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09:59 Blogger, stop eating my archive files. It's no fun having to republish them all the time.
posted by prositen.
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09:52 Why do I never remember to actually attach the files when I say I have done so? This phenomena is acutely embarrassing. Brenton, I hope you have recieved the files now, otherwise I don't know what I'll do.

I've ordered Castlevania to GBA from the same company that managed to deliver Final Fantasy Chronicles to me. This time, I know that I'll have to wait until August 31st, since all the sutff I have ordered isn't released until then.

Ugh; I need to go back and fix the spelling in my old posts.
posted by prositen.
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00:21 I had to wait for almost an hour before the servers let us in to the game. I've had more fun waiting to bet let in to the dentist. Well, playing was fun. Or.. err. .watching Magnus play. I'll play some other time.
posted by prositen.
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20:47 I'm impressed with UpUnet-S (site in swedish). I mailed them last Thursday, and they have already set me up to use their "fast internet" (eh.. dunno, T1 connection?). Nice. It pays to live in a students apartment. :)

I don't like the fact that Magnus will be mudding forever, though. Alright, I do have a char at NannyMUD too (her name is Darena, say hi if you see me), but.. eh.. enough is enough. I don't play nearly as much as he does.

A comment from Magnus himself, the one and only: "Eh, what can I say? Nanny is fun. :) There are just so many things to do, monsters to slay, quests to solve, it just goes on and on... If you have a life, and think that you have the time to spare, why don't you try it out yourself? Be warned though, it is highly addictive."

..if you have a life? Eh.. alright. Thanks, Magnus.

I wonder if playing Diablo II online with this old can works at all? It's a darn Compaq, a Pentium 200 with 128 Mb RAM. Yep, you read that right. A Pentium. Not even PII. *sighs* Well, I'll get a new one some day.
posted by prositen.
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15:17 The Liberation Front scares me. I don't see why they are so much better than the guys they so love to hate.. I can understand disliking people. I do. A lot of people. But I do not dedicate a message board to flaming these persons, telling the world how bitchy, stupid and generally repulsive they are. I do not find those persons grades and upload them for the vworld to view, complete with sarcastic comments. I try to let private persons stay private. is a completely different matter, though. An so is my flaming them. *grin*

I found the weirdest page yesterday... "Communist Mario". Take a look. And then explain to me exactly how much spare time you need to come up with such an idea. ;)
posted by prositen.
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22:09 Hey, I've actually recieved a reply from Nothing about how sorry they are for not sending my games or even for not contacting me. Oh no. The only thing the letter contained was a confirmation, that my order had indeed been cancelled. Er. Well, thank's for that, at least. Now I can buy the games somewhere else without worrying that I'd recieve a package the next day.
posted by prositen.
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15:56 Alrightie, perhaps I've solved the problem with Vincybel's nickname not showing up. It appears she hadn't edited her profile to include a nickname.. so no wonder then!

I also believe I have succeeded in installing ReBlogger, so you'll be able to post comments. How about that, eh?
posted by prositen.
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15:02 Busy, busy, busy. Fics'll have to wait, I'm afraid. I'm in Uppsala now, taking care of the newbies. A "Fadder", in case you'd care. Yay. told me last week that Final Fantasy Chronicles would arrive monday or Tuseday this week. It hasn't.

Meanwhile, deserves a slow and painful death.

Brenton, I'll send you the start of the story soon. Okie?
posted by prositen.
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00:12 Angelfire trouble again. My bet, for now, is that they have different settings for including that damn directory name on different FTP-servers. So instead of changing my settings every second time I try to update the blog, I'll just try again and try and try and try again until I get to a server that sports my settings. Suck that, angelfire.
posted by prositen.
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23:48 Back to Uppsala tomorrow. It feels... weird. I've been spending the summer with my mum and my two younger sisters (One is Vincybel, and the other one is the-one-who-isn't-Vincybel, I think I've mentioned her on occasion), and.. I'm going to miss them. I bet mum'll rejoice, though. :) Less food to cook, less dishes to clean, less people stealing the TV when she wants to look at her precious "Days of our lives" (Yes, it's aired in Sweden too *sigh* I wish it wasn't though).

In Uppsala, me and Magnus moved to another apartment right before summer vacation. In fact, it was a few days before we left Uppsala. So we don't have any furniture, not even beds, and all our stuff is in boxes. We won't have much time moving in now either, since we're involved with taking care of the new students at DVP (Datavetenskapligt program, or Computer Science program or whatever). Yay. I just want to stay here and play Diablo 2 and Final Fanasy Tactics all the day.

I'd like to play Final Fantasy 4 and Chrono Trigger too, but Final Fantasy Chronicles won't arrive until next week. Yay. The other games I ordered, I've canceled. If a damn company can't bother mailing their customers telling them why their order will be late, then I won't bother being their customer. Once again: Don't shop anything from Their 24-hours delivery guarantee is just bogus. I hate those guys.

Maybe I'll just order Perfect Dark from instead. They've lowered the price, so it's almost worth it.. Hm. Well.. why not?

Right, right, fic writing. I should say something about that too. After all, this site is supposed to be about fan fiction. Sure, I'm still working on 5 fics. Two of them serious, the others will have to wait for a while, I'm afraid. Brenton, don't worry. I'll put your fic request on the top of my list.

Now I'll just drink two liters of Cola, and maybe I'll feel better about life, universe and everything.
posted by prositen.
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02:04 Now has switched back to using the directory names in the ftp-login.

Bless you. Especially for telling me about it before I had to try five times.
posted by prositen.
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01:59 "ERROR: You are not loged in to FTP Server, unable to send file!"


Then I'll just.. err.. log in, shall I?
posted by prositen.
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01:43 Err. there were really too many links in the last post. I know. Sorry. Don't stop loving me.
posted by prositen.
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01:41 I just did a search on google on my name. I didn't realize that "Anna Holmgren" was such a common name. Anyway, stop stealing my name! When I search on my name, I don't want the first 10 pages of hits to lead to weird people that actually has grammar as their favourite subject, or to Dr Anna Holmgren, psychiatrist. Nope, the first links should be to this page, this page or perhaps this page.. Fan fic sites hosting my fics are also welcome. Okey? Fix this, google.
posted by prositen.
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01:01 Yep, we did manage to get to Stockholm yesterday, me and Vincybel. I expect her to fill the blog with details of exactly what she hated about the trip there and home... and if she won't then I will.

Anyway. I bought a few Erasure records ("Sometimes" and "The Circus"), and "Speak and Spell" by Depeche Mode. Of, and we visited "SF-bokhandeln" (SF-bookstore, or whatever), and I purchased the first episodes of "The Slayers". It was expensive, so a curse on Jonatan L if the series sucks. I also got a tape of Tenchi Muyo. That series is weird. Vincybel bought the first episodes of Sailor Moon S, which we watched as soon as we got home. ^_^. (Oh, and YES, the non-dubbed versions. We're not idiots.)

It was very interesting to finally get to hear the original voices of the Sailor Moon characters. Now, after having heard the Swedish, American and Japanese voices, I have to say that... Sheesh! The American dubbing is the worst crap I've ever heard! Darn idiots.

I'm going to kill my Netscape one day, I swear. It crashes all the time, and when I start the program again, it downloads all the mail I already got once again. Thanks for that. My mailbox is already overflowing with fanfictionnetwriters mail, I don't need to read each mail trice. Especially not when some jerks can't seem to post their mails without it already arriving 15 times. *select all* *delete*

Oh, and the counter thingie I added made me realize that some people actullay do read this blog. That's kinda scary.
posted by prositen.
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21:35 Grrr. Why can't I download Rapture? I WANT to hear Vince Clarke rap. Quick, tell me where to find an uncorrupted version of the file. The bad one can be found at Composition of Sound (, so don't give me the url there.
posted by prositen.
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20:54 I always seem to forget to drink my tea while it's hot. Then I'll have to put it in the micro for a minute, and it doesn't taste nearly as good as normal tea does. I can't just pour it out, though, I'm a cheapskate. You know, those teabags are expensive.

No, I don't always use teabags, it's even odds what I do use. I just don't know what the other kind is called in english. :P

Could anyone point me in the direction of a nice place to buy subtitled anime? I have no clue as to where to look; when I do a search I always end up with pointless fan sites where the site masters writes about "their" bishies as if they were some kind of pets. Stop it! Now!

That goes for gross fan fiction sites too. If I find another page where Sephiroth prances around to follow his "master's" bidding, showing the "guests" around, I'll throw up. Leave the poor characters alone, or just write fics about'em.

Oh. I've finished the tea. Well then, now I won't have to warm it up again.
posted by prositen.
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20:36 Maybe I'll add a counter to this page, to see if anyone reads the blogger. Well, yeah, I want confirmation on those things. :P

I wrote an angry email to yesterday. No answer yet, of course.

Web pages are loading really slowly today. Of course the rest of the swedish population have to connect to the internet at the same time as I do.. Damn you! Let me get all the bandwidth I need!

It seems that I and Vincybel will go to Stockholm tomorrow. Unless she changes her mind again.

I'll put a curse on the popups on this page as soon as I learn how to, I promise you that. The only reason I use angelfire is because it's free, gives me 50 megs and it has FTP access. I'd like it if I had the ability to put up some Perl scripts too, but I guess that'll have to wait until I can gt my own server up and running. As if I could get something like that working. Hah.

Err, I'll just go watch "The Kids in the Hall" now, I think.
posted by prositen.
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22:36 For the moment, the fanfictionnetwriters mailing list s almost boring be to death. Alright, so you don't like bible slash. Fine by me. But you don't have to tell me that, nor why, nor that "God hates homosexuality" or ANYTHING like that. It's all been said a thousand times before, and frankly I don't care about your stupid opinions. Go get yourself a homepage and write it down, or start a web ring or whatever. Just stop telling all us uninterested at the fanfictionnetwriters list. I'm not christian, not religious at all, but after all the commotion about this I'm considering writing a fic with Jesus as some kind of homosexual slut, pimp or drug dealer or whatever. The downside is that I would have to read the bible, which I don't particularly feel like. I did it a couple of years ago, and I laughed through the parts that didn't bore me.

Nope, you don't get the right to flame me even though I said something that blasphemous. I have the right to think whatever I want, and also to express my opinions. So there. :P

I received the videos I ordered a few days ago. Since Vincybel now knows what it is, I can tell you too.. It was "Tiny Tour" with Erasure. Despite the fact that Mr Bell didn't act as extreme as in "The Tank, The Swan and The Balloon" (or whatever) I still liked it. Though on the cover, there was a picture of Andy kissing Vince, and that never appeared in the video. False marketing. Blah.

Vincybel is pissed off again. Not too unsual, as you might've guessed. This time as so often before, our "dear" father is causing it. We had planned to go to Stockholm tomorrow, since they've got far more record stores than Falun does. Vincybel called our esteemed father to ask if he could consider paying her train tickets, which cause some kind outburst. Apparently, we weren't enough specific in our demands. Finally he agreed to pay half the price, but by then Vincybel didn't feel like going anymore. Yay.

I'll just keep listening to "I Say I Say I Say" for a little while longer. Until "Queer as folk" starts, that is.
posted by prositen.
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