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Tirnox... City Of Dreams

The story of MEB is a long one. And now as it is almost ten years old, MEB has come into an new era by creating their own town to play in. This is the story of how it all began.

The main storyteller and creator of MEB, which stands for Mistress Emerian’s Brood, has always had a unique knack for telling stories. She was animated as a child and would always tell enormous fantasy tales to her friends about them going on treasure hunts or capturing the ‘bad guy’ in some heroic way on their BMX racers. So, it’s no wonder that as she grew up, although she loved writing these stories down, her real joy was in the telling of them. She would capture all of their attention as she made different voices for each character and acted out particular scenes for them.

It wasn’t until 1993 as she attended college in San Francisco, that she realized that humans as a race need a get away from life and that most of us spend our entire lives dreaming of what we could be ‘if’. It was then that she began to host “Host Your Own Murder” parties. Since the boxed games from the hobby store were always more tamed than what she wished, she would make up her own stories and enlist the help of her friends to play the characters. After the first night when she saw the looks on the players faces as they acted out their parts and felt the accomplishment of everyone having a good time, she knew that she would now be a storyteller for life.

Not long after this, she found out about Vampire: The Masquerade. Of course then, everyone called it Jyhad... after the card game of the same name. She began to read up on these books and found not only did they open a whole new world of storytelling opportunities, but also it was based on her favorite subject, vampires!

The very next weekend she began planning her first LARP with her normal players and they were just as excited as she was. Now every weekend was spent in this fantasy world and most of the week was spent in study. Her group felt as if they must know everything and thirsted for knowledge of the game. Back then, the only books out were The Vampire sourcebook and soon the clan books were published. They totally ate it up. Thus began MEB in it’s first stages. LARP’s became very popular in San Francisco and her Brood grew. After about five years of live storytelling, she and her group began to get older (it happens to us all!) and they began to meet less and less. She did always recruit new ones, but they were never as excited because by then, LARP’s were old news. She still had them and to this day hosts them on the rare occasion enough of her Brood are in town on a weekend.

In 1998, she began the online website thing. She was new to it and thought it a great avenue for her dark ‘zine: Dark Lives. One day while surfing for some link suggestions for one of her publications, she realized that people were playing LARP’S online in chat rooms. Soon after that, she began to play. She had another outlet and she was ecstatic! Thus the MEB website was born and all the old members received calls and emails from her stating that if they hadn’t already, they’d better get their butts online to check it out! The rest, as they say, is history.

The MEB Website
The first website was small and designed with the logo above. It was all black and gray and very goth-like. The music, as it still is today was Edward Scissorhands. Not that this music has anything to do with the game, but it’s a nice “innocent-dark” sound. After MEB grew to over 25 members, the site was redesigned, not only to accommodate more peeps but also to go more with the vampire theme. The logo below was installed and the change from guild to forum was an executive decision made because of the large scale we saw for the future. The colors, red and black and very vampiresque

It was decided just this year to allow other role players into the guild besides vampires. It was something that was talked about within upper government for at least six months. Although it was a risky step to take, we finally gave in and now allow any creature into the forum. The forum, now still based in the town of Tirnox, has been expanded and we have buildt new sections of town to accommodate them. MEB is still the governing guild and will be as far as we can see in the future. Emerian is still the top storyteller and has added to the group Ariel who now assists in the guided quests that are forever ongoing.

Please feel free to look around the site and town and if you have any questions, to contact us at: Mistress Emerian. Please title the email “TIRNOX”.

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