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These are Characters You cant Be you can take there names and Bios But you still wont be the real one.

Lieutenant Commander Gato Lv 19 Mobile Suits: Commander Type Zaku II GPO2A and the Neue Ziel. Weapons: Bazooka 280mm Heat Hawk MachineGun 120mm Hidden Sub-Arm I-Field Barrier Generator Mega-Cannon Mega-Particle Gun Mega-Particle Gun/Beam Sabre Micromissle Launcher Wired Heavy Claw Arm Atomic Bazooka GP02A Shield Medium Beam Sabre Vulcan Gun 60mm x 2 Orgs: Zeon Neo-Zeon

Char Aznable Lv 21 MS: Commander type Zaku II, Zugokk Commander, Sazabi(chars Last suit piloted died in it against Amuro In N-Gundam). Weapons: Sazabi; Beam Tomahawk, 6 funnels, 2 Beam Sabres, Big Gun (not sure of name), Zugokk:Mega-Particle Cannon Missle Launcher 240mm Zaku II; Bazooka 280mm Heat Hawk MachineGun 120mm Orgs: Zeon Neo-Zeon

Amuro Ray Lv 13 (gundam really improves your pilot lv because how its set up)Ms: Gundam RX-78-2, Gundam Mark II RX-178, RX-78NT1 / Gundam G-4 Alex, Super Gundam RX-178 (Mark II G-Defensor, RX-93 / Nu Gundam (Amuros Last suit piloted died in it against Char in Sazabi) Weapons: RX-78-2; Beam Javelin Beam Rifle Beam Sabre .38MW Gundam Hammer Hyper-Bazooka 380mm Hyper-Hammer MS Shield Vulcan Gun 60mm x 2 RX-178:Beam Rifle Beam Sabre .38MW MS Shield Vulcan Gun 60mm x 2 Orgs: Earth Federation, AEUG, Londo Bell

Shiroh Armada Lv 18 Ms: RX-79G / Gundam Ground, RX-79GEZ-8 / Gundam EZ-8 (Thought to be the suit he died in but all that died is his Ms career) Weapons: Waiting for to update.... Orgs:Federation