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The silhouette of the figure was shrouded within the silver light of the moon on that crisp harvest night of October. It had been several years of grueling pain and suffering before she finally looked upon the familiar land known to her as Rhydin. Her midnight black hair swayed in the gentle breeze, as she turned her head slightly to look upon the muse of Heaven's sky. Her face was like that of an angel, her skin as fair as the silver light itself. Her eyes shone a beautiful golden sun color, sparkling with orange and purple tints. They were slanted and had the appearance of wolf eyes, with long black lashes and deep pupils that almost pulled you in like an abyss. Her lips were a soft pink color, like the hue of a pale rose, with two gleaming ivory fangs barely visible behind them. Those fangs, like many other features of this creature, were inherited from her father, who was once the Great Demon Lord of the Western Lands of Japan. She slowly reached up, with a slender hand, and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her pointed wolf like ears, a glimpse of her clawed nails catching the reflection of the light against her hair. She brought her hand back down and traced her claws around the hilt of her faithful katana, the Tetsusaiga, which was the Demonic Blade of her grandfather, and then passed on to her father. In her native tongue of Japanese, it means "The Steel-Cleaving Fang," and when it can only be used to protect any mortal, it transforms into the fang of her father's father, having the ability to slice through a hundred demons with one mighty slash. The hilt of the Katana was decorated with the Mon of the Inu Dynasty and the powerful fang was held within its mystical scabbard, only built to hold the great demonic power the blade possessed. She was shrouded within her black, silk Haori coat that had her family's Mon, or Crest, stiched eliquently on the back in bright Silver thread, that reached the bottom of her thighs. Her slender frame was covered by a black, Chinese button silk shirt and baggy black Breakdown jeans that hung loosely on her slender waist and legs. She wore a pair of Zori sandals and on each ankle she wore spiked bracelets. On her lower back was a tatto of "Demon" in Japanese Characters and around her neck was a thin silver, choker collar with a silvery blue orb slipped through the silver necklace. The orb, known as the Shikon No Tama, or Jewel of Four Souls, is the orb her family are the Guardians of, which was given to her by her father in his last final moments on this Earth. This jewel gives the absolute power to become either full demon or human, enhancing one's power ten fold, also granting immortality to the Guardian who protects it. Because of this power, this fair flower is frozen forever in the young age of nineteen.

She turned her head back around slowly as she looked at you, innocently. Hidden within those big, beautiful eyes, was a history full of pain, sadness and loneliness. She tried to force a smile, but after years of pain and death, her once fond heart was now empty, and this is why...

Ever since she was born, she never knew what it was like to belong to someplace. When she was only a small child, her mother took her away from the Western Lands to escape a deadly plague that killed all those who were not full demon. Her mother had escaped down the well that could travel between lands and times and has managed to get to the land known as the "Emerald Isle" before her own mother contracted the plague and died. There was only enough medicine to cure one person, so her mother gave her life to save her child. The child was left to the care of the druid people of this island until she was well enough again, with their fire red hair and bright green eyes. She lived there for several years, growing up only knowing these people as her family, because they did not know of the well or knew how to pass Kasei through it. Kasei's mother never told her father where exactly she would take her, so no one could sense her presence through the time shift. Yet, she was obviously different than them all, and none of the children dared play with her because she was so different. In the month of her birthday, english raiders and knights invaded the island and slaughtered the people she called family. She was spared, however, and taken prisoner and enslaved. For five grueling years, she was objected to torture, pain, and taken advantage of, used like a puppet in the king's play. At the age of 19, she had managed to escape the castle one moonless night, and jumped onto a passing hay cart, escaping her master. When the cart had finally stopped, she had arrived in the land known as Rhydin. There, she met her first love, who soon left her to go off into war, never to return again. She also met her brother, Eugene, who was born many hundreds of years before her when their mother's power ruled over the Astral Plains as the Guardian Angel of the Crossroads between Heaven and Earth. Soon, she began to realize that there was some thing more to her, that she was beyond a mere human. If her mother was an angel and her brother an immortal angel as well...then...what was she. That all came to light one day when she was attacked by a ravaged woman who slashed her into the stomach. Her brother, a well known doctor, took her to the hospital, but the gash wound was to deep. He then took the last step and went to transfer all of his energy into her. Attaching her to the transferring machine, he placed himself in it as well and began the transfer. But what upset her the most, when she regained consciousness, was that he was going to die as soon as the proceedure was over. He was going to give his life to her, when she didn't deserve anything of the such. She tried to destroy the contraption she was in, but it was impossible to break by her own hands. She watched as her brother's life was draining closer and closer to death, and then, suddenly, all of this unknown anger and energy gathered into her hands and surrounded her body. Her eyes began to glow white and these gleaming fangs grew where her once small human canines had been, and laying her hands upon the glass, she transferred this immense energy into the machine and it exploded, saving her brother's life.

After that moment, Kasei's life had changed forever. After that, she was a larger outcast than she had been before. She had discovered, in a dream, that her father was the all mighty Inu Demon Lord of the Western Lands of Japan, and that she bore the blood of the demon and angel that protected the ancient land. Her mother, although an angel, was mortal while her father was a Inu Youkai, or "Dog Demon." The fangs, claws and golden wolf eyes and power came from him, while her healing powers and angelic beauty came from her mother. She also discovered that her father had been searching for her ever since he discovered that her mother had passed on into the next world, but he could not find her because her sense to him was so weak because she was so far away and she had not yet discovered these demonic powers, which would have allowed him to trace her, until now. She tried to explain these new found powers and feelings to her friends and family, finally glad to find her true family and to know where she really came from. But, all of her friends feared her, thinking that because she was a demon, that she would become evil and kill them all. Kasei, hurt and devastated to hear these words coming from her only friends, left Rhydin and went to a remote island off the coast known as Skye. It was there that she met her next love, Erik.

Erik was a blacksmith of the Isle of Skye, which was a refugee to all those who were seeking true kinship and friendship. Kasei felt welcomed here, and the people there treated her so nice...but there was still something missing in her heart. It had been many months since she had felt love or any type of affection, and seeing Erik in this land, made her heart beat a bit faster everytime she saw him. But he was with another woman, and Kasei dismissed the thought out of her mind, even though it was hard to. One day, however, as she was walking by the blacksmith's shop, she had heard the cry of help from coming inside. Quickly, she headed into the shop and saw that Erik had severely burned himself on some hot silver and was in great pain. She used her healing powers and had managed to heal his wounds without leaving a scar. Erik was very grateful to her for helping him, and after that, he seemed unable to leave her side. When she heard news that he had stopped seeing his girlfriend, Kasei became scared that it was her fault, and she avoided him at all costs. But Erik persisted, and one night, confessed his love to her. Kasei was spell bound and gave in, all of those repressed feelings flooding out and into the open. Kasei had truly felt like she was finally accepted by someone, so her and Erik returned to Rhydin together. When they returned, Kasei had discovered that many of the atmospheres in Rhydin had changed, and when she received a letter from her father, she left Rhydin and went to Japan, her birthplace. Erik followed with her and when she arrived, she had a joyous reunion with her father. It was then that she felt that her life couldn't go bad anymore. But she had thought those thoughts to soon...

When the people of the Northern Kingdom invaded the Western Lands, it seemed that time had stopped. Everyone of her father's kingdom had gone to arms and had fought with all of their might, but the invaders were more powerful than anything they had encountered before. The leader, Naraku, had with him a power warrior known as the "Angel of Destruction." This man, who looked no older than 21, had been responsible for most of the slaughter in her family's kingdom, controlled by a black gem around his neck that Naraku used to control the boy to do his massacre. Kasei had remembered that boy's face from a few years ago, when she had first come back to Japan those many years ago. He had been running away from the Northern Lands because he no longer wanted to fight or be controlled by Naraku. Kasei had taken him in, although it was forbidden because he was a warrior from the North. The North and the West were always clashing, and taking a northern native into the western kingdom was almost suicide. And now, this boy was back underneath Naraku's control, destroying everything in his sight that he was ordered too, although his eyes bore the pain of regret and sorrow that he felt. Death was thick in the air and the smell of blood and incendered ruins ran throughout the land. Kasei's father had quickly come into her room and hurried her outside, through the back entrance of the castle, ordering her to run towards the secret well that their mother had used to travel between this time and the future. Inu Yasha did not want his only daughter to die at the hands of the North. They wanted her blood most of all because she was his only heir and with him and her gone, they could take the kingdom without trouble. Kasei fought and refused to go. She could not leave while her father and people fought to save their home. It was then that they noticed Naraku and his "Angel" before them, Naraku chuckling deep in this throat. Inu Yasha hurried his daughter to the well, telling her that he was be alright, but it was to late. Naraku ordered his "Angel" to attack her. Separated from her father, Kasei was trapped. The man moved closer upon her, drawing a bloodied sword from his sheath, bringing it above his head. His eyes were empty and dull, not like the icy blue pools of kindness she had remembered. She closed her eyes, ready for the blow, but after a few seconds of nothing, she opened them up slowly. What she saw was the poor man shaking, his hands trembling and tears running down his cheeks. He didn't want to kill her..he remembered her from long ago, and she gave a soft sigh of relief. She quickly went to him, knocking the sword from his hand and shaking him out of the trance he was placed under. He had told her that this black gem, around his neck, was making him do this and only a true demon could remove it, which was why Naraku was the only one who could use it against him. Kasei had seen that Naraku and her father were in a heated battle, but she knew that if her father's mightly blade could hit the collar, it would be shattered and the boy would be free. She hurried him over to the battle, yelling to her father to break the collar. In one quick movement, Inu Yasha screamed for the boy not to move as the faithful demon blade was brought down onto the collar, shattering it into thousands of tiny pieces, each one erupting into black flames and then they were gone. Free from the gem's power, the man was so happy and relieved he didn't know what to do now that he was free. Naraku, enraged, lunged at the boy, ready to kill him for betraying his master. Kasei grabbed the boy's hand and hurried him towards the well. A small drop of blood was on her hand, enough to allow him to go through the well, seeming as only those of her blood line could pass through. She knew that if he passed through, there was a good chance he'd be safer where ever he ended up, rather than staying her. As he passed through the well, she gave a soft sigh of relief..atleast the boy was now safe. Turning back, she saw that her father and Kougra's battle was now even more intense. She raced towards the fight, ready to lung at Naraku and attack from behind. She couldn't and wouldn't abandon her father or her people. Naraku turned, hearing her approach. With a sly grin and evil laugh, he turned, lunging his sword towards Kasei. The sword was moving so fast and so quickly that it all seemed like a blur. She quickly closed her eyes, terrified, and then she heard it. A soft gasping noise broke the unforgettable silence as she slowly opened her eyes and gazed down to see her father standing infront of her, Naraku's sword sticking out of his stomach, the Tetsusagia protecting her from the blow. Kasei's eyes widen in horror as she watched her father slowly drop to his knees, blood staining his kimono and the earth around them.

Kasei's world began to crash quickly, faster than anything she had ever felt before. She quickly gathered him up, trying her best to apply pressure to the wound, afriad to move the sword. Daddy! Daddy! Please hold on! I'll get you back to the castle! Just hold on! Suddenly she felt a hand touching her own, and when she looked down, her father was smiling weakly and shaking his head.

"Don't's alright...I'm fine.."

"But're bleeding! If I don't get you back soon, your body won't be able to heal itself in time and you'll die!"

"I know's my have to carry on now for me. You must continue the Dynasty..."

"But daddy..." Kasei began to cry even more, her father's bright golden eyes beginning to fade like the sun as it begins to set behind the mountain. Panic was over taking her, she felt her heart crashing, her worldc crashing, everything she held dear dying right there in her arms. Her father managed a small chuckle and grasped her hand more.

" My beautiful...beautiful pup...oh how I wish I could have found you truly were and still are my pride and joy. Every time I see your face you remind me of your mother..."

He coughed and a small trickle of blood rolled down the side of his mouth.

"Ssshh...daddy...please take it will all be alright.." She smiled weakly, hoping that if she didn't break down, she could give her strength to him, but she knew in her heart, it would be...

"Kasei...I love sweet, sweet daughter...And please remember, I was always searching and looking for never once left my brave for are in charge this.."

Slowly, he reached to his neck and snapped off a silver choker collar with a silvery blue orb strung within it. He very gently placed the necklace into her other had and smiled softly, his eyes sparkling with pride as he looked upon her.

"This is the Shikon no Tama...this orb has been passed down from generation to generation of the Inu dynasty. This jewel is our responsibility as its Guardians...once it is can turn a person into a demon, and if their heart is full of wickedness, there can be no telling what this orb can do. I had been saving it for take on the next generation of Guardians...and I suppose now is a better time than ever...Your mother gave it to me to protect when she was gone..and now..I give this to you...also...the Tetsusaiga...take it..protect the ones you blood is your are its master now..."

He coughed and chuckled softly, as more blood trickled from his mouth. Kasei gripped onto his hand more and gently lifted his head onto her lap. She was at a lose for words, tears choking her back as she watched her father's sparkle fade away. As his eyes began to close slowly, Kasei managed to whisper, "I love you daddy...always..." A faint smile rose across his lips as his mouth formed the silent words of, "I love you too..." before her father joined her mother in Heaven. Kasei felt his once warm and tight grip loosen and fall against his side and Naraku's wicked laugh rang out into the night. Kasei's eyes had been closed , tears running down her cheeks like a flooding river. Her body shook with both anger and rage, and when she opened her eyes, they glowed a bright white color. She had been gripping onto the orb in her other hand, and the light from the power of the orb seeped through the opening in her fist. She gently laid her father's head onto the ground and stood up, staring Naraku down like prey. She would end this war, now and for good...for her father...for the angel..for her people...

She reached over and picked Tetsusagia from the ground, standing and holding the blade before her. It had transformed once again into the mightly fang, as she lunged towards Naraku, screaming in rage. Naraku paniced and had managed to teleport himself away from the battle before she could get him. Seeing his army off in the distance, she charged, swinging the blade's mighty demonic aura at them, causing the once great Northern Army to fall. She attacked with a rage never seen before by anyone in the kingdom since her father's once reign began. She attacked for her father, for her people, all those killed and hurt because of the North. She thought of the poor man she had met..wondering where was he now..if he was okay..and they she remembered how Naraku beat him so ruthlessly and she broke free from the bonds that held her conscience down, attacking with a bloody rage. When the sun finally rose that next morning, Kasei stood upon the hill before the castle, breathing heavy, the blade still held in her hand. The sun cast her shadow over the scene of death before her, the Northern warriors laying dead all among her, her people saved..what was left of them. She was bruised, bloodied, but the fire of rage was still in her eyes. She licked the blood off her lips, her demon fangs gleaming in the morning light. She looked towards the rising sun and raised the blade high, the light beaming and casting a beacon on the horizon. As she dropped the blade, she looked over at her once beautiful home, now in ruins. Kasei's eyes began to brim with tears, but she fought them away. She wouldn't one would see her weak again, for her father and for her people.

When all was done at home, Kasei had no where else to go but back to Rhydin. The journey was long and painful. She had to go back and find her brother, the last of the family she had left..she needed him to be there for their father's come back and help her now take control of the Western Kingdom. She had to continue the her father wanted. She never wanted to part from her family again. Japan was her home it would always be. She walked the whole way back to Rhydin, her once bright face now expressionless and her mood, sullen. When she finally arrived at Rhydin, so much had changed. All of her friends had forgotten about her, no one knew of her name, and worse of all...her brother had left Rhydin...for good. Kasei...was truly alone...

The figure upon the hill turned back around to gaze upon the silver moon, the only comfort she has felt in a long time. She tries to feel happiness, love, and joy...but her heart is lost in a forgotten ruin of time and emptiness. She seems so pure..yet she is a lonely child at heart...but carries with her a large burden. She carries the Inu dynasty...the blood of her father and mother...and the memory of the people who will never be forgotten in her heart. She reached towards her blade and slowly drew it, glancing over the blade as if recalling a once happy childhood shrouded in death and misery. She raised it up towards the moonlight, as she had when she defeated the Northern warriors. Now being immortal, Kasei would remember these memories for the rest of her life, unable to trust anyone ever again. Love was out of the question...everyone she had ever loved was now gone. Love...was a curse. Trust, happiness, love, joy...were all the moon as it began to move towards the western mountains. Slowly, she sheathed the blade into its scabbard and turned to look at you once again, her eyes sparkling with those orange and purple tints...perhaps a faint memory of happiness...but only a memory. Then she turned towards the faiding darkness of the night, her hair and trench coat gently flowing behind her...and the sound of a distant wolf's howl echoing through out the night...calling...the demon and the angel...


All Inu Yasha Characters © of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Graphics

Kasei Inu Tenshi © of Sarah Chambers.