This is Jorin's happy home. Happy people come here to get a lot happier.
Sad people come here too, but nobody knows why.
Sound like fun? Stick around, much more to come.

Bad News

Angelfire is having big ol' problems. Or my computer's having big o'l problems with Angelfire. Either way, this may be my last update for a while. I may be looking for a new home for my site if this doesn't fix, in which case there will be a re-direct script up until they decide to delete everything here. Hopefully I won't need to do that, but it's not been ruled out yet.
Until next time, have a great time living.

Recent News

Oct. 28: Big update begun. Beginnings of a makeover for the whole site--the plain black background was kinda boring, don't you think? Also put up all the jokes I had, they're in the jokes section. Have a few new sections to working order, but no images to link with yet--that's a project for tomorrow. Also coming up: A recepie-book-like thing, a secion for written works (none yet, but I'm at least working on something), and some home pics. You can basicly submit anything you want right now--your band's mp3s, pictures you drew, exc.--as long as it's legal and reasonably small in size. Everything goes to I'll be pulling favors from friends and local resources for what I can here real soon, and I should hopefully find the time to get everything real good by this time next week.

-=Stuff So Far=-

Now, I wouldn't just leave you sitting there wishing there was more. Actually, I would. But not for long! This little place is gonna be under construction for a long time.

get this gear!
Last Updated:8/29/2000