










WEBLOG - past few entries


It has been long since I've started on this. So much done this year, and its flies by so fast. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, considering if what Ps. Michael says is true, then there's no reason trying to succeed. I've won competitions, lost competitions, performed on stage, did this, did that. Also got depressed, had lots of fun, screwed up relationships, started relationships, screwed up my studies, and worked like a mad dog. (A mad dog does not work very well.) Watched TV,played games, and learnt life. It has been an eventful year, like years always are. Quoting once again, "I call myself a fool thinking about myself 10 years ago. I will call myself a fool again 10 years in the future."


Happy new year, people. This will be the last log in this design. The next log entry should be in a new, improved, knowjian.cjb.net. *SITE updates suspended until further notice*

31 Dec 2001 - "new years eve"

[MON] Woke up too late to watch cartoons. So, just slept trough lar. Went to school to ask teacher what to do for orientation day. Wanted to call Eirene to join us for the countdown at Bintang Walk. She was at the shop. But on the way back from school, saw her walking back. Asked her, but she said she was going with her cousins. She seemed very cold again. That stupid Denvin had to sing, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" for us. Talked with him for a while, and then went back. Made a few calls at home, and then started to get ready. Wing came at 5, and played Max Payne for a while. He was wearing white long-sleeve shirt. I was going to wear a white long-sleeved shirt as well, so I decided to wear a black shirt over it. But Wing said it looked horrible, so I just put on my blue hawaii shirt on. Had a bit of problems finding my wallet, i'm not going to Bukit Bintang without my IC. Reached the LRT station at 5.45, saw David Lee and Alex Chan at the LRT station. We went to KLCC first. Saw the other guys there, they wanted to go watch a movie, and they already ate. So we met up with David's friends, Aaron and Nigel, who were his classmates. Ate at Fish Shop. Then after hanging a while at KLCC ( I don't like it when they call FUBU ma-chan clothes shop), we walked to Star Hill. The other guys didn't get to watch a movie because it was too crowded. (bwahahaha) Went to KL Plaza first, because we Alex wanted to check out buying an amp. (finally) Went to Tower Records for the first time. Then walked around, and finally found a seat at Starbucks. Had a Starbucks expresso. Saw Wendy and Elley there. I also saw Voon Siew, Grace Mak and Low Pui San there too. Talked with Aaron, Nigel and David about TAR college. The whole night, we were entertained by tenors (how perfectly boring and un-understandable) So we sat there from 9-11.30. Then we went out to Jalan Bukit Bintang, in front of Lot 10. Ferhad performed for 1/2 an hour. We had the countdown, and then watched the fireworks. Walked around KL, and then went home by LRT. There were so many people queueing up to buy tickets, they let people in without their tickets and asked us to pay after getting off. Reached home about 1. Went on the net for a while, and then went to sleep, 4²Z€$ZxôYbut it was already 11 o' clock then. Byargh. So lazy, its so nice to sleep in today. Told her to go for the 3 o' clock show so that we could eat lunch. Told her to call in to book tickets. Father offered to drive us to KLCC. So we hopped into the car off we went. Reached there 2 o clock, and then started to line up for the tickets. Jing found a line for telephone bookings, and I was so impatient waiting at that line. I was worried because the cinema clock was faster than my watch, and I feared that "its 2.31. you're too late, there are no more tickets for you, bwahahahaha!". We did get our tickets, and we hung out at kinokuniya for a while before going in. Lord of The Rings isn't such a big disappointmnet. It has a good sense of story telling, the pace is very fast. Each scene is handled as quickly as a snap. I think if they were to do it properly, it would be twice the length. (they skipped tom bombadil, bwah *cry*!) The cinema was full even though it was just the first week after release. I saw Ernie Ezeinee after the show. Gave her my contax and hopefully comes here. Its so hard promoting a website. Went back home by LRT. Kacau my sister for a while on the train. At home, got on the net to check up on stuff. Downloaded a few screensavers that never work. I'm addicted to the mouse gestures lar, can't wait to use it. *hee hee* Looked around at a few other blogs. Urmh, got a bit -inspired-. Heck, nobody's gonna make me change this weblog for a long time (i say weblog because this really ain't a blog). Rachel's gone to Penang (rats), Caryn doesn't understand and there isn't anyone I can trust for a new site design.... *exhale*. Maybe I name the new site design sanity hills. See how my Photoshopping comes out. Maybe need to scan in a few photos. Tried to sketch humans but no avail... useless at sketching people. Gotta call my pengawas tomorrow. Maybe I should join those web-communities. Donno how. Rachel got into one, and then she complains. Maybe that's why my hit counter is so low.. no promo. Got a bit dazed after trying to read one of Rachel's pages which was bright red. Stared away and everything seemed so blue... Aw heck, don't live for the weblog, the weblog lives for you. Before bed, saw the full moon shining into my room. I've forgotten how bright the full moon can be on a clear night. Ran down to get my binoculars to look at the moon and certain stars. Thought of Caryn again. Hmmm... Opened as many windows as I could, and fell asleep.

Yi Jian age 16


BRATS Year-End pix!
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Opinions and views reflect the writer, but they're not necessarily right, so please don't be offended or anything.

One of the objectives of this blog is also for me to read, so I can remember my past.


13/12/01 - I hate it when people give advice or when you ask people a question, and they answer with an answer that is indirect, and requires you to think. "I want you to think," he or she says. I say to you, "to hell with you!" I really hate those answers. Do you think you are my spiritual leader or something? I am not finding the meaning to life! Just give a direct answer damnit. What if every answer in the world was indirect and requires you to think. Example one: "Do you love me?" "Well, you have to think about it. We have been spending time together for the past three months, yada, yada ..." Example two: "What is the capital of Malaysia?" "Well, think about it. The capital of Malaysia would be the most industrialized, advanced city of Malaysia during the independence period. Logically, it would be one of the British-developed towns. Chances are, that it also has a British name. Its location would also be central, somewhere probably in the middle of the country, near the seaside or a river." I need a definite answer, not your opinion! When I want your opinion, I will ask for it and you can crap all you want. This is one of the problems with the Malaysian textbooks. They don't directly give you facts; that's why we have revision books. (The other pitfall is irrelevant context i.e. 'students, do you remember what you learn in form 3 when you learn about so and so?') Indirect answers irritates me, and the sarcasm that comes with it pisses me off sometimes.



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Books I've Read

Raymond E. Feist
Krondor: The Betrayal
Krondor: the Assasins
Shadow of a Dark Queen

Isaac Asimov
I, Robot
Forward the Foundation
Second Foundation

Terry Pratchett
The Truth
The Fifth Elephant


OCT 13 TSS Jejak Siber Prize Giving Ceremony
OCT 25 SMKBTR Hari Ko-kurikulum
DEC 10 HUGE camp



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