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Gamegods Entertainment ®

[10.17.2002] Minor Updates
posted by Synn
There have been a few things I have been workin on here... I recently put up a random image loader for the banner and I'm working on a java applet for a menu. The latest news is that we will most likely be taking the site offline for a while to undergo major construction....till then...farewell world, farewell..

posted by Sage
Hey guys, I'm back. After a short 3 month recess, I'm finally getting back on track...Well, News: Synn fuckin deleted my goddamn layout for the website! *Note to self - strangle Synn with a cordless phone* Next on the news; I'm working on an intro to the site...Eventually, I will have it set up, hopefully.

[09.5.2002] FIRSTLIGHT
posted by Saba
We are finally making a game called "FirstLight". The project is already in effect, the game should be done before schools over. I will not yet give away the story of the game because we are still unsure about the plot. In a couple of weeks I should have a nice begining to "FirstLight".

[09.4.2002] BACK 2 WORK
posted by Synn
The site has not been updated as much as I would have hoped for. What I mean to say is that we havent updated once over the entire summer... Now that were back in school we will continue to restore the site. There are a shitload of updates that need to be done. Over the summer I did manage to create a few things like a application form and a new random image loader (that still doesnt work perfecttly yet). There are a few more things I need to post later.

[09.4.2002] MEMBER UPDATES
posted by Synn
There are a few things I need to add... Our graphic designer formerly known as "Sabin" has changed his name to Sage. We also have a new Beta Tester and DOS game expert known as Neo who has joined our staff here at GGE.

posted by Neo
I just wanted to let everyone know that I was the new Beta tester. My job is to mostly test and revise games made by the Staff. I will also be giving input about games I play. I will mostly concentrate on DOS games but I will make posts on other PC and system games.

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