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Chronicle of the Immortals

I am Blade Soulreaver, the last Du'Larian. For almost my entire existence I have traveled with a group of people who have become like family to me. These beings are known as the Immortals. As defined by the Druids of Nordshaar an Immortal is "A being who has risen above the gods and whose actions may affect the fate of the universe, whether for its salvation or its destruction." I have taken it upon myself for the world not to forget these beings who have fought to make sure we can live in what ever fashion we want, so it is now my job to keep their legend alive.

WARNING: This place contains some very weird material that may not be for the squeamish. If you have been referred here, your in for a lucky treat. Sit back and enjoy this deranged journey into the lives of the Immortals

Notice: For all of you who actually visit this site once in awhile Nitehawk has begun to scrawl his Journals out in full detail, starting with his time on Earth, the first releasings of his journals will come in a trilogy; with the names Revelation, Redemption, and Ascension. For those who are interested in reading contact me through the dreambook and I will make my life even harder by typing it up as it is written and posting it on the site. Remember DON'T FEED THE EMU'S!


Nitehawks Journal
Dreambook (if you wish to make a comment, click your clicker here)
