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The Alignments

Good: Principled and Scrupulous
Selfish: Unprincipled and Anarchist
Evil:Miscreant, Aberrant, and Diabolic



Because a character is of good alignment, it does not make him/her a saint. Good characters can be just as irritating, obnoxious, and arrogant; even prejudiced and full of quirks. However life and freedom are of the highest priority. Such a person can always be trusted in a life or death situation.

Principled (good)

Principled characters are generally, the strong, moral character.

Principled character will . . .

1. Always keep his word.
2. Avoid lies.
3. Never kill or attack an innocent.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Never torture for any reason.
6. Never kill for pleasure.
7. Always help others.
8. Work well in a group.
9. Respect Authority, law, self-discipline and honor.
10. Never betrays a friend.
11. Never break the law unless conditions are desperate. This means no breaking and entry, theft, torture, unprovoked assault, ect.


Scrupulous characters value life and freedom above all else, and despise those who would derive others of them. This type of hero is typically portrayed in many Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson films; the person who is forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of the people. They are not vicious or vindictive men, but are men driven to riht injustice. I must point out that these characters will always attempt to work with or within the law whenever possible.

Scrupulous Characters will . . .

1. Keep his word to any other good person.
2. Lie only to people of selfish or evil alignment.
3. Never attack or kill an unarmed foe.
4. Never harm an innocent.
5. Never torture for pleasure, but may use muscle to extract information from criminals or evil characters.
6. Never kill for pleasure; will always attempt to bring the villian to justice alive no matter how vile he may be.
7. Always help others.
8. Attempt to work within the law whenever possible.
9. Bend and, occasionally, break the law when deemed neccesary. This means they may use strong-arm techniques, hurass, break and enter, theft, and so on.
10. Distrust authority.
11. Work wiht groups, but dislike confining laws and bureuacracy (red tape).
12. Never betrays a friend.

SELFISH ALIGNMENTS (But Not Neccessarily Evil)

Unprincipled (Selfish)

This, basically, good person tends to be selfish, greedy, and holds his/her personal freedom and welfare above almost everything else. He/she dislikes confining laws, self-discipline and distrusts authority. This is the Han Solo, Star Wars, character. The guy who is always looking for the best deal, associates with good and evil characters, is continually tempted to lie and cheat, and hates himself for being loyal and helping others.

Unprincipled Characters Will . . .

1. Have a high regard for life and freedom.
2. Keep his word of honor.
3. Lie and cheat if necessary (especially to those of anarchist and evil alignments).
4. Will not kill an unarmed foe (but will take advantage of one.)
5. Help those in need.
6. Not use torture unless absolutely necessary.
7. Work with a group, especially if profitable.
8. Never harm and innocent.
9. Never kill for pleasure.
10. Dislike authority.
11. Never betray a friend.

Anarchist (Selfish)

This type of character likes to indulge himself in everything. He is the insurgent, con-man, gambler and high roller; the uncommitted freebooter seeking nothing more than self-gradification. This character will, at least, consider doing anything if the price is right. These people are intrigued by power, glory and wealth. Life has meaning, but his has the greatest meaning. Laws and rules infringe on personal freedom and were meant to be broken. An anarchist aligned person is always looking for the best deal, and will work with good, selfish or evil to get it; as long as he comes out of the situation on top. The anarchist is continually teetering between good and evil, rebelling, and bending the law to fit his needs.

Anarchist Character Will . . .

1. May keep his word
2. Lie and cheat if he feels it necessary
3. Not likely to kill and unarmed foe, but certainly knockout, attack, or beat up an unarmed foe.
4. Never kill an innocent (but may harm or kidnap)
5. Not likely to help someone without some ulterior motive (even if it's only to show-off)
6. Seldom kill for pleasure
7. Use torture to extract information (not likely to torture for pleasure)
8. Does not work well in a group (this is the cocky, loudmouth who is likely to do as he damn well pleases)
9. Have little respect for self-discipline or authority
10. May betray a friend



Miscreant (Evil)

This self-serving, unscrupulous character is out only for himself. Power, glory, wealth, position, and anything that will make his life more comfortable is his goal. It matters not who gets caught in the middle, as long as he comes out smelling like a rose. This person will lie, cheat and kill anyone to attain his personal goals.

Miscreant Characters Will . . .

1. Not necessarily keep his word to anyone
2. Lie and cheat anyone; good or evil
3. Most definately attack an unarmed foe (those are the best kind)
4. Use or harm an innocent
5. Use torture for extracting information and pleasure
6. May kill for sheer pleasure
7. Feels no compulsion to help without some sort of tangible reward
8. Work with others if it will help him attain his personal goal.
9. Kill and unarmed foe as readily as he would a potential threat or competitor
10. Has no deference to laws or authority, but will work within the law if he must
11. Will betray a friend if it serves his needs

Aberrant (Evil)

The cliche that there is "No honor among thieves." is false when dealing with the aberrant character. This is a person who is driven to attain his goals through force, power, and intimidation. Yet the aberrant person stands apart from the norm, with his own, personal code of ethics (although twisted ethics by the standards of good). He expects loyalty from his minions, punishing disloyalty and treachery with a swift, merciful death. An aberrant person will always keep his word of honor and uphold any bargains. He will define his terms and live by them, whether anyone else likes it or not.

Aberrant Characters will . . .

1. Always keep his word of honor (he is honorable).
2. Lie to and cheat those not worthy of his respect.
3. May or may not kill an unarmed foe.
4. Not kill (may harm, kidnap) an innocent, particularly a child.
5. Never kills for pleasure.
6. Not resort to inhumane treatment of prisoners, but torture, although distasteful, is a necessary means of extracting information.
7. Never torture for pleasure.
8. May or may not help someone in need.
9. Work with others to attain his goal.
10. Respect honor and self-discipline.
11. Never betray a friend.

Diabolic (Evil)

This is the category where the megalomaniacs, violent, and most despicable characters fall. This is the cruel, brutal killer who trusts no one and has no value for anyone or anything that gets in his way. Aberrant aligned characters find these dishonorable people just as revolting as a good aligned character.

Diabolic Characters Will . . .

1. Rarely keep his word (and has no honor).
2. Lie to and cheat anyone.
3. Most certainly attack and kill an unarmed foe.
4. Use, hurt and kill an innocent without a second thought or for pleasure.
5. Kill for sheer pleasure.
6. Use torture for pleasure or information.
7. Likely to help someone only to kill or rob him.
8. Not work well within a group (consistently disregarding orders to do as he pleases).
9. Despise honor, authority, and self-discipline.
10. Associate mostly, with other evil alignments.
11. Betray friends (after all, you can always find friends).