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I'm guessing that if you have heard of the band tool, you probbably think that my character is named after it. He is not, I named him that because I like to make names out of inanimate words like lightbulb and utensil. I did not know at the time it was a bands name.

Concept :Mysteriously un-nude always sleeping only soup eating Ow stop poking my arm

Lives :In Cat-tra-la

Age :19


Height :5 ft, 8 in

Weight :120 lbs

Species :1/2 watercat, 1/2 human

Hair :Gray, about 3 in past shoulders, really messy and unbrushed

Eyes :Light yellow

Fur :White

Markings : Light gray tabby stripes on arms, and tail.

Fashion :Always covers most of his skin, wears long sleeved shirts with a hole in the sleeve for his thumb and a safety pin pining it between his fingers.Has a black neck corset type thing made out of dull material that he always wears, and a silver necklace with a hematite drop on it. Ears have 8 piercings each .

Physical appearance :Very thin, not muscular, has faint claw mark scars on his right ear and left side of his neck, 1/2 tail, always looks like he just woke up, claws are filed short.

IQ :120

Mental state:Spends most of his time sleeping. shy, acts childlike sometimes, spaces out allot, likes to disobey warnings on packages, pretends he is afraid of germs.

Hobbies:Sleeping, taking care of his pets, being online.

Religion :jmhbh

Job :He's never had a job

Family:Brother of Lynx, Spiral, Ralph, Nitro and Ice

Magic abilities :

Mundane abilities :Sleeping

Defects :Wastes all of his time, low self esteem

SO :

Favorite food :Soup

Favorite color :Cobalt blue

Other :Whenever someone pokes him he says Ow!, no one knows why. He's the only character that is a virgin and the others make fun of it.