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The First Generation:- The First Generation Were Of Course Very Spirited with souls of kindness, love, and honour. They had the Power of the elements and Universe. The Generation was made up with the Drakecons of SoulFire “Drakecon Hearted family“, also known as “Family of the Drakeconet”. The First Generation Were mostly Drakecon of time. They Had Been Mean to Anyone. If someone attacks one of the Drakecons, the Drakecons would attack back in return. All Drakecon’ s Are Half Dragon and human. And Drakecon the half dragon humanoid. Generated the second generation.

The Second Generation:- The Second Generation were to Very Spirited with souls of kindness, love, caring, and honour. They too had the Power of the elements and Universe. The Generation was made up with the Rogues of Ohadan. They were not known to have a name of power.

The Third Generation:- The Third Generation were Unknown Generation of Evil “the Unheard”.

The Fourth Generation:- The Fourth Generation “The ice generation”. The Ice Men Generation were not so as the Unheard, They were very Kind, Love, and caring honoured Generation. They Were the Generation of Kings And Queens as such loved & honourable people.

The Fith Generation:- The Generation of the Indian/Elfs/Elven. “The Mysticit Elvend generation or/and Elven generation ”, they Created The Inlands of Loreithia. They were much alike the “ the ice Generation”. And of sisters of Maryjin, Maleian, Faith Created the Sixth Generation.

All Generations Still Exist today All Generations have around 10 to 50 citezens in the generation.

The Sixth Generation Contains the family's of

The Arquette Family