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Sometimes random events happen to members. They can be good or bad.
I'll email you with events that happen and post them on this page.
If you don't email me back within a week, then something bad happens with the event.
For example, if you find money, you may drop it into the lake by accident,
or if your horse gets loose, you may not find it.
If you email me back, telling your actions to this event, then it will work out.
This is partly to distinguish non-active from active members.


Missy, Cinnabar got caught in a fence. She has minor scratches on her hind left and front right. Vet Bill comes to $50 if paid immediatly. If paid after Oct.5 it will double to $100 and then that figure will double everyday. If it is not taken care of by Oct.31 cinnabar will be put up for adoption.