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Welcome to Mightor Publications' (tm)
Temporary Site

  • Fan Art Studio (5.18.01)

  •     As you have probably already noticed, I have moved MP to a new site.  Like it said at my old site, I had no other choice.  For now, this site is only going to be temporary.  At this moment, I don't have any of my pages transfered from SimpleNet yet because I haven't gotten around to that yet.  But, the only parts of my old site I will be transferring will be the Fan Art Studio and the Mega Man X4 page.

        Now, for me to get to site business.  As you can see, the site is now extremely simple, that's because I currently don't have the time to make a new site.  That brings me to another point, I'm not transferring all of the old site because I'm changing MP.  It will no longer be the site that you know.  The site will have an entirely new look and content.  That content?  All fan based.  So far, the old site did contain some fan related material, but I'm moving to all fan material, it's much easier than trying to compete with resource sites.

        In the fall, I will be starting school at the Sanvannah College of Art & Design, where I will begin to learn 3D Computer Animation.  So I will start to do more high quality CG images, and I'll be putting my fan art up, and in my free time I'll do some fan fic (this site will kinda be like Axer Industries, but with more fan fiction).

        Well, for the present moment, I'll be staying here at Angelfire with a simple site until spring, when I should have enough money to go to a new unlimited host.  So right now, I am studying HTML 4, Dynamic HTML, Perl, & CGI because I am building a web site for a local business, and I need to know all that.  Hopefully, if I do a good enough job, I'll get paid big bucks, and will be able to upgrade my PC, and start saving for a new host.

        Ever been to Anime Theme?  If you have, then you know how much DHTML that site contains.  Well, once I learn more about DHTML, my site will mostly be made up of it.  But, that's not gonna happen til about late 2001/early 2002, after MP gets a new name, and after I establish myself at the college.

        That's about it for now, if you have any questions regarding the current site, the past site, anything about the future, or are just confused, feel free to e-mail me at

    Greg (Mightor Fox)
    Owner of Mightor Publications (tm)

    Copyright 2000 - 2001
    Mightor Publications (tm)