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Magica Hogwarts


A young woman with long blue hair stepped up from her seat at the teachers table. "Welcome to Magica Hogwarts I am your Headmistress, Prof. Jupiton." she said her blue-greyish eyes sparkling."This year you wil learn all about magic."she turned towards the teachers behind her,"and these are the brave witches and wizards who will teach you,"she continued laughing,"I believe you have already met Prof. Greene who is the head of the Gryffindor house, and if anything should happen to me he shall take over. Now there are four houses Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw and throughout the year you will earn and (hopefully not) lose points for this house you are in." glanceing towards the new caretaker Mr.Mopar she added," All the new students and teachers must abide by the rules, they're easy to follow so you should have no problem with them. There will be absolutly NO profanity of any kind, no assaults on others,Defacing of prperty and none of any kind of personal attacks. if however this happens contact me and the violater will suffer the concequences. If any of these are broken you will lose house points or if nesessary you will be expelled.". She scanned the room and smiled,"But I am expecting to have a great term with no problems. Anyways you ARE allowed in the Forbidden forest but...Be careful! The term will start as soon as we have enough teachers and students! so MINGLE WITH EVERY ONE!".

Sorry this school has closed due to being very busy!

