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Sucks to be you. Get some Java, and see this. :p

Since the start of this war...The start of this new way of life, it has been nearly 30 years.

The start of the war has not been forgotten in the memories of those who experienced it, but has been by the way of runes and tomes. At the New Era, the reign of Lord Thrainenlith that is, he ordered all libraries to be burned. Few remember the beginning though, such as I; at least some of it.

I remember a great dark king rose: Lord Gnarthax, a figure though to have been made up to frighten little children, but he turned out to frighten the whole world. He managed to get his hands on a puny servant named Reseru. This was Gnarthax's greatest general in the war and his first duty was to destroy the Council of Light, making the first move into war. He wiped out nearly half of the Council, and the armies of Men, Elf, Dwarf and Birdman united against the Orcs, Dark Elves and other mindless minions.

It was a cliche tale of good versus evil and many heroes rose. Azalare, Damien, Ruka, Ashira are of some to name. I remember the very center of the Eastland being torn apart in a flurry of battles. No longer is Man the heart of trade for their greatest city is no more. The Elven forests north of them, scorched; and the Dwarven mines to the south, collapsed. Fortunately the Westlands were unwounded but that was because Lord Gnarthax's armies occupied most of it, except for in the Eepscan Peninsula.

When Gnarthax's forces threathened the Eepscans, a blinding light lit the skies and the beings since the beginning of time joined the war and the war would nearly have been won if Reseru didn't persuade the Birdmen to join his cause. And when the war seemed impossible for any side to win, there was a long peace. Allowing new evils to awaken...

Finally the peace was broken by the formation of a new organization, the Council of Allied Races. They noted that Reseru had broken free of Lord Gnarthax's influence and lived in a citadel with his Birdmen and their Goblin slaves. And it seemed that Lord Gnarthax had grown tired of his general and had stripped Reseru of his powers. And also something else happened, the legendary figure known as Archie, who was supposed to be the 'One' to defeat Gnarthax arrived, but had strangely...Failed to.

Reseru also opened a new opening for hope to the War's end: a city to where neutral feelings were legal. Men retreated from the War and declared neutrality. And it was revealed that Lord Gnarthax's new general would be his daughter, Sariella. Fortunately she was kidnapped and brought to the City of Neutrality. And Lord Thrainenlith was exposed.

Thrainenlith won the hearts of the Dark Elves and summoned an otherwordly force into Red Rain: the Undead. This new threat was bewildering and it seemed as if Light had no hope at all. Even Gnarthax was powerless, Dragons seemed to have torn down his great Fortress on the Dragon Isles.

The Birdmen are wiped out and the Elves left the War to battle each other in their own war, just to annihilate each other from existence. Kalaban, God of Light, has allowed the Eepscans to return to the Planar world. Now stood Thrainenlith, Underking of Red Rain Raus, over the shrunken powers of Gnarthax and the barely thriving Council of Allied Races.

Nearly 30 years into the War, new forces have joined. The Silsarism have emerged from their secretive jungles to take back their Holy Lands from the Humans and Shadows sail from the frozen Northlands.

But I, have taken a breather. I have returned to the underwater realm of Oceanis to return to the Beings which have plagued my dreams for the past 5 years, ever since I first met them. They have congratulated on Sariella's and my child and, more importantly, told me of a prophecy they recently deciphered. One of that Archie's reincarnate has been recently born, and that the War might soon be over.

But if you excuse me now, I have to tend to my child...

-Reseru, the Suncrafter

As usual, I stand in the far corner, watching the ruckus and idiocy of my men as they dine. But I never take part in the mindless fray. I stand, and watch, ever omnipotent about everything they say. I must know their strengths, weaknesses, and anything that could possibly affect them in battle; I cannot have imperfection in my men for the upcoming campaign...

I stare out a nearby window, as a cold draft from outside invites me. Below me, on the western side of the stronghold, are the working quarters. The ground is littered with captured slaves and taskmasters. Orcs, mostly, taken from Gnarthax’s army for their strength in labor. But they’re joined by an Eepscan here and there, the sparse and scattered Dark Elf, and a small population of Men. There are even a couple of Trolls and Goblins, who have taken to working with each other. They are most probably joined by a common ugliness.

It’s interesting to me to watch the social changes in the races as they remain captive, slowly losing their own free will and becoming our mindless workforce. The Men and the Eepscans have become good partners, while the Dark Elves stay on their own. The Orcs can only converse with each other and their lack of intelligence renders that vast syntax of vocabulary to incoherent moans of discontent. The Orcs and the Dark Elves have been the only socially static races, now that I think about it; and they are the only groups we captured from the side of evil. Yes, I suppose when we devote ourselves to a cause of chaos, though we fight as a team, we suffer alone, in a morbid and unwavering independence. I spit out of the window, my saliva nothing more than poisonous acid, and chuckle as a faint scream of horror arises from the work ground below. Damn those Dark Elves: you’re only down there because you felt like trying to join with Gnarthax instead of staying with the cause that had the ability to win. Now look where it’s gotten you. I hope you unfaithfulness eats away at you in the same manner as the burning acid which now coats your face.

I leave tomorrow, taking to factions with me on a long journey to the southern part of these lands. Worry has been brewing in the Great One’s mind. As always, I respect him for his tactful planning and caution.

In all of our victory across this land, from destroying the race of Elves and the Great One’s moronic brother, Lossenlith, to now having complete reign over this world, Gnarthax was always there. Gnarthax of the Demonic world: he always amused me. He attacked Red Rain and was seen to be the greatest evil to ever be conceived. Then the Great One wiped out his cause with less effort than his removal the sole race of Elves. Gnarthax was all a myth, it seemed. His minions were lacked in skill, and he reflected such. But through all of his defeats…somehow that laggard had survived. Somehow he had continued to cling on to power and Lordship here and there. Somehow he had kept operating under our noses, making puny little guerrilla attacks on our outposts and convoy routs coming from the ports on the Western shores. But ever since the Great One took full control of the Red Rain Archipelago, there has been no sign of him. The Great One now wonders if he has fled, died, or is in hiding. I am to lead a conquest, going in a large circle, with specific targets across the southern flank of the Western Continent and a more general spread search across the Eastern Continent and then back to the mountains. Should I find him, kill him; his corpse, bring it; no sign whatsoever, find one. There are talks of other realms, parallel and jointed somehow to this one. I don’t know if I believe it, but the Great One never forsakes an option unless it has, through fact or disapprobation, forsaken itself. The worry is that if no sign is found of Gnarthax, he may have escaped into one of these new realms. But we will stop at nothing to ensure that in the Main Hall of our fortress, Gnarthax’s cold, decaying body can be viewed by our warriors, and soon, our children. It is important to the Great One to ensure that our children know the deeds with we have executed. For you never know when children might be the next turner of the tables of war...

-Azalare, the Undead Devotee of Massacre

Remember, if you want to find any old updates, go to the Past Updates page and read them! I recommend starting with the May Update, the first update of the RPG. Please take note, this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 5+ at 1024x768 resolution with a high-speed connection.