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.:Trunks:. July-26-2001 8:13PM

I Am thankful to have broli change my name to gay boy trunks.... but i am ok we just mess with each other.... so i will se you all soon

.:Gohan:. July-03-2001 9:25AM

hello guys, I am going to book it really hard to get this site complete, so today I am going to b putting up the transformations,links, and items page's, i will have brolli do the saga's,teams, and do a bit of tiding up, if you guys need anything e-mail me ( need more members so get out there and find some new ppl to join, also you guys need to pick a team or you cant take part in the dragon ball search that will be taking place. on last thing on note, immortal trunks has been degrated, he still has his team but he inst a immortal, he is now a semi-immortal. the new person to join the immortals will be "immortal PoPo".well talk to you later, buh bye!

.:Brolli:. July-8-2001 11:45PM

Hello everyone its me again.I got some bad news.Gohan's computer is screwed up and he doesn't know if he will be allowed back on anytime soon.So i'm just here to tell u that the rpg is going to be delayed for the time being.We originally planned to have started the rpg last monday....but i have been gone and just returned and now this. So i will try my best to get it started myself.Anyway if anyone has any reasonable ideas they should send them to my email Address.(i said reasonable ideas:)if you don't know my email by now its on my page. i will be getting the items page up soon so that will be good and i'm going to add more sagas to the saga page.WELL NOW EVERYONE NEEDS TO PICK A JOB AND A TEAM.WE ALSO NEED ALL THE INFORMATION THAT WE DON'T HAVE ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER(SUCH AS FINISHER DISCRIPTIONS)EMAIL ME OR TALK TO ME ON YAHOO MESSENGER....thanks.

.:Trunks:. July-13-2001 1:51pm

Hello everyone this is trunks i have been gone for a while. I have just returned from a long FOOT surgery that is still hurting me. I am getting my team started her soon I am very sorry for my inconvence that i have have caused with my time away but i am here no back in play i have a bad foot but i will be on all day everyday. my yahoo screen name is trunks_sswarrior if you need to add me. you can also send me anything you need or any questions you have my maill is ( Thank you for waiting!

.:Brolli:. July-22-2001 2:29am

Hey everybody its me....i got some bad news and some good news. the good news is that i got my modem fixed and today is my first time online in a couple of weeks,and gohan got his computer back.The bad news is it has a virus on it and a longer delay on the rpg.But don't worry about it because u can take out all your anger and hatred out on me.
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