Power Nuts!I think this is Power Berries.
Number Location and how to get it
1 One of the power nuts is located beneath the earth on your farm. Plow many different spots with your hoe to find it.
2 n the winter, travel to the pond next to the fisherman's tent. See the big rock nearby? If you hit it with your LEVEL-3, golden hammer, you will reveal the a power nut. You must break the rock in one swing.
3 Treat the harvest sprites nicely; visit them frequently and bring them gifts. Eventually, they will inqure about a shiny object. Give them the marbles you found. In exchange, they will give you a power nut.
4 In the cave where you mine those precious rocks and minerals, travel four floors down. It may be difficult to do, as you must find the holes to descend to the next level. But persevere, because a power nut awaits on the fourth floor down!
5 At the flower festival during the first year, you can purchase a power nut from the peddler there. If you don't have enough cash then (it costs 1000 G), the peddler just might make a stop to your house during the year.
6 During the Egg Festival, find all the eggs to win! The prize is a power nut.
7 Catch a large fish during the spring. Then, throw it in the exact center of the pond next to the fisherman's hut. You may have to repeat this a few times to get just the right spot. If you do it correctly, a creature will appear and reward you with a nut.
8 Before doing any physical activity, throw any vegetable grown on your farm into the pond located next to the carpenters' house, between the hours of 9am-3pm. Make sure you don't press the "B" button when en route. A beautiful godess will appear and gives you a wish to use for one of three choices: Weather, Strength, or Love. Chose Strength, and she will hand over a power nut.
9 During the spring, fish off the dock by the beach. Keep at it; eventually you will earn a power nut instead of a fish!
10 Befriend Basil, Popuri's traveling father. After a while, he will reward your friendship with a power nut!
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