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First allow me to thank my very good friend, Micheal Thomas, for creating, and constantly undating the online dice roller, "Puma's Claw". I have been one of his guinea pigs from the very begining. Playtesting the different versions of the dice roller, and in turn, keeping me constantly updated on its newest versions. The majority of my old stomping grounds, the "Vampire Court", and my new stomping grounds, "Necropolis by Night" and "Milwaukee by Night" use, and eagerly share The Claw with all that are willing to use it. Again, thank you Micheal, for taking the time to make us RP addicted freak's lives, just a lil easier.

And now of course, to Erik, otherwise known as the "webGhoul" for the Sabbat Necropolis dot com site. Erik and I have had our differences. But in the end, he has become a pretty good friend of mine. And nothing but an inspiration when it comes to making my lil pet pages, such as these. I ask that you go and check out his site, linked above in the pic. Or check out his new location, when he finally gets it underway.

Then of course, I cant forget Sam. My room mate, and competitor when it comes to webmastering. Do me a favor, and check out his site. Ya gotta give credit where credit is due. Ya know?

I have just been named the Brujah Storyteller on the Milwaukee by Night Site. So those of you that wish to play a Brujah on the site, feel free to email me (link at the bottom of this page), and we will see what we can do about getting you on the site as a good ole fashioned Rabble.
There are plenty others I can give credit to. And I am sure most of them will have plenty of time to hunt me down and make sure I give them thier place on the wall of fame here. But for the most part, all you freaks from Darqness, Necropolis. Its a game people, get over it -grins-
And to my family, especially my lil girl. I love you, and there is no way in hell I would be able to do all this work, and not make a shine for you too.
Here ya go my lil baby, just for you.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this.. later.

the webmistress