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*~*~*~*Welcome to the Rules Page*~*~*~*

Welcome to the Zoids Rule Page.Here you can find all the information you need to take part in our rpg.

Characters: Sorry but you cant be actual characters from the zoids show. Our reasons for this are in the best intentions for the rpg so please cope with us.

Zoids:There are a limited amount of zoids to pick that you can start with but as your progress you will be able to buy and outfit better zoids. Each zoid has its own stats determining it's performance and abilities. Below you can find the stats.

Strenght: Determines how strong your zoid is and how much damage it can dual out with normal attacks.

Speed: Determines how fast your zoid can move from one point to another.

Agility:Determines how agile your suit is and if it can dodge certain attacks, not to mention other things.

Endurance:Determines how much damage your zoid can take

Intellegence:In some cases zoids may be able to react on there own if your zoid has any kind of Intel its lucky. To much intel will force you to bond with your zoid.
Close Range: Close is a simple number that tells how well your zoid performs in that type of combat and effects your battle extremly in some cases.
Long Range: Determines how well your zoids long range aim is and if it will hit a target or not.

There are parts that allow you to upgrade your suit in certain stats and remember,stats arnt everything your role playing skills and attacks are the main stats.

Teams: Teams must have at least 3 members to actualy be a team. There can be as many as you want to a team tho as there is no limit to that.

Making Money: To make money you have to fight. The amount of money you make in a fight determines on 2 things: The amount of targets you kill, and the class of the targets you kill. You can find out how much money you get on the chart below
A 5,000 55,000 115,000
B 30,000 60,000 80,000
C 20,000 65,000 200,000

Ok now aside from the prize money there is your pilot points. Pilot points are gathered by fighting also.A pilot point will help your stats slightly in battle and is a mark on you by all. YOur Pilot level also determines what class your in. To find out what class your in you simply add up all your Pilot Points ((if a group add all your stats the same together and divide it by the amount of people))

Class C=-1000
Class B=1000+
Class A=2300+

A -15 +10 +55
B +5 +20 +35
C +5 +20 +40

Pilot Level: YOu can increase your pilot level more by training. To train you MUST post a 100 word plus Rp in the Training board. If accomplished you get 10 points added to your PL but this can only be done 2 times a day. Also you cant fight and train in the same day.

Loose Battles: Loose battles are ones that arnt reffed by the Robots or battles reffed by back drafts bots. These battles can happen 1 of 2 ways: 1 you attack targets that refuse to battle you legaly. Or 2, you can both agree on a battle for personal items or zoids. In these battles you can not back out of it when you start or you lose automaticaly.

Repairs: We currently have 6 damage types here. After a battle the ref will tell you your zoids condition and you have to pay how ever much you owe to fight again.

Very Light 5000$ 3 Hours Of Repair Time
Light 15,000 6 Hours Of Repair Time
Medium 30,000 10 Hours of Repair Time
Heavy 45,000 16 Hours of Repair Time
Very Heavy 60,000 24 hours of Repair Time

To Fight You your opponent and a ref must enter a room zoid with highest speed goes first. The Refs will explain further