of the Gnarley Forest.  There is no set order of command except for several Ranger Knights that gather every two to three months to exchange information.  Young rangers are taken in under one of these Knights and trained although rangers of any level may join by finding one one of these Ranger Knights, be interviewed and pass several woodland tests.  

The rangers are a close group and will come to one another's aid as soon as possible.  Even the animals of the Gnarley Forest seem to cooperate with them by dragging wounded rangers to safety or alerting to possible dangers.  Their main goal is to control lumbering in the wood, flush out bandits and protect the people of the Gnarley Forest.

They also must stay close the the forest.  Any extended leave of over six months must be approved by a Ranger Knight and long journeys away without good cause will usually result in the ranger being asked to turn in his/her insignia of oak leaves.

Knights of Holy Shielding

These knights were the backbone of the army of the Shield Lands, but after the war they were left with nothing to defend.  In 587 CY they began a battle that is still ongoing to reclaim the Shield Lands.  Many of the knights are involved in that fight but some are out around Greyhawk, Dyvers, the Duchy of Urnst and Furyondy working as mercenaries and sending their incomes back home to support the war effort.

The Knights of Holy Shielding are paladins and young men hoping to join their ranks usually start as squires.  A paladin must be of at least seventh level and be capable of proclaiming some heroic deed.  They are well respected in their homeland but have become hated and despised by Iuz and his following with whom they battle to reclaim the Shield Lands.

Knights of the Watch

These were the best of the best from the armies of Bissel, Gran March, Geoff and Keoland.  They were there to protect from Baklunish threats from the west.  Once their number was 6,500 but now due to the giant invasion of Geoff  and the attack from Ket into Bissel their number is now only 2,500.  They use traditional warfare techniques that cost them dearly when dealing with the humanoids, giants, and groups from Ket.  

The Knights of the Watch are divided into two groups.  The first is referred to as the Watchers.  They stand on their traditions and see no reason for changing them.  The second is called the Dispatchers.  They tend to split into scouting parties and ambush humanoids in Geoff that shouldn't be there.

They both fight to protect Gran March and Keoland, but while the Knights of the Watch wait for enemies to come, the Knights of Dispatch actively go out and attack them.

Knights of the Order of the Hart

This group of knights was designed to make sure that Furyondy, Veluna and High Folk kept their freedom.  The nobles and lords of these areas kept their own men-at-arms and guards but to gather them together took time and this problem was solved with the Knights of the Order of the Hart who vow to always be battle ready.  They are divided into three branches.

The Knights of Furyondy that hold 170 men to their 200 before the war.  These guys aren't really trusted by Dyvers and Verbobonc even though the Knights are trying to protect their trade.  They feel that the knights would be happy to see them become a part of Furyondy.

The Knights of Veluna number at 120 and used to house nothing but seasoned veterans of seventh level or higher, but have begun accepting war clerics, human paladins of at least fifth level and human and half-elven priests of at least sixth level.

The Knights of the High Forest consists completely of elves and has only 45 members.  They fight in the Vesve forest and also trade, although they aren't merchants they need the money.

The Knights of the Order of the Hart spend their time drilling, protecting the strongholds and are well respected by the people of their nations.  They do have a bit of a rivalry going on between themselves and the Knights of Shielding thinking them foolish for missing Iuz's attack on their country and refusing aid from Furyondy until it was too late.

The Scarlet Brotherhood

This group makes it's home on the Tilvanot Peninsula.  Their one driving goal since it's founding a thousand years ago is to have the Suel recognized as the master race throughout the Flanaess.  Apparently there was a premonition of doom right before the Rain of Colorless Fire descended upon the Suel Empire.  One man named Kevelli Mauk that had founded the Brotherhood three years prior had enough time to gather ten of his students along with their slaves, the Tome of the Scarlet Sign (the Brotherhood's manifesto) and use a now lost artifact called Lendor's Matrix to teleport them all to the western side of Hellfurnaces just before the fall of the Rain of Colorless Fire.

They, over time, eventually made there way down into the Tilvanot Peninsula where they reside.  They believe that by their physical perfection, the early birth of their empire and their mastery of magic that they are the superior race.  They are a people where assassins and thieves are as common place as farmers and merchants on the main land.

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