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These people will be your future allies, nemisiss, and people you won't care about. If you joined an organization your color will be the same as the color of the Organazation.

Mars "Da Taka": St:4 Int:5 Hp:50 Ag:6 Lv:4 Bio:A big shot criminal till the Zeon caught him and gave him a deal either die or join the zeon he joined now hes about to take them by storm. Cash=$0 (deposited) Titanium:1,133,250 Items: Personal:Camaflauge, Mirror, Chaff Granade 10, Cell Phone MS Repair Kit, Bullet Proof Vest, Computer Hacking kit, Virus CD, Laptop Ver.1.0 Weapons Personal: Machine Gun W/ Silencer 10 clips of ammo & Knife 1 chaff granade Sheild/Gun combo. M.S.: Rocket Launcher, Chain Gun, Sazabi type gun, Beam Sabre, and Heat Hawk Mobile Suit:Aries, Gm Blue Destiny 1, Death Team: None.

Name:Gwen Hydrol St:3 In:6 Hp:40 Ag:7 Lv:3 Bio:Wanted to be a gundam Pilot ever since she was a little girl, she couldnt get very strong with her own training, but she was able to get very fast & smart. Cash=$0 (Deposited) Titanium:53,500 Weapons: Personal: Machine Gun W/ Silencer 10 clips of ammo, Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Knife, 10 throwin Knives, MS Repair Kit, 1 Chaff Grenade, & Bullet Proof Vest.. M.S.: Rocket Launcher Chain Gun Vulcans 6-Tube Rocket Launcher and Heat Hawk Mobile Suit:Zaku2 & Acguy Team: 1st Zeon M.S. Testing Team and 12th Zeon M.S. Team

Name:Char St:3 In:6 Hp:40 Ag:7 Lv:2 Bio:Always was popular now he is a mobike suit piolot. Cash=$43,000 Titanium:42,000 Weapons: Personal: Machine Gun W/ Silencer 10 clips of ammo and Knife . M.S.: Chain Gun and Heat Hawk Mobile Suit:Zaku2 Team: 1st Zeon M.S. Testing Team and 12th Zeon M.S. Team

Hellfyre st:5 in:5 hp:50 ag:5 lv:2 bio:has skills to move up...and will do not mess with this pilot who just escaped from a mental institution for starting rebellions and murder. Money=$319,540 Titanium:489,550 Items:camo, mirror, cellphone, MS repair, bulletproof vest, med kit, computer hacking kit, virus cd, laptop ver. 1.0 weapon:20 throwing knives, 10 heavy duty knives, chaff grendae, rocket launcher 10 rockets and a knife M.S.: Aries, 16 Zaku II's, Coustomized suit M.S. weapons:Rocket Launcher, 18 machine guns, 16 heat hawks, 1 Beam Saber, and a Dom.

Name: Joshua "C" Hydrol St:5 In:6 HP:50 Ag:4 lv:2 Bio: C had always admired his father for being a pilot and wanted to follow in his footsteps, also encouraging his younger sister Gwen to do the same. Weapon:Machine Gun W/ Silencer 10 clips of ammo & knife MS:Chain Gun & Heat Hawk Mobile Suit:Zaku 2 $19,000 Titanium:20000 Team:1st Zeon M.S. Testing Team Leader and 12th Zeon M.S. Team Leader

Name: Yugo Hiiroshi Strength: 5 Intellegence: 5 Hit Points:50 Agility:5 lvl:3 Biography: His parents were killed by some guys with guns when they were walking home. Ever since then he has lost his childish innocence and became cold and hard. Has a chip on his shoulder, and won't hesitate to kill. He does have a warm side to him, and will protect those who can't protect themselves. Has wanted to become a gundam pilot to do just that. Weapon:Machine Gun W/ Silencer 10 clips of ammo & knife MS:Chain Gun & Heat Hawk Mobile Suit:Zaku 2 money:$66,000 Titanium:66,000 Team:none

name:heavenice st:5 in:5 hp:50 ag:5 lvl:2 bio:the older cousin of hellfyre my parents were killed in an explosion. for the moment im only in this for the money, and my cousin...the last of my family...but not known to me my ways will soon change Mobile Suit:Zaku 2 Weapon: 1 machine gun, machine gun w/ silencer,beam saber money:$7000 Titanium:8000 Team:none

Name: Lslammer2 St:6 In:5 Hp:60 Ag:3 lvl:2 Bio:I used to be part of a very important family but all my family were killed by assaens,and I am still searching for them.Weapon: machine gun w/ silencer Rocket Launcher, Machine gun, 10 packs of C4 Moible Suit:Zaku Weapons:beam sabre $500 Titanium:3000 Team:none

Name : Stealth Dragon Strength :5 Intellegence :6 Hit Points:50 Agility: 4 lvl:2 Bio: He was always the quiet one that nobody knew much about.... Thats how he earned the nickname Stealth Dragon. Weapon: machine gun w/ silencer Rocket Launcher, Machine gun, 10 packs of C4 Camoflauge:100$ Med Kits x5, Throwing Knives, Rockets, Sniper Rifle w/silencer $3900 Titanium:8000 Team:none $7000 Titanium:8000 Team:none

Name: Outlawstar2012 Str:6 HP:6 Int:4 Agil:4 Bio: Banished by the Federation, and is now back for revenge.M.S.:Zaku 2 Weapon:1 machine gun,achine gun w// silencer,heat hawk money:$69,000 Titanium:57,000

Name:Silent Killer Strength:4 Intellegence:6 Hit Points:40 Agility:6 A short Biography: As a military sniper he always had thoughts of what it would be like to be on the opposing side of the fight...a few days later he made the mistake of shooting another military sniper and was banned from being in the he works for the other team as a sniper and his name is silent killer... Mobile Suit:Aries, 2 Zaku 2's Item:Camoflage Weapons:1 machine gun, Machine gun W/ silencer,sniper riffle,heat hawk, and beam saber money:$194,000 Titanium:156,500

Name:Shiro Amada II St: 3 In:4 Hp:100 Ag:3 Bio:found by Shiro Amada on earth and was trained to be the best he could be, he is getting closer to that goal. Weapon:Machine gun W/ silencer Item:none. Lv 1 $7000

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