FINAL FANTASY IX WALKTHROUGH (ENGLISH/JAPANESE VERSION) BY : WEBSITE : VERSION : 4.6 PROGRESS: FINISHED UPDATE : 06 June 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ _ ___ _ ___ _ | ___| | | | \ | | / \ | | | | | | | |\ \| | / _ \ | | | |___ | | | | \ \ | / / \ \ | | | ___| | | | | \ | | |___| | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_____| _____ ___ ___ _ _______ ___ ______ __ _ | ___| / \ | \ | | |__ __| / \ | ____| \ \ / / | | / _ \ | |\ \| | | | / _ \ | | \ \ / / | |___ / / \ \ | | \ \ | | | / / \ \ | |____ \ V / | ___| | |___| | | | \ | | | | |___| | |____ | \ / | | | ___ | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____| | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |______| |_| _____ __ __ |_ _| \ \ / / | | \ \ / / | | \ \/ / | | \ / | | / \ | | / /\ \ _| |_ / / \ \ |_____| /_/ \_\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From now on,I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTION REGARDING FF9.Why you ask ? Well,it's because i'm very busy lately and i haven't play the game for 1-2 years now so i'm not in a good mood in answering FF9 question anymore... However,if you still got any question,just go to my message board forums ( and post your question there.All of your question will be answered - Guaranteed ! - Well just don't post too many stupid question ;P =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table Of Contents: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Notice - Updates - Story - Game Basics : 0.FF9 Menu 1.Card Game 2.Elemental Properties 3.Status Effects 4.Trance Mode 5.Icons that appears over the head 6.Battle system 7.Game Control 8.Strategy - Maps - Walkthrough: Disc 1 1.The Beggining 2.Inside Alexandria Castle 3.Evil Forest 4.Return To Evil Forest 5.Ice Cavern 6.Village Of The Dali 7.Lindblum Grand Castle 8.The Hunting Tournament 9.Gizamaluke's Grotto 10.South Gate 11.Burmecian Kingdom Disc 2 12.Dark City Treno 13.Gargan Roo 14.Cleyra's Trunk 15.Return To Alexandria 16.Pinnacle Rocks 17.Fossil Roo 18.The Outer Continent 19.Conde Petie 20.Forest Maze 21.Black Mage Village 22.Mountain Path 23.Madain Sari,Lost Summoner 24.IIFA,The Ancient Tree Of Life Disc 3 25.Alexandria Under Attack ! 26.Return To Black Mage Village 27.The Forgotten Continent 28.Oeilvert 29.Desert Palace 30.Lost Continent 31.Esto Gaza 32.Mount. Gulug 33.Ipsen's Castle 34.Earth Shrine 35.Terra 36.Bran Bal 37.Pandemonium Disc 4 38.Secret Library,Daguerreo 39.Memoria 40.Final Battle ??.How to to beat Kuja & Necron in 6 minutes only - FF9 Side Quest - Misc Stuff : 1.Secrets & Tips 2.Level Up Data 3.12 Zodiac Coins 4.Some Useful Techiques 5.Game Script (Incomplete) 6.Chocograps Map & Info 7.Shop List 8.Ability List 9.Monsters list 10.Item List 11.Quiz Events 12.Mognet Mail - Credits - Website - Contact Me =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Notice: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This document is created for personal use only. You must not use it for : 1.Anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,and Commercial Web Sites. 2.You're also not allowed to rip off parts of this document and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of plagiarism, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one’s own without crediting the source. 3.Also,if you want to use this document in your website,please ask me first ! You can email me at : Thanks for your attention. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Updates since version 1.0: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 = Initial release,Walkthrough section Finished Released = 11 NOVEMBER 2000 (97 KB) Version 1.5 = Adding Zodiac Coins,Level Up Data,and Some Useful Techniques Special Thanks to Rei ( for the information ! Website: Released = 14 NOVEMBER 2000 (104 KB) Version 1.8 = Adding Eiko and Garnet Ability List Adding Quiz Events Answers Adding Mognet Mail List Released = 16 NOVEMBER 2000 (124 KB) Version 2.0 = Adding Quina,Steiner,Vivi and Zidane Ability List Adding information about card game,status effect,trance mode,icons,ATB and game controls. Released = 18 NOVEMBER 2000 (141 KB) Versiob 2.5 = Quina's Blue magic section updated.(Complete) Adding Enemy list in each area/dungeon. Released = 20 NOVEMBER 2000 (157 KB) Version 2.51 = There's some correction in "Hunting Tournament" and "Pinnacle Rocks" section. Adding Story and Strategy section Released = 21 NOVEMBER 2000 (159 KB) Version 2.52 = Adding "How to to beat Kuja & Necron in 6 minutes only" info. Location of the 3 magic potion (after alexandria under attack in disc 3) updated. Card Game section updated. Released = ??? Version 2.55 = Adding info about how to beat "Hades" at Memoria (Final Dungeon) Released = 5 DECEMBER 2000 (170 KB) Version 3.0 = Huge update ! Game script section added (incomplete) Shop List section added. Elemental properties & Battle System added. Released = 11 DECEMBER 2000 (252 KB) Version 3.5 = Monsters List added. Released = 16 DECEMBER 2000 (280 KB) Version 3.6 = Gamescript Section updated to the Cargo Ship at Village of Dali Maps Section Added. Final Battle Section updated. Daguerreo Section updated. Released = 08 JANUARY 2001 (322 KB) Version 3.7 = Full Ability List Added Gamescript Section updated,up to Lindblum Grand Castle. Released = 14 JANUARY 2001 (348 KB) Version 3.8 = Gamescript section updated. Secrets & Tips section updated. Released = 27 JANUARY 2001 (354 KB) Version 3.9 = Mognet Mail section updated. Released = 04 FEBRUARY 2001 (355 KB) Version 4.0 = Added info about playing the card game with the Phantom at memoria. Adding blue magic info on the enemy list More info on card game section. Adding ff9 menu guide (for japanese players who need helps with the menu). Side Quest section added. Released = 08 APRIL 2001 (381 KB) Version 4.1 = More Tips & Tricks Added. Released = 14 APRIL 2001 (387 KB) Version 4.2 = A little correction on the monster list Item List added Released = 17 APRIL 2001 (391 KB) Version 4.3 = Adding tips to beat the boss at Desert Palace,submitted by Adding release date & file size on the "update" section Gamescript section updated. Chocograps Section added. Released = 20 April 2001 (410 KB) Version 4.4 = Card List section updated!Thanks to for the info Released = 22 April 2001 (416 KB) Version 4.5 = Website url changed,and updated the notice Released = 29 December 2001 (417 KB) Version 4.6 = Fixed the ASCII ARTS and the chocobo maps Released = 06 June 2002 (417 KB) The newest version of this FAQ can be found at =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Story: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The story starts in "mist continent" in a world called Gaia. There are four nations in this continent, such as Alexandria, and Lindbulm. Alexandria, whose king has already been dead, is now ruled by Queen Brahne. On one occasion regent Cid of Lindbulm noticed Queen Brahne's strange change. He was deeply anxious of this neighbour nation and asked Tantalus, a group of bandit, to kidnap Princess Garnet of Alexandria.Tantalus,of which Zidane is one of the member, is officially a group of theatrical company, and makes it a rule to perform a play on a stage of a huge flying airship, Prima Vista, in Alexandria. Now the playday comes, and Zidane is going to kidnap the princess during the play. Strangely enough, the princess herself asks Zidane to kidnap her! The angry Queen attacks the airship and it falls to the Evil Forest with Vivi, who happened to plunge himself into the play, and Steiner, who is the bodyguard of Princess Garnet, on it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FF9 Menu: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you're playing the japanese version,and need help with the menu, see the ascii art below ;) +------------------------+----------+ | ____ | ITEM | || | CHARACTER'S NAME | ABILITY | || | HP/MP | EQUIP | ||____| | STATUS | | ____ | ORDER | || | CHARACTER'S NAME | CARD | || | HP/MP | CONFIG | ||____| | | | ____ | | || | CHARACTER'S NAME | | || | HP/MP | | ||____| +----------+ | ____ | TIME | || | CHARACTER'S NAME | GIL | || | HP/MP +----------+ ||____| | LOCATION | +------------------------+----------+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Card Game: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The official name of Card game in FF9 is called "Tetra Master".Tetra master players never back down from a challange.To challange people, walk up to them,and press "Square" button.Okay,here are some basic rules. Tetra Master rules : 1.Select 5 cards in your possesion to play. 2.If the arrow on your card points to your opponent's card,you'll win his/her card. 3.If the arrow on your cards faces the arrow on your opponent's card,a card battle will begins. 4.If you card wins the battle,you win opponent's card,if your card lose the card battle,the opponent's wins your card. 5.If you have to battle 2 or more cards,you can choose opponent's card that you want to battle. 6.The game ends once all the cards are played,and the players with the most card is the winner.The winner gets to take the loser's card(s). CARD GAME FAQ ============= You'll need at least 5 cards to play the card game.Approach someone and press square to play the game. Q:How does the card game proceed ? A:You take turns placing your cards on a 4x4 grid with your opponents. Sometimes,your opponent's card flips.That's because of the yellow arrows on the corners and the sides of the cards.If your arrow is facing in the direction of your opponent's card,that card becomes yours.But if your opponent's card has an arrows facing yours,a card battle will begins. Q:What's a card battle ? A:When several arrows facing each others,multiple card battles may occur. You can choose where to begin the card battle when that happen. Where you can choose to begin the battle affects how the rest of the battles play out.You can also use combos. Q:What's a combos ? A:You gotta becareful during a card game.If your card win against the opponent's card,all the cards facing that card's arrow are yours. That's called a combo.It's a double edged sword,because the same thing happens to you if your card loses against your opponent's card. Try to play a perfect game. Q:What's a perfect game ? A:You get one of your opponent's card when you win.If you flip over all of your opponent's card and play a perfect game,you can take them all.Reach for the highest collectors levels ! Q:What's a collector levels ? Check your menu and go to the section entitled card.You can check your collection level there.You can level up as you collect more cards. Q:How Tetra Master's Card Collector points are scored ? A:- Having one unique card type: 15 points - Having a unique card, but has the same arrow arrangement as another card in your collection: 10 points - Having more than one of the same card type: 5 points per extra card - Having a card with level X: 1 point added - Having a card at level A: 1 point added on top of the point for X level To get 1700 Card Collector points, you need all 100 types of cards in 100 unique arrow arrangements (15 x 100 = 1500 pts), and all at level A (2 pts added x 100 = 200 bonus points). Before you card fanatics start despairing over having 100 arrow arrangements, you may wanna know that you could have: - 56 arrangements of 5 arrows- 28 arrangements of 6 arrows - 8 arrangements of 7 arrows- and of course, 1 card with all arrows There's 93/100 unique arrangements for ya right there. So you don't have to worry so much about having lotsa cards that can't into many card battles cuz of few arrows. ^_^ Thanks to Ferdinand Pelayo for "tetra master collector points are scored" info ! CARD LIST ========= #1=goblin - buy it at the card stadium (disc3) #2=fang - buy it at the card stadium (disc3) #3=skeleton - buy it at the card stadium (disc3) #4=flan - buy it at the card stadium (disc3) #5=zaghnol - After fighting carve spider #6=lizard man - After fighting lizard man#7=zombie - After fighting zombie #8=bomb - Find Tom`s kitten (Alexandria, disc1) nad talk to Tom) #9=ironite - Hippauls treasure, disc1 (ring the bell at Alexandria steeple) #10=sahagin - After fighting Sahagin #11=yet - After fighting Yeti #12=mimic - Challenge a beginner #13=wyerd - Challenge a beginner #14=mandragora - After fighting mandragora #15=crawler - After fighting crawler #16=sand scorpion - After fighting sand scorpion #17=nymph - After fighting nymph #18=sand golem - Challenge an average player #19=zuu - After fighting zuu #20=dragonfly - After fighting dragonfly #21=carrion worm - After fighting carrion worm #22=cerberus - After fighting #23=antlion - Challenge an average player #24=cactuar - get 50 jumps with rope jump #25=gimme cat - After fighting gimme cat #26=ragtimer - Challenge an average player #27=hedgehog pie - Challenge an average player #28=ralvuimahgo - Challenge an average player #29=ochu - After fighting ochu #30=troll - After fighting troll #31=blazer beetle - Challenge an average player #32=abomination - Challenge an average player #33=zemzelett - Challenge an average player #34=stroper - Challenge an average player #35=tantarian - Challenge an average player #36=grand dragon - Challenge an average player #37=feather circle - Challenge an average player #38=hecteyes - After fighting hecteyes #39=ogre - After fighting ogre #40=armstrong - After fighting armstrong #41=ash - After fighting ash #42=wraith - Challenge a good card player #43=gargoyle - Challenge a good card player #44=vepal - After fighting vepal #45=grimlock - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4) #46=tonberry - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4) #47=veteran - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4) #48=garuda - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4) #49=marlboro - Challenge marlboro master Joe (card stadium, disc4) #50=mover - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #51=abadon - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4) #52=behemoth - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4) #53=iron man - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4) #54=nova dragon - Challenge card masters at Memoria #55=Ozma - After killing Ozma #56=Hades - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #57=holy - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4) #58=meteor - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4) #59=flare - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4) #60=Shiva - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #61=Ifrit - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #62=Ramuh - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #63=Atomos - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #64=Odin - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #65=Leviathan - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #66=Bahamut - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #67=Ark - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #68=Fenrir - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #69=Madeen - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #70=Alexander - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4) #71=Excalibur - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #72=ultima weapon - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #73=masamume - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #74=elixir - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #75=dark matter - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #76=ribbon - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #77=tiger racket - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #78=Save the queen - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #79=Genji - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #80=mithril sword - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4) #81=Blue Narcis - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #82=Hilda garde 3 - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #83=Invincible - Dig up the treasure (dead pepper) where schimmering island used to be (disc4) #84=Cargo ship - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #85=Hilda garde 1 - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #86=Red Rose - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #87=Theater ship - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro #88=Viltgance - Buy it from Mene (the moogle which lets you play the digging game) with 1800 digging points. #89=Chocobo - Challenge fat chocobo #90=fat chocobo - received by fat chocobo after you dug up all chocobo treasures (also the dead pepper treasures) #91=Mog - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #92=Frog - Challenge the card master at Memoria #93=Oglop - Beat the champion (Erin) at the card game tournament (disc3) #94=Alexandria - talk to the girl running around on the market #95=Lindblum - search the pile of rumble on the market in Linblum (after queen Brahne`s attack, disc2) which blocks a path. #96=two moons - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #97=Gargant - After fighting dracozombie #98=Namingway - Search Kuja`s room in the desert palace #99=Boco - Challenge the card masters at Memoria #100=Airship- Use dead pepper on the crack on the lost continent. Special thanks to Leroy ( for the card list. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Elemental Properties : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are a 8 total of elemental properties : Fire,Ice,Thunder,Earth,Water,Wind,Holy, and Shadow.Applying these elemental properties to your attacks and defense makes battle a lot easier.But enemies can take advantage of them as well,so watch out !! To apply them,you have to understand their natures. Fire = Effective against Ice & Undead monsters. Ice = Effective against Insects,Large enemies,Fire,and Dragon-Type monsters. Thunder = Effective against monsters near water. Earth = Ineffective against Flying monsters. Water = Effective against Fire monsters. Wind = Effective against Flying monsters. Holy = Effective against Shadow monsters. Shadow = Effective against Holy monsters. There is also a non-elemental property,which is not affected by any elemental properties. Did all that sink in ? It's easy once you get the hang of it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Status Effects: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Status effects refers to character condition.There are good status effects,and bad status effects,so pay attention ! We'll go over the bad status effects first.The following status effects go away when the battle is over. Confuse = Lose control of your characters. Berserk = Althrough strength increases,the character can only attack. Stop = Character cannot move. Poison = HP Gradually decreases. Sleep = The character falls asleep,and cannot move Slow = The ATB gauge fills up slowly Heat = The terrible burns that cause K.O if you character takes any action Freeze = The characthers becomes frozen,and get K.O'd if physically attacked. Mini = The character shrinks which reduces battle power & defense. Now let's discuss about a very bad status effects that don't go away after the battle is over. Petrify = The characther becomes petrified and cannot move Venom = The character can't gain EXP and AP,and character can't mov Virus = The character can't gain EXP and AP after the battle because growth is stunted Silence = The character can't use magic Darkness = The character's vision is impaired,and physical attack accurasy is decreased. Trouble = The damage one character's received transfers to others character. Zombie = Healing items,and magic cause damage to the characters. Vanish = The character vanished and cannot be hit by physical attack. The characthers reappears if hit by magic. Enough talking about bad stuff,now let discuss about good status effects. Auto Life = The characther revivies from K.O automatically,once during the battle. Regen = HP gradually increases. Haste = ATB gauge fills up faster Float = The characters float and does not receive any earth damage. Shell = Damages from magic attacks decreased. Protect = Damages from physical attacks decreased. Reflect = Magic is reflected back to the caster. Remember that if all your party members incur K.O,stop,petrify,or venom during the battle,it's GAMEOVER ! Also you won't received any EXP or AP if you're still under K.O,petrify,virus,or zombie status when the battle ends =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trance Mode: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When trance occurs the character will transform and your power will increased while you're under Trance.In addiction to greater attack power,you'll receive a new battle command.Here are some facts about trance. About Trance : -------------- 1.The trance gauge will increases as you take hits from the enemy. 2.The trance gauge doesn't increase if you got hit from other party members. 3.If you gout afflicted by Zombie,the trance gauge will goes down completely. 4.When the trance gauge fills completely,it's party time ! Condition that stop/prevents trance: ------------------------------------ 1.End of battle.Trance gauge will goes down to zero. 2.During the battle.Trance gauge decreases to zero as you take actions during the battle. You could say that the origin of trance comes from hostility.The hostile energy of enemy attack induces trance,that's why being attacked by your allies can't cause trance.By the way,the trance gauge appears both in battle,and in the status menu,which is under the main menu. Unfortunately,not everyone can archieve trance,i guess it's only for the chosen one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Icons that appears over the head: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- During your advanture,you'll run into lots of suspicious looking things. That's when a field icon might popup over you head : "?" or "!" Press action button when you see the icon and something will happen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Battle System : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Basic battle controls : O Confirm X Cancel Triangle Switch to next ready characters,when the ATB gauge is full Square Hold down to clear menu L1 R1 Select single/multiple targets L2 Turn the target window on/off Start Pause Select Turn on/off help menu ATB: ---- ATB stands for ACTIVE TIME BATTLE. Time during battle is managed by the ATB system.There are 2 ATB modes,active and wait. You can select them in config menu. ATB mode : Active -> Always real time,time never stops during the battle Wait -> Time stops while you selecting magic and items. If you're a beginner i think you should choose "Wait".Active mode is more for advanced players. Damage Point: ------------- Numbers and details pop up during the battle whenever your HP and MP change. Numbers appears in 2 different colors -> White and Green.Example : 9999 HP Change White numbers indicate damage Green numbers indicate HP recovery 9999 MP MP Change White numbers indicate loss Green numbers indicate MP recovery Miss When attack misses Critical When you deal greater damage than usual Death When you get KO'd Guard When status attacks and elemental attacks have no effect Order: ------ The order option involves not only the line up,but also the battle position. There are 2 battle positions : Front and Back row. Front Row : You can deal big damage with attack,but you can also receive big damage from attacks. Back Row : You can only deal a small damage with attack,but you receive less damage from attacks. You can change this settings with the order option.You can also switch between the Front and Back row during the battle,by selecting "CHANGE".If you use magic or long-range weapons,you can deal just as much damage from the back row as you can from the front row.In tough battles,adjusting battle positions might save your character's life... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Controls: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In the world map : Square = Call a moogle to save your game Select = Toogle navigation map O = Enter buildings L1 R1 = Camera Control L2 = Lock/Unlock camera position R2 = Switch perspective In the battle : O = OK X = Cancel. Triangle = Change characters Square = Hide windows. L1/R2 = Select All Target R1 + L1 = Run away. In the airship : O = Fly forwards Square = Fly backwards X = Get off from the airship Triangle = Enter airship L1 / R1 = Turn without moving =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Strategy: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Level and AP In FFIX, if your level is up, the monsters don't get stronger. So if you feel monsters a little strong, just walk around, have some battles and level up your characters. Experience is divided into all the characters at the battle. (So if only one character was alive and beat the monster, he/she will get four times as much experience as usual.) As for AP, the AP give to each character is decided and never changes. 2. Game Over Your game is over when all the characters' HP are 0, or all are petrified, or stopped. So, if your character got these status, you should recover them as soon as possible. 3. Ability In this game, each character learns abilities by equipping weapons, armors or accessories. There are two kinds of abilities, Action ability and Support ability. You can use action abilities just after you equipped some weapons, but you NEED to set or equip support abilities. 4. About Boss monsters In a battle against boss monsters, you will get no experience. Instead, each boss has some good and rare items. If you can fight on a safe side, let Zidane steal such items. 5. Useful elementary operation You can reset the game by pushing R1+R2+L1+L2+start+select. To change of ability window and equip window -- start button To skip a character -- triangle button (This is very useful. You should skip a healer such as Garnet or Eiko, until some characters get damaged.) You can use your magic to all enemies by pushing R1(or L1). If you want to run away from the enemy, just keep pushing R1+L1. (Sometimes this requires much time. Using Zidane's skill will be much better.) ====== Maps : ====== FF9 Worldmap : Chocobo Air Garden Location : Chocographs Maps & Info : More information about ff9 can be found at my ff9 website : +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ _ ___ _ _ _______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ | | | | | |/ _ \ | | | | / /_ _| | | || ___ \ _ | | | | __ \| | | | | | | | | / /_\ \| | | |/ / | | | |_| || |_/ / | | | | | | | \/| |_| | | | | |/\| | _ || | | \ | | | _ || /| | | | | | | | __ | _ | | | \ /\ / | | || |____| |\ \ | | | | | || |\ \\ \_/ / |_| | |_\ \| | | | | | \/ \/\_| |_/\_____/\_| \_/ \_/ \_| |_/\_| \_|\___/ \___/ \____/\_| |_/ | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------ The Beggining....: ------------------ After the opening FMV,get 47 gil & a potion on the back of the room, then,light up the candle in the middle of the room.Now you can rename your character. His default name is Zidane.When you done,you will fight a big huge creature,which is Zidane boss,Baku.After the battle,Baku will called all of them to the meeting room to start the meeting.Once he finished to tells you your mission,he will ask you a question.Choose the second option,and another FMV will shows up. Now you'll be controlling the black mage.From this starting point, go south to the next screen.There's a zombie card in the lower-left corner of the screen,a lizard man card behind the statue,and sabakin card near the statue.Head west and go back to the starting point.Pick up 2 potion on the left side of the street,then enter the house on the right.Get 9 gil under the bed in the 1st floor,fang card in the dresser on the 2nd floor,and potion under the table in the 1st floor. Leave this house and head north to the next screen.Get 33 gil on the lower right corner of the screen,and a Goblin card on the lower left corner of the screen,then enter the bar in the middle of the screen. Get a Purin card on the lower-left corner of the screen (near the barrel) ,27 gil near the broken stairs,and potion on the lower-right corner of the screen. Exit the bar and head west to the next screen.There's an item shop on the upper right corner of the screen.Enter it and get 38 gil in the lower right corner of the screen,near the junk.Talk to the shopkeeper, and buy any items (if you want it),once you done,head north to the Event Square. Talk to the ticket man,and he will recognize that the black mage ticket is fake. But he will give you 3 cards in return,and he'll tells the black mage to find Alleyway Jack,to learn more about the card game.Head west and enter house on the right (Synthesis Shop) and get ether on the lower-right corner of the screen. Exit the house,get phoenix Pinnion,near the brigde to Alexandria castle. There are 3 girl playing skipping game in the front of the inn, You can play with them if you want.Once you done,head west to the next screen, and a Rat Kid will shows up.Later,he'll asked the black mage to help him. Choose the 1st option three times,then follow the Rat Kid.Enter the bell tower on the left,and the Rat Kid will ask you to climb up the tower first. After that,a moogles (mognets) will falls down from the tower and it will hits the black mage.Once you'll be able control of you character,get Tent on the lower left corner of the screen,and a potion at the lower right corner of the screens.Talk to Kupo,and choose the first option to save your game here. Climb up the bell tower,and get 29 gil on the lower left corner of the screen (near the bird nest).Head up and the Rat Kid will ask your name.After rename you character (Vivi),follow the Rat Kid (His name is Puck) to the upper right corner of the screen, and you'll be able to controlling Zidane again. After the FMV,Baku will now start the play.Later,you will enconter a battle. Defeat them,and don't use any SFX command,just attack them as normal. After that,you will play a "Button Pressing" mini game with Blank.Press the button quickly, and you'll be fine (Example:Blank ask you to press X button,so quickly press X button). Once you done,choose the second option to finish the mini game. ------------------------- Inside Alexandria Castle: ------------------------- Now Zidane and Blank have succesfully sneak into Alexandria castle,knock the guard off,and take their clothes :),then you will be able to controlling Zidane again.Head up to the stairs,and here you will meet up with Princess Garnet for the first time in the game... Meanwhile,Zorn and Thorn will report to the Queen that Princess Garnet is missing. The Queen will tells the Pluto Captain,Steiner,and General Beatrix to search for the princess.After renaming your character (Steiner),head down from the stairs,and you will meet up with the soldier No.2 & No.3 who's were stripped by Blank & Zidane. After the following sequence,head back to the room where the guards get knocked down by Blank & Zidane,and get phoenix down in the lower left corner of the screen.You can save your game by talking to the mognet over there.Once you done,go back to the previous room and head north to the next screen.There you will find soldier No.05 running along the corridor.Talk to him,then head east to the next screen and found soldier No.09.Head back to the previous room,go down to the stairs, and enter the library on the lower left corner of the screen.Talk to soldier No.04,then head out from the castle,and talk to soldier No.08,near the fountain.Head west to the next screen,and talk to soldier No.07,then head north and climb up the tower. Inside the tower you will meet up with soldier No.06.Talk to him two times,and he will give you an Elixir (only if you found all the soldier members).Now continue to the top of the tower.Outside the tower you will see Zidane chasing princess Garnet running around the opposite tower.After that,another FMV will shows up,and you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head east to the next screen,then follow princess Garnet down to the stairs.Here,she'll reveal herself as Princess Garnet and ask Zidane to kidnap her. After the following sequence,Cinna will shows up and he'll will open a secret passage into the Engige room.Even though Steiner and soldier No.? also found the secret passage, the soldier No.? (Blank) will jumps up and he'll plug the hole with his body,so Steiner can't pass through,and runs to the other way.Head to the next screen,where Steiner will meet up with the party once again,and you'll encounter a battle with him.After the battle,Steiner will break up the soldier's armor to revealing his true identity,Blank.Then,lots of oglops will pop up from Blank's body.Zidane and Garnet use this chance to ran away,and they will go up to the stage. Meanwhile,Vivi and the Rat Kid will get chased by the soldier No.7 & No.8 and ends up in the stage too.Vivi will cast a fire spell to attack the guards,but the spell is burns the clothes that Garnet wearing.After that,you will encounter a battle with Steiner two times.Once the battle is over,another FMV shows up,and the airship will crash down into a forest. ---------------- The Evil Forest: ---------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Goblin HP : 35 EXP : 21 AP : 1 Gil : 88 Steal : Potion Name : Fang HP : 70 EXP : 23 AP : 1 Gil : 90 Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down ======================= You can talk to the mognet and save your game here.Head right to the Evil forest. Here you will encounter a Random battle,which is a good time to gained some levels for Zidane.Why ? Because if you fight the enemies here when Vivi & Steiner joined the party,the EXP you'll get will be splitted for 3 party members (even for 4 party members, if Garnet joined the party).So this is a good time for zidane to gained some level,since each Goblin or Fang you kill,you will receive about 23 EXP points.After gained about 3 or 4 Levels (you can gained more if you want it),save your game,and head back to the evil forest and go to the upper-right corner of the screen.There you will meet up with Steiner,Vivi and Garnet,who's got trapped inside a monster cage.Now you will encounter a battle. Zidane will start the battle with a Trance mode,so just use Zidane's "Free Energy" skill and you'll win the battle easily.Notice that the monster will sucks Garnet HP each 2 or 3 turns.So,don't forget to use potion to her. After the battle,the monster will ran away with Garnet,and another monster will shows up and it will grab Vivi this time.Actually this battle is same as before,the different is Zidane will not start the battle with trance mode,and Vivi will keep casting fire on the monster.After you defeated the monster,Vivi and Steiner will get poisoned,and all of them will be carried back to the ship. After checking all of the ATE's,open the treasure chest on the right to receive Bronze Glove.Go downstairs,and open the chest on the left (Wrist),near the spiraling stairs. Head right to the next screen,and get Ether (next to the door), and 116 Gil on the top bed. Talk with Vivi,then get out where Zidane will have a flashback of his first meeting with Garnet,at Alexandria castle. Now head west to the next screen,and get the ether.You can't enter Steiner's room right now, so go downstairs.Open the treasure chest in the upper left corner of the screen (Rubber Helm), then go through the right room,and talk to Baku.After Baku leaves the room,get potion inside the treasure chest,and go back to the previous room.Talk to Baku and choose the first option, and you will encounter a battle with him.After the battle, head back to Steiner's and Vivi's room.They will joined the party (don't forget to take the ether in the room where steiner was locked in).Return to where you fought Baku earlier,and head down,Blank will shows up and give Zidane Blank's Antidote.Head out from the ship,and save your game.Notice that you can also buy items from Cinna.Get Phoenix down in the upper left corner of the screen,and when you ready to go,head east to the evil forest again. ---------------------- Return to Evil Forest: ---------------------- Head to the screen where you saw Garnet being taken away by those monster,and head north. In the next screen,take the right path and go to the next screen.There you will reach a small spring,and a mognet hiding inside the tree trunk.You can restore your HP/MP by drinking the water from the spring,and you can gain some levels for Steiner & Vivi,then go back here to heal your party.When you done,save your game,and head east. Follow the path until you reach the cave.Inside the cave you will find Garnet,and you'll encounter a BOSS battle. Boss:Plant Brain. HP:1850 Steal : Eye Drops,Iron Helm Gil : 468 Strategy:This boss is weak against fire,so be sure to use Vivi's fire magic,and Steiner Fire Magic Sword combination.After a few rounds of fighting, Blank will shows up and help you. Then continue the battle as usual and you should win easily. On your way out from the forest,horde of Plant Spiders will keep chasing the party. If you encounter those plant spiders,just use Vivi's fire magic to all the enemies (Press L1), and they'll die instantly.Head south to the next screen,and you will see another cool FMV. That night,all of them will camp on the outskirts of the forest,and Garnet will wakes up. After some talking,they will sleeps,and in the morning,a a mognet named Monty will shows up. Once you done,you will automatically head out from the evil forest to the world map for the first time in the game..... ** Note that you can actually save your game in the world map by calling ** a mognet (press square button) and choose the top option two times. Now head south from the evil forest and enter the Ice Cavern. But if you run out of potions you can head east and enter a place called "North gate" first and buy potion there.You can also found a treasure chest containing a potion and an eye drops there. ----------- Ice Cavern: ----------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Weird HP : 130 EXP : 44 AP : 1 Gil : 115 Steal : Phoenix Down,Tent,Potion Name : Purin HP : 75 EXP : 40 AP : 1 Gil : 110 Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down Name : Cave Imp HP : 75 EXP : 34 AP : 1 Gil : 118 Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down ======================= In the first screen of the cave,open the treasure chest to get a Tent, then head north to the next screen.Walk around the legde,and open the chest to receive potion,then examine the wall on the right.Vivi will automatically cast Fire on the ice wall,and you will receive an Ether.Head up to the next screen.Get the Potion inside the treasure chest,then head down and let Vivi melt the pillar to fall,and get the Mage Masher.There's another meltable wall on the upper left corner of the screen.Examine it and get the Elixir.Now head to the next screen.Open the chest on the right and get the Phoenix Down.Examine and melt down the wall of the left side on the screen,and open the treasure chest,then head to the next screen.Here you will reach an intersection.First,choose the left path,and examine the frozen mognet.Vivi will automatically release him from the ice,and you'll be able to Save your game here.Now go back to the intersection,and this time,choose the right path.Here all of the party members will get frozen.After a few minutes,Zidane will wakes up,and hears a bell.Head to the next screen,and you will encounter a boss battle. Boss:Black Waltz,Sea Lion. HP:Black Waltz (400 HP),Sea Lion (500 HP). First,kill the black mage or he'll be able to cast heal spell to aids the Sea Lion. After killing the black mage,keep attacking the Sea Lion until you win the battle. If Zidane is in trance mode,quickly use Zidane's "Tidal Flame" skill,it will cause 300 damage to the both of them Once the battle is over,go back to the previous screen,and the others will wakes up. Go to the next screen (where you fight the boss)and climb up to the top of the cave,then exit the cave.Outside the cave you will be able to rename Garnet.After that,you will go back to the world map.Head to Village of the Dali. Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Carve Spider HP : 125 EXP : 40 AP : 1 Gil : 106 Steal : Hi Potion,Potion Name : Muu HP : 88 EXP : 23 AP : 1 Gil : 104 Steal : Potion ======================= -------------------- Village of the Dali: -------------------- Once the party arrives,all of them will automatically enter the inn on the right side of the screen.Inside the Inn,Zidane and Steiner will have some talk,until they hear Vivi snoring,and decided to go to sleep.In the next morning,get Antidote inside the treasure chest on the lower right of the screen,and potion inside the chest on the left side of the screen. There some ATE's to do here,so be sure to check them out.Head out from the inn,and talk to Vivi (Standing near the windmill).After talking to him,Vivi will get kidnapped, but Zidane doesn't know this yet,so keep on going. Enter the house (weapon shop) on the left.There you will have some talk with Garnet,and choose whatever options you want.Once you'll be able to control of Zidane again, talk to the shopkeeper,and you'll be able to buy weapons/armors for the first time in the game. Once you done,head out from the shop,and go north and.Enter the windmill in the left side of the screen,and get Aries coin behind the sawmills.There also a 2 treasure chest in the 2nd floor,but i have no ideahow to get them.Head out from the windmills,and head back to the inn,then talk to Garnet.After doing some talking with her,Steiner & Vivi hasn't come back yet,so they'll decided to find them.Head out from the inn,and go to the place where you find Vivi last time (near the windmill).After you hear Vivi's voice linking from the underground,enter the windmill on the left,and open the manhole over there,then go down to the basement. Get the treasure chest in the first screen of the basement to receive 156 Gil, then head north to the next screen.After the following sequence,you'll be able to control your characters again.Get potion in the chest inside the little house,and along the path there is a chest with an eyedrop.Now head north to the next screen.In the next screen,there's a mognet hiding inside the barrell.Save your game if you want,then climb up the boxes,and open the chest to receive an Ether.You can also kick the handle of the pulley to receive a chest contain a potion.Head north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest in the middle of the screen to receive Leather Wrist,and climb up the boxes on the right,and open the chest to receive an Iron Helm.Head north to the next screen.There Garnet & Zidane will stop and hear Vivi's voice from the crates over there and Zidane will let him out.Open the treasure chest on top of the screen,to receive 95 Gil.You can also enter the door over there,but if you do this,from now on you will encounter a random battle in this area,so think about it. Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Ghost HP : 118 EXP : 48 AP : 1 Gil : 126 Steal : Hi Potion,Potion Name : Vice HP : 130 EXP : 47 AP : 1 Gil : ? Steal : Potion,Echo Screen ======================= Enter the door (if you want it),and get the Phoenix down,Phoenix wing,and the potion from the treasure chests.Go back to the previous room,and head east to the next screen. There you'll find a poor chocobo riding the wheels and trying to get those gysahl greens... Head north to the next screen.After the following sequence,you'll be able to control Steiner again.Head down the stairs,and get 135 Gil inside the treasure chest near the stairs,and a Hi-potion inside the chest blocked by a cart near the entrance,and head south to the next screen.There you will see a cargo ship in the open.Steiner will examine the barrell,and he'll released the entire party members from the barrell. After that,you will encounter a boss battle. Boss:Black Waltz #2 HP :About 1250 Strategy :Don't use any Vivi's black magic,instead keep attacking him with your normal attack,and use Steiner Fire sword attack.Use Garnet to healing the party members,and keep attacking him until you win the battle. Once the battle is over,choose the 1st option to rest in the inn,and save your game. Head back to the airship,and enter it.Once you regain control of Zidane,open the door in the front of you.Inside that room,your party will find out that the airship was actually controlled by a group of black mages.Now head up to the stairs,there you will find Steiner sprawled on the deck.After talking to him,enter the control room on the left.After the following sequence,you will encounter another boss battle,so be prepared. Boss:Black Waltz #3 HP:1100 Strategy:This one is little tough,since you will fight him without Garnet on your party. So use Vivi to heal the other party members (using potion or hi-potion),and keep attacking him,until you win the battle. Once the battle is over,he'll go off,and try to destroy the airship. After the following FMV's,the party will reach safely into Lindblum. ---------------------- Lindblum Grand Castle: ---------------------- Once you arrives in Lindblum,you'll be taken to meet the ruler of Lindblum, Regent Cid. Head south to the next screen,and enter the elevator.After some talking, finnaly you will meet up with Cid,and he was hiding behind the chair :). After some talking with Cid,Zidane will head to the bar in Lindblum town. There you will meet up with Freya Crescent,Zidane's old friend,and you'll be able to rename her.In the next morning,you will find yourself inside the inn on Lindblum town. Vivi will shows up,and have some talk with Zidane.Later he'll leaves you,and you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head to the next room,and talk to the mognet over there to save your game. Head down the stairs to the first floor of the inn.Get 163 gil at the lower left corner of the screen.Head out from the inn,and there's an ATE to do here. After checking the ATE,head north to the next screen,and enter the house in the middle of the screen.Open the treausure chest over there to receive Hi-Potion, and Echo Screen.Exit the house,and head north to the next screen (the path on the left). Enter the church and climp up the ladder and open the treasure chest over there. When you done,Exit the church,and head south to the previous screen,and this time take the path on the right,it will leads you to the central square.Here you can find Items,weapons and Synthesis shop.Buy anything you like (i suggest you to buy butterfly sword,or ogre sword at Synthesis shop) and once you done,head back to the inn and head south two times to go back to the world map. The enemies here is very tough,but you'll receive about 150 EXP points,each time you defeat them.Once you done gained some level (or not),enter a "?" place near the forest (Pinnacle Rocks).There's nothing much to do here,just open 2 treasure chest on the lower right corner of the screen to receive Elixir and Phoenix Down,then head back to Lindblum.You can rest at the inn first before you move on.Now head east from the inn, and go to the next screen.After checking the ATE,enter the Air cab,and choose the first option. Once you arrived here,head out from the station,and enter the house on the lower-right corner of the screen,and open the treasure chest over there to receive Ore.Exit the house,and head North West to the next screen.Enter the house with a big clock in the top,and you will see another ATE.Once you'll be able to control of Zidane,open all treasure chest in this room,to receive 68 gil,97 gil,and 182 gil.Also,examine the top bed to receive Mini-Burmecia.Head out from the house,then head back to the station,and enter the Air cab again.This time, when you given an options,choose the third one.Once you arrived,head south to the next screen,and enter the castle.Go upstairs,head right then south to the next screen.From here (Main hall,with the fountain),head east to the next screen, then head north and enter the resting/guest room.Go left,and you will meet up with Steiner. Once he leaves,open all the treasure chest in this room,then talk to the mognet to save your game.Head out from the resting room,and go back to the main hall (near the fountain).There you'll hear a song,and guessing that was sing by Garnet. Talk to the soldier near the lift,then go back to the previous screen (one screen before the resting room) and talk to the guard in the lower left corner of the screen.Zidane will takes off his uniform,and lock him inside the cabinet in the resting room :). Go back to the main hall,and enter the lift in the south.Choose to go upstairs, and once you arrived,take the path on the left that leads to the lift engige room. Go upstairs,and outside the viewing tower,head up and you'll meet up with Garnet again. After doing some talking with her,you can move the telescope by using your D-Pad buttons, and you must find all the "!" areas in the map. Once you done,Garnet will start to singing again,and there will be another events with Steiner,Vivi,Freya and Cid Lindbulm.After that,the screen will back to Garnet & Zidane again.In the next morning,save your game by talking to the mog over there,then head out from the resting room,and go to the main hall.Head north,and in the next screen,go left,and go downstairs,then head right to the outside of the castle.Now enter the air cab in the left side of the screen,and you'll taken to the Entertaiment area,to start the hunting tournament.Also,you will see Garnet and Steiner at the top of the bridge,but both of them will cheer up for Vivi instead of Zidane :) ----------------------- The Hunting Tournament: ----------------------- Here's the list of the enemies that can be found in the streets of Lindblum town. Theater Area: 1.Outside Air cab station 1x Trick Sparrow,and 1x Muu 2.Near the big clock 1x Trick Sparrow 3.In the screen south from the big clock 1x Fang Bussines Area: 1.Outside the air cab station,near the inn 1x Trick Sparrow,1x Muu 2.In the left side of the screen,at the shopping area. 1x Fang 3.Outside the Church 1x Fang,1x Trick Sparrow 4.Boss : In the main square at the shopping area,near the fountain. Industry Area : 1.Outside air cab station 1x Fang walking around the statue 2.Near the staircase 1x Muu 3.Outside the house on the next screen 1x Muu Go outside the Air Cab station,and quickly kill all the enemies in this screen (1x Mu moving around the old man in the center of the screen,and 1x Trick Sparrow, in the upper left corner of the screen).Once you done,head north to the next screen with a big clock,and fight those trick sparrow again,then head south to the next screen. Here wait about 10 seconds until the fang shows up,and kill it.Now Head back to the air cab station,and go to the Commercial Area (1st Option). Once you arrived,go outside from the air cab station.Head to the center of the screen,near the inn,and a Trick sparrow should be appeared (If not,head south to the next screen,then quickly go back to the previous screen,and go to the center of the screen, the trick sparrow should be appeared now).Head north to the next screen,and fight those monster (Fang), standing in the left side of the screen,then head north again,to the next screen. Kill all the enemies in this area (1x Fang,and 1x Trick Sparrow outside the church), and once you done,head back to the previous screen.Now take the path on the right, and head to the main square (near the fountain).There you'll encounter a boss battle, but don't worry,you'll be fighting the boss alongside Freya. Boss Battle : Zaghnol HP: 1000 Tips:Use Freya jump skill (2nd option) in every turn.If you do this,the boss can't hurt Freya (while she's up in the air),so concentrate your healing to Zidane. I've win this battle alone,without Freya (she's dead) and i receive about 65 Hunting points. I don't know if you win the battle with Freya,you will get this points or not. After the battle,you'll be taken to the Throne room with Cid Lindbulm.If you win the tournament,you'll receive 5000 Gil,and a Hunter's bagde.Later,a wounded soldier from Burmecian kingdom appeared.Freya and Vivi will join the party with Zidane,but Garnet can't come since the party fears for her safety.So Garnet put a sleeping powder into the food that they'll eat,and DANG ! All of them fall asleep,off cource except Garnet,and Steiner,who doesn't have a sleeping powder on their food :). Later,both of them will leaves,and when the party's wakes up,Garnet & Steiner is already dissapeared.Once you'll be able to control your characters,head back to the resting room,and save your game by talking to the mognet over there. Head out from the resting room,and go to the main hall.Enter the lift,then choose to go down to the basement.In the next screen,enter the vehicle on the right,and when you arrived in the next screen,open the treasure chest in the upper left corner of the screen,then enter the vehicle on the left and choose the 2nd option.Now you should be taken to a room with a mognet standing in the lower left corner of the screen.Save your game,if you want it,then talk to the guy in the pirate uniform to buy some items as you leave.(NOTE : I recommend you to stock up some healing items first,specially Potion, Phoenix Down,and Tent.You need them later to heal your party members,since you must beat the next dungeon without your main healer,Garnet.). Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Serpion (Quina Can learn Mighty Guard from this monster) HP : 400 EXP : 139 AP : 1 Gil : 184 Steal : Antidote Name : Vice (Quina can learn Vanish from this monster) HP : 300 EXP : 212 AP : 2 Gil : 478 Steal : Ether,Echo Screen Name : Lady Bug (Quina can learn Pumpkin Head from this monster) HP : 245 EXP : 89 AP : 1 Gil : 193 Steal : Phoenix Wings,Hi potion,Tent,Eye Drops ======================= Now head north from here to reach a place called "Qu's Marsh". All you need to do here is catch a frog,then give it to a fat man/lady named (similiar like cait sith isn't it ?) "Quina",that is walking around the swamp.Later Quina will join the party. After that,head out from Qu's Marsh to the world map. -------------------- Gizamaluke's Grotto: -------------------- From here,head east,cross the brigde,and enter the "Chocobo forest". Once you enter the forest,the mognet inside the forest will give you a gysahl green, which is can be used to call a chocobo in the chocobo tracks outside the forest.So go back to the world map,and walk along the chocobo tracks over there and use the greens. TADA ! You've got your first chocobo in the game ! Note that the chocobos won't go away if you get off from them,so don't worry about it :). Now that you have a chocobo,you can enter a place called "South gate",north from the chocobo forest.There,you can heal your HP/MP by drinking the spring water on the right. Also,examine for the "!" spot in this screen to get an "Ether" and "Mocha Coffee". ** BLUE MAGIC NOTE ** Now that you have Quina in your party,so you can learn blue magic for him first.Be sure to get all the blue magic that listed below before you go any further. Vanish -> Learn from "Vice" You can found it outside the Qu's Marsh Pumpkin Head -> Learn from "Lady Bug" & "Hedgehod Pie" You can found them outside the Qu's Marsh Frog Drop -> Learn from "Gigan Toad" You can found it inside Qu's Marsh Aqua Breath -> Learn from "Axotolt" You can found it inside Qu's Marsh Mighty Guard -> Learn from "Serpion" You can found it on the forest/shores outside linblum dragon's gate. * OPTIONAL * For the blue magic listed below,you can choose to get it or not, although,it's not necessary.Also,to find the enemy listed below,you must go back to linblum,go to the bussines area,and head south from Linblum Inn to the world map. Limit Glove -> Learn from "Axe Break" You can found it outside Linblum Level 3 Def Less -> Learn from "Carve SpideR" You can found it outside Linblum Mustard Bomb -> Learn it from "Bomb" You can found it on the forest outside Linblum/Pinnacle rocks go there to find it. See ? Now you already learn 8 Blue magic in just a couple of minutes. It takes a little time,but it's worth it ;) Also,if you need help to find the others blue magic for Quina,read my BLUE MAGIC FAQ,which can be found at Once you done,head west,cross the brigde again,then head north from Qu's Marsh and enter a place called "Gizamaluke's Grotto". Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Skeleton (Quina can learn Pumpkin Head from this monster) HP : 400 EXP : 104 AP : 1 Gil : 209 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Stingy HP : ? EXP : 88 AP : 1 Gil : 194 Steal : Hi Potion Name : Lamia (Quina can learn Level 3 Def-Less from this monster) HP : 995 EXP : 204 AP : 2 Gil : 494 Steal : Phoenix Down Name : Black Mage type A HP : ? EXP : 114 AP : 1 Gil : 199 Steal : Tent,Phoenix Down ======================= Once you arrives,talk to the man on the right and you'll receive a bell from him. Use the bell to open the door on the north,and enter it. In the next screen you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn again,and they will call the black mages to kill you.After the battle,they will ran away,as usual.Now defeat the black mage that walking around in the north,and you'll receive another bell. Use it on the door on the top right.In the next screen,walk around the stairs and don't forget to get the Pointed hat under the brigde. There will be a mognet examining a huge bell in the center of the screen.After talking to them,open the treasure chest in the center of the screen,then use the bell to open the door in the right.Here,talk to the mognet in the upper right corner to save your game,then talk to the other mognet to receive a gold bell.Head back to previous screen,and use the gold bell to the door on the left,then enter it.Here you'll encounter a boss battle,watch out !! Boss : Gizamaluke HP : About 3000 This battle can be very tough,specially if you're in low level,so i suggest you to gain some level first,before you fight this boss.Use Freya jump skill as usual, and let Vivi and Quina heal the party with Potion. ----------- South Gate: ----------- After the battle,you'll be able to control Steiner again. Talk to the guard in the north,and after some talking,they will let steiner pass through.Here talk to everyone, then head to the upper right corner of the screen.A guard will shows up and he will notice that you can't pass through the gate without a Gate pass. After he leaves the screen,get the Gate pass in the ground, then continue to the next screen (upper right). After some talking,you'll be able to control Garnet again.Get a potion inside a treasure chest near the mognet on the left,then save your game.There's an item shop to the right.Buy any items you want,then talk to the man in the north and pick the top option 2 times.After the train leaves,the screen will back to Zidane & the party again.Enter the door on the north and you'll back to the world map.From here,just head north to Burmecian Kingdom. ------------------ Burmecian Kingdom: ------------------ Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Ironette HP : ? EXP : 576 AP : 2 Gil : 269 Steal : Gold Needle,Hi Potion Name : Basilisk HP : 345 EXP : 164 AP : 1 Gil : 233 Steal : Hi Potion Name : Mimic (looks like treasure chest) HP : 345 EXP : 320 AP : 2 Gil : 777 Steal : Antidote,Potion Name : Magic Vice (Quina can learn Magic Hammer from this monster) HP : 300 EXP : 212 AP : 2 Gil : 478 Steal : Ether,Echo Screen Name : Black Mage type A HP : ? EXP : 114 AP : 1 Gil : 199 Steal : Tent,Phoenix Down ======================= Once you arrived here,head north to the next screen.There you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn again,and you'll encounter a battle with 2 black mages.After the battle,enter the house on the right.Here open the treasure chest behind the stairs,and go upstairs.Don't open the treasure chest in the left,because it's a monster.Now Head left to the next screen. There's a locked door in the north,but you can't open it now,so head left to the next screen. Go over the platform in the center,and it will collapsed down.After that,go back outside to the place you meet up with Thorn & Zorn earlier,and enter the house on the left. Open the treasure chest on the lower left and lower right corner of the screen,and go upstairs.Ignore the treasure chest on the right,then continue right to the next screen. Head right,and choose the top option to jump across to the next screen.Talk to the wounded soldier on the right,then get the bell in the upper right corner of the screen. Go back to the locked door you found earlier,and use the bell to unlocked it. After some talk,Head north to the next screen.Here enter the door in the north,and after the following sequences, you'll be back outside. Now enter the door on the upper left corner of the screen.Open 2 treasure chest over there, then head north to the next screen (the treasure chest on the right is monster). Enter the door on the left.Here you'll receive a weapon for Freya. Once you be able to control zidane again,go outside and enter the door on the right.Save your game here by talking to the mognet over there.You can also buy items from the mognet by choosing the 4th option.Be sure to buy weapon for Quina,and stock up some potion (buy 99 if you can).Once you done shopping, go outside,and head north to the next screen. After doing some talk with Freya,choose the 2nd option,and in the next screen the party will overhear the conversation between Queen Brahne,and General Beatrix.After that,Kuja will shows up,and you'll encounter a battle with Beatrix. Boss : Beatrix HP : ??? Just hit her about 1500 damage,and she will attack and reduce your party's HP to 1. After the battle,another FMV will shows up,and that's the end of disc 1 !!! Don't forget to save your game by choosing the top option. ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DISC 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you be able to control your characters,head east to the next screen.There's a weapon/item shop in the bottom of the screen.Buy anything you want,once you done save your game.Talk to everyone in this screen,then head west to the next screen,you'll meet up with Marcus and Cinna again.Once they leaves,go back to previous screen,and talk to Marcus.After the following sequences,all of them will leave,so follow them to the next screen.Head to the upper left corner of the screen,and talk to Steiner,then enter the Train on the right.After the following sequences,the Train will stopped,and the party will go outside.There you'll encounter a boss battle with Black Waltz #3 again. Boss : Black Waltz #3 HP : 1400 Just attack him with your normal attack,and Heal if neccessary. After the battle you'll be back inside the train,and Garnet will have some talk with Marcus. Once you arrived here,head north to the next screen (there's an item shop in the east).Take the path on the right,jump accross the brigde,and head right to the next screen. Take 1610 Gil in a chest to the south,then head right to the next screen.After the guard check your Gate Pass,head right and you'll be back on the world map. Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Trick Sparrow HP : 191 EXP : 63 AP : 1 Gil : 198 Steal : Rude Stone Name : Carve Spider (Quina can learn Level 3 Def Less from this monster) HP : 123 EXP : 48 AP : 1 Gil : 124 Steal : Tent,Potion Name : Ghost (Quina can learn Roullete from this monster) HP : 118 EXP : 48 AP : 1 Gil : 126 Steal : Hi Potion,Potion Name : Mandragora HP : 662 EXP : 307 AP : 1 Gil : 595 Steal : Hi Potion,Tent,Echo Screen ======================= ---------------- Dark City Treno: ---------------- Once you arrived here,the party will have some talk,then both Dagger & Marcus will leave Steiner alone.Once you be able to control Steiner, take the path on the right.Here,go right and open the treasure chest over there.There's an item shop in the north (near the treasure chest), and an Inn in the left.Once you done shopping,head north to the next screen.There's a mognet in the center of the screen,save your game,then head left to the next screen.Grab 2225 Gil in the upper left corner of the screen,then enter the auction house in the north. Here you'll meet up with Garnet again.After some talk,you'll be back outside the auction house,and this time you'll controlling Garnet instead Steiner.Head back to the inn (near item shop) and rest.In the morning,go downstairs and talk to Marcus.Follow him to the next screen,and go downstairs.Talk to Zidane boss (Baku) and the screen will switch to Kuja then back to Garnet & the party again. After the following sequences,you'll be back at the Inn.Go oustide the inn,and head south to the next screen.Here take the path on the left,and in the next screen open the treasure chest on the left,and enter the door in the north-east.Go upstairs,and talk to the man over there (Tot). After the following sequences,you be able to control Garnet again.Climb up the ladder and enter a small hole in the upper right corner of the screen,then you'll arrived at Gargan Roo.Talk to the mognet in the bottom of the screen,and save your game here. ----------- Gargan Roo: ----------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Crawler HP : 625 EXP : 480 AP : 2 Gil : 323 Steal : Phoenix Down,Hi Potion,Antidote Name : Dragon Fly (Quina can learn Matra Magic from this monster) HP : 348 EXP : 249 AP : 1 Gil : 307 Steal : Tent,Eye Drop ======================= Now take the left path.Here,open the treasure chest on the right,then head left and press the switch over there.Open the treasure chest on the left,then go back to previous screen.Take the path on the right. In the next screen,head right and pull the lever over there,then go back to previous screen.Examine the switch on the left and a Giant Ant will appears.After the following sequences you'll fight a boss battle Boss : HP : About 2400 Strategy : Attack it with your normal attack.Heal if neccessary. Once you arrived in the next screen,head left.There you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn once again.After the following sequences the screen will switch back to Zidane & the party again. Now you'll be back in the world map.Head west and enter a place called "Cleyra's Trunk" --------------- Cleyra's Trunk: --------------- Once you arrived at Cleyra's Trunk,head north to the next screen.Here press the switch on the right and the door on the north will opened.Enter it and open the treasure chest on the right,then head north.There's a treasure chest in the south.Open it and head east to the next screen. From here,head north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left,then head south and examine the small hole over there.Pick the 2nd option,then head back to previous screen.Climb up the vines to the next screen.Now head west,and here open the treasure chest on the right then head left to find a mognet.Save your game,then continue north to next screen.Open the treasure chest in the north,then head east to next screen.Continue east,and here open all the treasure chest in this screen then take the right path and go north to next screen. Here open the treasure chest,then continue north to next screen.Push the lever over there,then go back to previous screen.Head south,and now take the left path.Open the treasure chest then continue north to next screen.Open the treasure chest,then go back to previous screen and head left.Here you will arrive to a room with three whirlpools.Head left to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left, then climb up the ladder.From here go right and you'll arrived in Cleyra's Town After the following sequences choose the 2nd option and head north to next screen.Here enter the inn on the north.You can rest here if you want,then go upstairs to find a mognet and save your game. Examine the drawers near the bed in the 2nd floor of the inn to receive an item.Go back to the first floor,and get an item in the upper left corner of the screen (near the inn keeper).Once you done,head out from the inn.Here,examine the tree on the right to receive an item,then continue north to the next screen.Talk to the guard on the right,then continue going north.Enter the small caste in the north,and talk to the guard over there.Go back to the inn and when you reach outside the inn another guard will shows up.After the following sequences, he'll leaves,so follow him south to the next screen.From here,head right and you'll see the Rat Kid (Puck) you've met earlier in the game,and after Freya shows up,you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Ant Lion HP : 4000 Strategy : Becareful with the sandstorm attack,it will reduces your party's HP down to the single digits.Use Freya jump skill as usual,and let the others attack it with normal attack,except Vivi,just let him cast Blizzard 2 to the boss,it will do about 1200 damage. After the battle the Rat Kid will leaves,and Vivi will follow him. Now the screen will switch back to Freya & Zidane inside the small castle. Here Freya will performing her dance skill (Well,it's funny to see Freya dancing like that ^_^ ),and after that,another FMV will shows up ,then the screen will switch over to Marcus & Steiner inside the bird cage.After that,the screen will switch back to garnet inside her room in Alexandria.Later,Thorn & Zorn will shows up and they will bring Garnet to the throne room.There Garnet and Brahne will have some talk, then Kuja will suddenly appears and he'll make Garnet falls to sleep. You will now control Freya.Save your game at the inn,the continue going south to the next screen.There you'll meet up with Zidane & the others,and they'll head south to the next screen. Here climb down the ladder,then head right to the next screen.Continue right to a screen with a sandwhirl you've found earlier (it will stopped by now),and you'll encounter a battle with 2 soldier.Defeat them,then open the 2 treasure chest in the north,and head right to the next screen.From here,keep going south until Zidane & Freya stopped at the brigde and have some talk.After that the Rat Kid will shows up again,and you'll be taken to the village again. From here,just keep going north until you've reach the Castle.There another dragoon will takes care of the black mages for you,and the party will ran inside the castle. After some talk with Freya,Beatrix will suddenly appears and she'll stole the red jewel on the right,then she'll ran away.Head south to the next screen,and save your game here.Talk to the people in this screen to receive various items,then continue south to the next screen. Outside the small castle,you'll encounter a battle with her again. Boss Battle : Beatrix HP : About 3000 Strategy : Use Freya jump skill as usual.If Vivi already learn Fire 2,use it to attack her,and let Zidane & Quina attack as normal.After you hit her about 3000 damage,she'll attack the party and reduce party's HP down to 1. Once the battle is over,Beatrix will escape.And after the following sequences you'll see another FMV (YaY,It's ODIN !!) Now the screen will switch back to Zidane and the party again.Go upstairs,then south to the next screen.After the following sequences, you'll be back at the previous screen.Go downstairs and a mognet will shows up upstairs,so follow it to the next screen.Save your game here, then go back to the previous screen,and go downstairs.From here,head south to the next screen.Talk to Vivi in the south and choose the 2nd option.After that,the screen will switch back to Steiner and Marcus again. --------------------- Return to Alexandria: --------------------- Here Marcus will tell you to press the controller left and right to escape from the cage.So do it,and once the cage start to swinging over and over,you'll need to move the cage to the right twice,then move the cage to the left twice and repeat it until you crash to the right wall. Climb up the ladder on the left,and head to the next screen. Here Steiner will meet up with Zidane & the party again,then you'll have 30 second to find and save garnet,so hurry up and avoid battle as much as you can ! From here head south to the next screen and you'll back outside the castle.Head left to a screen with a fountain in the south,then go north and enter the castle again.Keep going north and go upstairs.In the 2nd floor,head south to the next screen.Here go left,then go upstairs,and enter the door in the north.Continue north until you've reach the Throne room. Examine the candle in the upper left corner of the screen,and the fireplace will move and open up a secret passage.Here keep going down and when you've reach downstairs,enter the door in the north. There you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn once again,and you will encounter a battle with them Boss : Thorn & Zorn HP : ?? (About 3000) Use Freya jump skill in every turn,use Steiner & Vivi cast their Magic sword attack,and let Zidane attack as normal.You don't need to kill both of them,once you defeat one of them,the battle will over,so just concentrate your attack to one them,and you'll win the battle. Once the battle is over,both of them will leave.Now head north to find Garnet.After the following sequences,Zidane will carries Garnet, and you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head south and talk to the mognet over the to save your game here. Head south to the next screen,and climb back upstairs to the throne room.(Don't forget to open 2 treasure chest on the top part of the screen with that moving platform).Here you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn again,and you'll encounter a battle with Beatrix. Boss : Beatrix HP : About 4500 Use Freya jump skill,let Steiner use his magic sword combination with Vivi,and let zidane attack as normal.If you got injured,just let Vivi use potion or hi potion to heal the party. Once the battle is over,Beatrix will cures Garnet,and she'll join the party (Surprise,surprise !).After that you'll another boss battle,but this time you will fight it with only Freya and Beatrix Boss : Beast HP : 950 Use Beatrix sword skill No.3 ("Climhazzard") and you'll win the battle in one turn. Now you'll be controlling Zidane & the party again,head downstairs and you'll encounter a battle with 3x Black mages,and then 2x Beast.Keep going down.Downstairs,Steiner will go back to Beatrix & Freya,then you'll encounter another battle with another beast.Kill it,and the screen back to Freya & Beatrix.There you'll encounter a battle with 2x Beast.After the battle,Steiner will shows up,and you'll encounter another battle with those beast again.Once the battle is over,the screen will switch back to Zidane & the party again.Enter the door in the north and save your game here.You can use Tent if you want,once you done,head back to previous screen.From here,head south to the next screen,and there the party will got trapped inside those cell again. After that,Blank & Marcus will suddenly appears from behind and knock down Thorn & Zorn (Ha ha...),then the party will escape to the next screen.Here,the party will jump into the cart over there,and then you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss : HP : 3800 Don't hit it when the tail is coiled around itself,or it will do an earthquake attack that damages the entire party.Let Vivi use Fire,or Fire 2 in every turn,and let Zidane attack as normal.If you got injured,just let Garnet cast Cure to the entire party. Once the battle is over,you'll see another FMV,and then the screen will switch over to Queen Brahne at Alexandria castle.After the following sequences,Garnet & the others will wakes up at Pinnacle Rocks. --------------- Pinnacle Rocks: --------------- When the party wakes up,they'll approached by an old man,called "Ramuh".After doing some talk with him,you'll arrived in the next screen. Head south to find a Mognet and save your game here.Go back to previous screen to find Ramuh,and he'll tell you to find him 4 more times.After that head back to a screen with a mognet,and talk to Ramuh on the left. After that,open the treasure chest in the south,then head left and talk to Ramuh (still in this screen).Now head left to the next screen.Here talk to Ramuh in the north, and open the treasure chest behind him,then continue north to the next screen.Cross the brigde to the right,then jump to the south and open the treasure chest over there.Talk to Ramuh on the left,then head left to next screen.Head north to the next screen,then cross the brigde in the north again,and this time,head left.Talk to Ramuh again,and you'll given an option.Choose the right answers,and another FMV will shows up. After the folowing sequences,the party will arrives at Lindbulm.Once you be able to control your characters,enter the inn on the left. Go upstairs to the 2nd floor,and save your game here. Now leave the inn,and head north.In the next screen,head right, then north to the main square (with the fountain).Here you'll meet up with the uncle ??? (i forgot his name...) and he'll will lead you to King Cid. When you be able to control your characters again,enter the house on the right to buy new weapons/armors here.Once you done shopping, head out from the house and talk to the man near the fountain and choose the 1st option.After checking the ATE,Garnet and Zidane will sneak to the elevator.Downstairs you'll meet up with Cid again and he'll guide you out from Lindblum.In the next screen,just head north and you'll be back at the world map. Head back to Qu's marsh in the north and go to the frog swamp again. Talk to Quina,and he'll join the party.Now head back south to previous screen,and head to the far right of the screen,and head north. After doing some talk with Quina,continue north to the next screen, then head east and you'll arrived at Fossil Roo ----------- Fossil Roo: ----------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : ??? HP : 879 EXP : 912 AP : 1 Gil : 388 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Seeker Bat (Quina can learn Night from this monster) HP : 594 EXP : 449 AP : 2 Gil : 366 Steal : Tent,Eye Drops,Hi Potion Name : Griffon (Quina can learn White Wind from this monster) HP : 1470 EXP : 1856 AP : 2 Gil : 602 Steal : ?? Name : Feather Circle (Quina can learn Level 4 Holy from this monster) HP : 619 EXP : 628 AP : 1 Gil : 378 Steal : Hi Potion ======================= When you arrives here,just head east and a demon will shows up and it will keep chasing after the party.If you're not fast enough to ran away from the demon,you'll encounter a battle with it. Boss : HP : About 1200 Just let Vivi cast Fire2 two times to the demon,and you'll win the battle. Just keep going east until you've reach over the hole on the bridge then the party will jump over the hole,and the demon will falls down to the bottom of the earth :). In the next screen you'll encounter another boss battle. Boss Battle : Lani HP : 6250 Let Vivi cast Fire2 in every turn,and have Zidane and Quina attack as normal.If you got injured,just let Garnet cast Cure to the entire party.DON'T FORGET TO STEAL GLADIUS FROM HER ! After the battle,head north to the next screen.Here pick up the flowers on the left then go over the tunnel and use the flowers to the Giant Spider,and the party will jumps into it for a ride.Head north to the next screen.There's a mognet in the bottom of the screen,so save your game here if you want.You can also buy items from the moogle by choosing the 4th options. Now head north to the next screen.Here pick up the flowers and use it to call the giant spider to the right.In the next screen,head right and push the lever over there,then go back to previous screen and call the giant spider again,and you'll arrive in the next screeen.In the next screen climb up the stairs to the left,and go north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest over there,then go back to previous screen,and this time take the upper right path to the next screen. Here go left to the next screen,and push the lever over there,then go back to previous screen. -----------------------optional------------------------------------------ Inside this place (Fossil Roo),be sure to eat the enemy called "Griffon" to learn a very useful blue magic for quina,"White Wind",if you haven't learned it earlier. -----------------------optional------------------------------------------ Head south to the next screen,and call the giant spider again.Once you arrived in the next screen,go right and pull the lever over there,and go back to the previous screen to call the giant spider again.Now you'll be back at the screen with a mognet standing in the south,so save your game here,then continue south to the next screen.Call the giant spider again,and when you arrived in the next screen,you can talk to the man in the left to buy new items & weapons for your party. Once you done shopping,continue north to the next screen.Push the lever to the north,then head right to the next screen,and call the giant spider again.In the next screen,head right to next screen,and open the treasure chest over there,then go back to previous screen,and call the giant spider again.Head left and push the lever again,then go back to previous screen.Call the giant spider again,and you'll arrived in the next screen. Now head right to the next screen.Climb up the vines to the right,and you'll falls downstairs.Here,go north and climb up the vines again,to the upper left corner of the screen,and push the lever over there,then go back downstairs.Head right to the next screen,and call the giant spider again.Once you arrived in the next screen,head right,then go north and you'll be back at the world map.... -------------------- The Outer Continent: -------------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Griffon HP : 1470 EXP : 1856 AP : 2 Gil : 602 Steal : ?? Name : Goblin Mage (Quina can learn Goblin Punch from this monster) HP : 983 EXP : 912 AP : 1 Gil : 1136 Steal : Potion Name : Sabotendar/Cactuar HP : 1940 EXP : 4206 AP : 2 Gil : 1021 Steal : Ether,Tent,Phoenix Down Name : Zaghnol (Quina can learn Matra Magic from this monster) HP : 1189 EXP : 1260 AP : 2 Gil : 546 Steal : Ether,Tent ======================= You can encounter a battle with Cactuar (Sabotendar),and Goblin Mage in this area,so don't forget to eat them to learn a new blue magic for Quina.You'll also encounter a battle with Griffon in this area,so don't forget to eat it,if you haven't learn "White Wind" skill from it earlier..... Now go North East and enter a place called "Conde Petie" ------------ Conde Petie: ------------ After checking all the ATE's here,head right to the next screen.Continue right until you arrived in a screen with a mognet standing near the stairs.Save your game here then go upstairs,and talk to Vivi to the right.After Vivi runs off to chase after the black mage,you'll be able to control your character again.Now head south and go back to the world map. In the word map,just head to a nearby forest to the south east and enter it. (Note: You must go around the cliff first !) ------------ Forest Maze: ------------ Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Myconid (Quina can learn Mighty Guard from this monster) HP : 1372 EXP : 1368 AP : 1 Gil : 726 Steal : Eye Drops,Tent Name : Zemzelet (Quina can learn White Wind from this monster) HP : 1571 EXP : 2092 AP : 2 Gil : 889 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion ======================= Here,the screen will repeats itself,so the only way to find your way out is to pay attention to the owls.Everytime you go into the correct side you will see an owl fly off. You’ll get to the Black mage village when the last owl flies away.You’ll also see one mage peek out from the opposite side you’re in.Follow the Mage at this point,and you’ll be in the Black mage Village. (Source : IGN.COM) In my game,the correct path is "RIGHT,RIGHT,LEFT,then RIGHT".I don't think it was random everytime you play the game,because i've play the game three times,and it always the same... Inside this forest,be sure to eat the enemy called "Myconid" (that looks like a mushroom) to learn a very useful blue magic for Quina,"Mighty Guard" -------------------- Black Mage village : -------------------- Once you arrived here,head left to the next screen,then enter the house in the center (Synthesis shop).Here you'll meet up with Garnet again.After doing some talk with her,she'll leaves.Head out from this house, go left,and follow Vivi right to the next screen.Continue right to the next screen,and you'll find a mognet here,so save your game,if you want it. Head back to previous screen,then go north and talk to Vivi at the inn.After the following sequences,the party will decided to get some sleep,and in the next morning,you'll regain control of your characters again.Now leave black mage village,and go back to Conde Petie. Here (at Conde Petie),talk to a dwarf that walking outside the inn. After that,go south to the next screen,and save your game here,then continue right to the next screen.Keep going right until you've reach to the Mountain Path. -------------- Mountain Path: -------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Nole HP : 1375 EXP : 1368 AP : 1 Gil : 691 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Ochu (Quina can learn level 4 def less from this monster) HP : 3568 EXP : 2092 AP : 2 Gil : 845 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Troll HP : 1469 EXP : 2092 AP : 1 Gil : 854 Steal : Tent ======================= After the following sequences,name the little girl Eiko,and she'll join the party.Head right to the next screen,climb up the vines,and go left to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left,and go back to previous screen.Continue right to the next screen, then go north to find a mognet and save your game here.Climb up the ladder on the left,then head right to the next screen. You'll see another FMV here,and after that,continue right to the next screen.There you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Hill Gigas HP : About 7000 Let Vivi cast Fire 2 in every turn,and let Zidane attack as normal. Let Eiko Summon Fenrir in every turn,and if you got injured,let Garnet or Eiko cast Cure to the entire party. After the battle,head right to the screen.Here take the right path, and open the treasure chest over there,then go back to previous screen. Now keep going north and you'll be back at the world map. From here,just head north and enter a place called "Madain Sari" Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Braiser Beattle HP : 1468 EXP : 1548 AP : 1 Gil : 740 Steal : Ether,Phoenix Wings,Hi Potion Name : Troll HP : 1469 EXP : 2092 AP : 1 Gil : 854 Steal : Tent Name : Goblin Mage HP : 983 EXP : 912 AP : 1 Gil : 1136 Steal : Potion ======================= --------------------------- Madain Sari,Lost Summoners: --------------------------- Once you be able to control your characters,open the treasure chest on the south,and talk to Garnet.There's an item behind the fountain,so get it,then head left to the next screen,and talk to Vivi.After that,try to enter the house on the left,and another ATE will shows up.After checking the ATE,head back to previous screen,and go north to the next screen.Talk to the mognet/moogle on the right,and Quina will shows up. After s/he leaves,go back to previous screen,then head back to Eiko's house and talk to the mognet over there.It will leave but another mognet will shows up and blocked the path again,so head back to previous screen.Head right and talk to the mognet there,then talk to Garnet in the south,and she'll join the party again.Head back to previous screen,then head right and talk to the mognet over there.After the following sequences,go back to the house on the left, and talk to the "Gold" mognet that blocking the path,and it will let you pass through this time.Inside the house,open the treasure chest on the right,then talk to Garnet on the top of the screen.Grab the pot on the table,and bring it to Eiko on the left.After that,talk to Quina in the south,then try to get out from this house,and a mognet will shows up and it will offer you to rest for a night.Choose the first choice,and in the next morning,you'll be back at the world map. Now head back south to the Montain path Once you arrived here,keep going south until you've reach an intersection (the place you fought a boss earlier).Go north and you'll be back at the world map.From here,just head west and enter a place called "IIFA" ------------------------------ IIFA,The Ancient Tree Of Life: ------------------------------ Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Myconid HP : 1372 EXP : 1368 AP : 1 Gil : 726 Steal : Eye Drops,Tent Name : Zombie (Quina can learn Roullete from this monster) HP : 973 EXP : 1444 AP : 1 Gil : 708 Steal : Ether,Tent,Talisman Name : Strouper (Quina can learn Level5 Death from this monster) HP : 1840 EXP : 2344 AP : 2 Gil : 2136 Steal : Golden Neddle,Phoenix Down Name : Dragon Zombie (Quina can learn Level 5 Death from this monster) HP : 2179 EXP : 3228 AP : 3 Gil : 941 Steal : Ether,Talisman ======================= Once you arrived here,choose the 3rd choice,and Eiko will take down the force field.Keep going north until you arrived in a screen with a mognet,and save your game here,then continue north to the next screen.After the following sequences,you'll arrive dowstairs. Head left to the next screen.Here open the treasure chest at the bottom of the screen,then continue right to the next screen.Go down and open 2 treasure chest on the left,then continue south to the next screen.Here,the party will ride the platform to the bottom,and you'll encounter few battles with a Zombie,then Dragon.Once you reach the bottom,talk to Garnet,then go downstairs and open the treasure chest on the right.Now talk to Vivi,then Eiko.Open the treasure chest behind the roots,then examine the wall on the lower left of the screen to encounter a boss battle. Boss : IIFA HP : 10.000 Strategy : Just attack it with your best attack,but don't let Vivi use Fire spell to the boss or it will counterattack the party with a very powerful fire magic spell that can kill almost everyone in the party. So don't cast any fire elements in this battle,instead,just let Vivi Cast "Bolt 2" or "Bio" to the boss.If you use Elixir to the boss, it will die instantly. After the battle,you'll be able to control your characters again,so head out from IIFA,and head back to Madain Sari. Once you arrived at Madain Sari,head to Eiko's house,and go to Eiko's room.After the following sequences,she'll leaves,and you'll be able to control your characters again.Open 2 treasure chest in this room,then head out from the house,and head right to the next screen. Go north and talk to the mognet over there.Choose the 2nd option first to restore your HP/MP,then choose the 1st option three times, and you'll arrived at the next screen.After the following sequences, you'll encounter a battle with Amarant. Boss : Amarant HP : 10.000 Strategy : You'll fight Amarant with only Zidane alone,so this is a very tough battle.Just attack it with your normal attack,and keep your HP above 500.Also,don't attack it while he's at the back row,instead use this chance to heal Zidane with Hi Potion (i hope you have some..), or Tent. After the battle Amarant will gives back the item he stole from Eiko before and he'll leave.Now go back to Eiko's room,and talk to her. After doing some talk with her,head out from Eiko's house,and check for the "!" spot at the lower left corner of the screen.Here you'll meet up with Garnet,and after doing some talk with her,you'll see another FMV,and then you'll be arrived back at Eiko's house.In the next morning,Amarant will join the party.After that you'll be back at the world map.Now head back to IIFA. Once you arrived here,just keep going north until you find Kuja and his Silver Dragon.After the following sequences,you'll encounter a battle with two monsters two times.Once the battle is over,find a mognet on the top of the screen (hiding behind the roots) and save your game here,then keep going down until you find Garnet,and you'll see another FMV's. At the shore,Queen Brahne will dies and she'll hands over the kingdom to Garnet.After that you'll arrive back at Alexandria. Now you'll see another FMV,and after that save your game (top choice) then insert Disc 3 and keep on playing.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DISC 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------- After the following sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane inside the bar at Alexandria town.Here,Zidane friends will leave the bar,then you'll be able to control Vivi again.Head to the Bell tower and save your game here,then climb up the bell tower,and ring the bell to receive few items,then head out from the bell tower and go north to the next screen.Talk to Blank & Marcus here,then go downstairs.After the following sequences,the screen will switch back to Garnet on her room at Alexandria castle.Here,the shopkeeper from Treno (Tot) will shows up and he'll give Garnet few items,then he'll leave. Downstairs,Tot will meet up with Eiko that walking around the castle.Once you be able to control Eiko,head north to a screen with two staircases.Here Baku will shows up,and after the following sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane at the bar,then Vivi will shows up and he'll join the party again.Head north from the Event Square to find Freya & Amarant.After the following sequences, they'll join the party again.Ride the boat to the north,and head back to Alexandria castle.Here you'll meet up with Eiko & Steiner, and inside the castle you'll meet up with Garnet again.After that, Garnet will head back to her room,and the screen will switch back to Eiko outside Alexandria castle,near the fountain.After the following sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane & the party again at the bar.Later the party will head out from the bar and they'll ride the giant ant cart at Gargan roo,then you'll arrived back at Dark City Treno.Once you be able to control your character again,head left to the next screen,and go downstairs.From here,just head right to the next screen,then keep going north until you've reach to a screen with a mognet,and save your game here. Now head right to the weapon shop,and buy a new weapon for your party's here.Once you done shopping,go back to a screen with a mognet,and head south to the next screen.Here,buy ticket from the man on the middle of the screen,then enter the building on the north to play the card game. (i don't know how to play the card game either,so don't ask me) After you win the card game,check the ATE,then go back to previous screen,and see another ATE here.After that,go north to the next screen (outside auction house) and talk to Freya here,and she'll join the party again.Go back to previous screen,and head south to the next screen.Here,play the card game again,and after you win the card game, another ATE will shows up,so check it,then head back to previous screen (with a mognet).After checking another ATE here,go back south and play the card game again,then Cid Lindblum will appears,and the screen will switch over to Kuja at alexandria town. ------------------------- Alexandria Under Attack ! ------------------------- After the following sequences,you'll be able to control Beatrix & Steiner again.Head south and kill the monster over there,then continue south to the next screen.Keep going south and kill all the monster here then screen switch back to Garnet at the castle.Once you be able to control Garnet again,go upstairs,and head south to the next screen. Here,climb up the stairs on the left,and continue north to the next screen.Head left to the next screen,and climb up the tower to the top.Climb up the stairs on the right,and keep going up until the screen witch back to Zidane & the party at the airship. After that,you'll see several FMV's and then you'll be able to control Zidane again.Now go upstairs,and climb up the tower again.Keep going up and you'll see another FMV's. Later,the screen will switch over to Baku & Blank at Lindblum town,then Zidane will wakes up in the resting room at Lindblum Grand Castle. Open the treasure chest on the right,then open the treasure chest on the upper left corner of the screen (near the mognet),and save your game here. Head back to the elevator,and pick the 1st choice.From here,just keep going north until you've reach the dining room.Talk to your party here,then go back south to the next screen.Head left,and enter the engige room.Go upstairs,and find Garnet near the telescope.After doing some talk to her,go to the room above the dining room and talk to Cid.Once you be able to control Zidane again,go back to the resting room to find Garnet & Eiko.Later Cid will tell you to find the 3 Magic potions for him,and then you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head back to the resting room,and save your game here. Here's the location of the potions : 1.Beautiful Potion = Go to Bussines district and head to the main square (with the fountain).Talk to the white dressed lady (Alice) that standing under the ladder,and she'll give you the potion. 2.Strange Potion = Head to Theater district,and enter the painter's house, outside air cab station.Talk to the Self-Proclaimed Artist (Michael) and he'll tells you to find the potion inside this house,so examine the table in the upper left corner of the screen to receive the potion. 3.Unusual Potion = Talk to Cinna in Theather district,and he'll give you the potion. After you've got all three potions head back to Lindblum castle,and talk to Cid again,and he'll turn into a frog.Once you be able to control your character again,head back to the elevator on the south,and pick the bottom choice.Here,enter the monocart on the right,then head south to the next screen.Outside,go to the docks,and climb up the ladder on the north to enter the ship.Once you be able to control your ship (it looks like the destroyer ship from warcraft 2 right?) go to the north continent,and head back to the Black Mage Village. Note : If you find any chocobo tracks on the world map,just call your chocobo,and ride it,so you'll never encounter any battle again, in the world map. ----------------------------- Return to Black Mage Village: ----------------------------- After Vivi leave your party,follow him left to the next screen.Continue left to the next screen,and talk to Vivi there.After Vivi leave again, head back to the entrance of the black mage village,and head north east to the next screen.Here you'll find Vivi,and inside the house you'll see a baby chocobo.After the following sequences,you'll be able to control your character again,so leave black mage village,and return back to your ship. Now head North East on the map to a bunch of sandwhirls,and save your game here. Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Land Worm HP : 5296 EXP : 5112 AP : 3 Gil : 1316 Steal : Phoenix Down,Hi Potion Name : Ogre (Quina can learn Matra MAgic from this monster) HP : 3300 EXP : 5112 AP : 2 Gil : 1281 Steal : Ether,Phoenix Down Name : Ant Lion HP : 4522 EXP : 339 AP : 1 Gil : - Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Troll HP : 1469 EXP : 2092 AP : 1 Gil : 854 Steal : Tent Name : Griffon HP : 1470 EXP : 1856 AP : 2 Gil : 602 Steal : ?? Name : Grim Rock (Quina can learn Night from this monster) HP : 3292 EXP : 6610 AP : 1 Gil : 1363 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion ======================= Now enter one of the sandwhirl,and you'll be taken to a new area.If you enter the wrong sandwhirl,you'll have to fight the Ant lion again,So,i suggest you to reset the game, and try the another sandwhirl. After doing some talk with Cid,you'll be able to control Zidane again, so head south and the two black mages will teleport Zidane to the next screen.Here you'll meet Kuja again,and after doing some talk with him, you'll be able to choose your party members.My party's are : 1st party : Zidane,Amarant,Freya,Quina 2nd party : Eiko,Garnet,Steiner,Vivi Note : It's no use to bring any magic users to Zidane's party,becasue in the next dungeon,you can't use any magic... After the following sequences,go back to the teleporter.In the next screen,head left, and enter the airship to the north.Inside the airship you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn again.After doing some talk with them,the airship will reach to the Forgotten Continent. -------------------- Forgotten Continent: -------------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Arm Strong (Quina can learn Matra Magic from this monster) HP : 4204 EXP : 7148 AP : 2 Gil : 1456 Steal : Ether,Hi Potion Name : Jabberwock (Quina can learn Limit Glove from this monster) HP : 3442 EXP : 4674 AP : 1 Gil : 2312 Steal : Hi Potion Name : Kat Prepass HP : 3727 EXP : 6608 AP : 2 Gil : 1421 Steal : Ether,Phoenix Wings,Hi Potion,Golden Needle Name : Adamantoise (Quina can learn Earth Shake from this monster) HP : 3587 EXP : 5096 AP : 3 Gil : 4433 Steal : Phoenix Down,Tent,Hi Potion ======================= Notice that you can buy items from Thorn & Sorn.Once you done shopping, head north until you've reach a forest (it's another Qu's Marsh).From here,keep going north until you find a chocobo tracks (near the forest), and call your chocobo here.Now ride your chocobo and go back to the airship.From here just head south and enter a place called "Oeilvert". --------- Oeilvert: --------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Garuda (Quina can learn White Wind from this monster) HP : 3521 EXP : 6933 AP : 2 Gil : 1279 Steal : Phoenix Wings,Ether,Hi Potion Name : Ogre HP : 3727 EXP : 5112 AP : 2 Gil : 1281 Steal : Ether,Phoenix Wings ===================== Here you can buy new weapon for your party for the mognet on the right. Once you done shopping continue north to the next screen.Now head to the giant door on the north to the next screen. Inside this place you can't use any black or white magic,so becareful ! Open all treasure chest in this screen,then Go upstairs and head left to the next screen. Examine the blue orb over there and it will turn into red.Open the treasure chest on the left,then go back to previous screen.From here, go downstairs and head left to the next screen.Open all treasure chest in this screen,then enter the yellow door on the north to the next screen. Now keep going right until you've reach a screen with the four projecters.Examine all the projecters,and open all the treasure chest in this screen,then enter the yellow door on the left to the next screen. Enter the yellow door in the north again.Here go to the center of the screen and check the the black orb over there.After that,go back to previous screen,and enter the blue door on the left.Inside you will see giant faces on the giant stone wall.After the following sequences, go back to previous screen,and keep going right until you've reach a screen with a mognet.Save your game here,and then open the treasure chest in the north. Head right to the next screen,and examine the blue platform on the right,and it will move.In the next screen you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Ark HP: 20.000 Strategy : This battle is VERY TOUGH,believe me.It can make the entire party to confuse,or reduces party's HP to 1.Also you can't use magic or summon on this battle,so be sure to heal your party using Hi-potion or tent.Keep your HP above 800,and let your party's attack as normal. If you have Amarant in your party,try to use his "Throw" command. I've throw one of the strongest weapon for steiner,and it do about 5000 of Damage !! Also,if Zidane is in trance mode,try to use his trance skill that cost 48 MP(i forgot its name),it will do about 4000 of damage !! If you still lose often from this boss,then you should go out and try to gain some levels. After the battle,Zidane will pick up the triangle,and the screen will switch over to Cid,and your other party members that you not choose. Now you'll be able to control Cid (Damn,he's so slow !!).Head right to the next screen.Here you'll play a mini game.You have to press "Circle" button to move Cid while the monster in the cage is not looking at you.If you press "Circle" button while the monster in the cage is stare at you, you need to repeat it from the beggining.After you've got the key,you'll given an option.Choose the 1st choice,then the 3rd choice and then the 4rd choice.After that,Cid will release the other party members,and you'll be able to control Steiner again.Now head left to the next screen, then head north to the "Desert Palace". --------------- Desert Palace: --------------- Head north to the next screen.When you see the statue of an angel surrounded by two demons,run to the right, then to the left,and a staircase will appear. Go upstairs and head south to the next screen.Light up the candle over there,then go back to previous screen,and head left to the next screen. Here,you'll need to light up the all the candle in order to solve the maze.See the ascii map below for details. ================================================================================= +---------------------------------------+ Here's how to light up all the candles: | | 1> Light up candle A,B,C. | | 2> Light up candle F. | _____| |__________| |___/*/ | 3> Turn Off Candle A.B. | / A s X s G | | 4> Light up candle D,E. | | s s | | 5> Light up candle A,B,G,H | | B C s D E s F H| | 6> Light up candle I. | | ______s___ __s_______| | | | | \ / | Note : | | | | | | A-I = Candle | | | | | | X = After you light up all | | | / \ | the candle,go here to | | | | I | | receive an item. | | | \____/ | * = After receiving the item, | | \____ | go here to the next screen | \_______ Go back to previous screen | s = Statue | | +---------------------------------------+ ================================================================================= After you've light all the candle in this room,check the purple orb that's glowing (see the map -> X ) to receive an item.Now head right to the next screen (see the map -> * ) Here,climb up the ladder on the left and go upstairs.In the next screen, light the candle on the left,then continue south to the library. Light up the candle on the far left to reveal a hidden stairs,so go upstairs.Here,light up the candle on the upper left corner of the screen to reveal a hidden door,so enter it.Examine the purple orb over there to receive an item,then go back to previous screen.Light up the candle in the middle of the room (near the bookshelf) to reveal another hidden door.In the next screen,light up the candle on the right,then continue north to light another candle.After that,go back to previous screen. Light up the candle below the statue to reveal another hidden door (Why there is so many hidden door inside this place ????).Light up the candle over there,then go back to previous screen.Now you should hear a mognet sound,so head left to find a mognet and save your game here. Head left to the next screen.Here,light the candle on the right,but don't light up the candle on the left,instead,just head left then north to the next screen.Continue to the next screen,and here,light up the candle on the left and right to reveal a hidden stairs.Go back to previous screen,and go upstairs.Now try to light the candle on the north, and you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss HP : 12.500 Have your stronger characters attack as normal,and let Garnet or Eiko cast Cure or Cure 2 to the entire party. If you have Vivi and Steiner in your party,just let Vivi cast "Bio" to the boss,and let Steiner use his "Bio" magic sword combination to the boss.If you have Quina in your party,just let him cast "Mighty Guard" or "White Wind" to heal the entire party. Here's a tip for beating the boss above,submitted by : Nathan McClain "To easily beat him with Quina or Vivi in your group just keep using either the Magic Hammer with Quna or Osmose with Vivi, since this boss is totally magical as soon as its MP is Drained completly it will surrender. It helps to have Eiko use Carbulce to cast Reflect on your party so that you take virtualy no damage the entire fight". After the battle,light up the candle to the north,then step into the teleporter in the middle of the room and the screen will switch back to Zidane & the others at the Airship. Once you'll be able to control Zidane again,enter the teleporter on the right,then continue north until you find Kuja.After doing some talk with him,he'll leave.Go back to the screen where's Kuja airship was parked,and head north to the next screen.Here,push the lever,and climb down the ladder,then head left and you'll be back at the world map. --------------- Lost Continent: --------------- From here,head to the chocobo tracks on the north and call your chocobo here.Now ride your chocobo and head west to Esto Gaza. ---------- Esto Gaza: ---------- Once you arrived here,just head north to the next screen.After doing some talk with the man in the middle of the screen,head right to the next screen.You can buy new weapons for your party's here.Once you done shopping,go back to previous screen,and head north to the screen with a mognet.Save your game here,then head right to the next screen.Now head north and you'll arrived at Mount. Gulug. ------------- Mount. Gulug: ------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Vepal HP : 4363 EXP : 4634 AP : 1 Gil : 1270 Steal : Ether,Phoenix Wings,Hi Potion Name : Garuda HP : 3521 EXP : 6933 AP : 1 Gil : 1279 Steal : Hi Potion,Phoenix Down,Ether,Phoenix Wings Name : Red Dragon HP : 8000 EXP : 22377 AP : 1 Gil : 5156 Steal : Elixir,Ether,Tent Name : Worm Hydra (Quina can learn BAD BREATH from this monster) HP : 4846 EXP : 8008 AP : 3 Gil : 1345 Steal : Hi Potion,Antidote Name : Reiss HP : 4586 EXP : 5653 AP : 1 Gil : 1000 Steal : Topaz,Hi Potion ======================= Once you arrived here,head right to the next screen.Keep going right until you arrive in the screen with a rope.Climb down the rope,and head right to the next screen.There's a mognet here,so save your game here if you want it,then examine the lower right corner of the screen to receive an item.Head right to the next screen.Continue right to the next screen,and here,head north then left to the next screen. Pick up the items over there,and go back to previous screen.Here you'll encounter a battle with 2 red dragons. Boss Battle : Red Dragon x2 HP : 9000 each Strategy : Just let Zidane & Amarant attack as normal,and let Vivi cast "Bio" to the boss.Heal if neccesary. After the battle,go back to a screen with a mognet and save your game here.Head back to the rope on middle of the screen,then examine the wheel to the left and choose the 2nd choice three times. After that,climb down the rope,and downstairs you'll fight another 2 red dragons.After the battle,continue left to the next screen.Here you'll see Eiko on the altar,and Thorn and Zorn doing some kind of ceremony like they did to Garnet earlier in the game.After that,Eiko will encounter a battle with Thorn & Zorn.Once the battle is over,Kuja will shows up.After he leaves,Vivi will chase him,and you'll encounter a battle with Thorn & Zorn. Boss Battle : Thorn & Zorn HP : 23.000 Strategy : This battle is easy.Just attack as normal,and Heal if neccesary. After the following sequences,Zidane will wakes up in the resting room at Lindblum Grand Castle.Head to the dining room.After Cid leaves the room,you'll see an ATE's.After that you'll see another FMV,showing Garnet cuts her hair with the sword she got earlier from Zidane.Later you'll be given to choose your party members (take a look on Garnet's potrait,it has changed since she got her haircut !!),and the airship will take off.Now you'll be back at the world map,and you'll be able to control your airship. Now ride the airship and head to the castle in forgotten continent, north from oeilvert. ----------------- Ipsen's Castle: ----------------- After Amarant leaves,follow him to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left & on the right,then continue north to the next screen.Here you'll find a mognet.Save your game here,then head right,and go downstairs.Climb up the ladder in the upper right corner of the screen,then continue left to the next screen.Head north then right to the next screen.Here,climb up the ladder again and choose the 1st option.Open the treasure chest to the right,then go back to the ladder and this time,choose the 2nd choice.Open the treasure chest to the left,then go back to the ladder.Now climb down the ladder, then head right to another ladder.Climb up the ladder to the next screen.Here,open the treasure chest on the right,then climb up another ladder on the left,and continue left to the next screen. Here check the door to the south and you'll given an options.Choose the 2nd choice,2nd choice,3rd choice,4th choice,5th choice,4th choice, 3th choice,6th choice,then 7th choice.After that,the door will be opened.In the next screen,open the treasure chest to the right,then go back to previous screen.Now enter the elevator to the north. Upstairs,you'll meet up with Amarant again.After he leaves,examine the wall on the north that looks like a world map,and pick up all the medals from the wall.After that,you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss HP: 25.000 Strategy : This boss is very easy.Just let Vivi cast "Bio" in every turn and you should win the battle easily. Once the battle is over,head back to a screen with a mognet,and save your game here.Now go outside and Zidane will go back in by himself. Head back to a screen with a mognet and go downstairs.Here you'll meet up with Amarant again.After doing some talk with him,he'll rejoin the party.Head outside and you'll be back at the airship. Now you must find all the location of the shrine,and drop your character there.Here's the location of the shrine.(You need to do this in order) 1.Water Shrine -> South from Ipsen's Castle (it's a whirlpool) 2.Fire Shrine -> North East from Esto Gaza (Mount. Gulug) 3.Wind Shrine -> South from Oeilvert Note: You do not have to land the airship to reach to the shrine.If you found it,just press X button,and you'll automatically enter it. If you still have any trouble to find the location of the shrine,you can see it in FF9 World Map pics that can be found at my Final Fantasy 9 site : After you drop all your party's members to the shrine,just head south from Desert Palace to find an earthquake between the three rocks,and enter it. ------------- Earth Shrine: ------------- This place is very straight forward.Just keep going south to the next screen,and you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Earth Guardian HP : 25.000 First,you should raise your trance meter near full,and use one of best Zidane's Trance skill (that cost 60 MP) to the boss,and it will do about 8000 damage.Let Quina cast "Mighty Guard" to the entire party,and heal (White Wind),if neccesary. Once the battle is over,the party will place the medal in the slot,and after the following sequences,you'll be back at the world map.Now head to the south part of the ice continent (South East from Esto Gaza) and you'll find a new area (that looks like an ice mountain).Enter it. ------ Terra: ------ Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Mover HP : 3732 EXP : 10577 AP : 1 Gil : 2300 Steal : Opal,Tent,Vaccine Name : Hectoeyes (Quina can learn Roullete from this monster) HP : 9567 EXP : 22792 AP : 3 Gil : 2049 Steal : Phoenix Wings,Vaccine,Hi Potion Name : Abadon (Quina can learn Twister from this monster) HP : 9569 EXP : 18816 AP : 1 Gil : 3763 Steal : Ether Name : Ring Commander (Quina can learn Magic Hammer from this monster) HP : 9600 EXP : 18816 AP : 1 Gil : 3764 Steal : Vaccine,Echo Screen ======================= Once you arrived here you'll meet up with Garland.After he leaves,head right to the next screen.Here you'll see a girl,so follow her north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left,then continue north to the next screen.From here,keep going right to the next screen,then go downstairs.In the next screen,open the treasure chest on the left,then talk to the girl over there.After that,continue north to the next screen.From here,keep going north until you've reach Bran Bal. -------- Bran Bal: -------- After the following FMV,you'll be able to control your characters again,so head left to the next screen.Here,enter the 1st house to the left.After the following sequences,you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head right to the next screen,then enter the house on the right.Inside the house,examine the pot to find a mognet.Save your game here,and feel free to buy any items/weapons for your other party members.Once you done shopping,head out and enter the house on the north.Go downstairs and talk to the girl in the lower left corner of the screen.After doing some talk with her,go back upstairs and you'll see an ATE's.After that,you'll be able to control Eiko,so head out from the house and check the ATE.Head right to the next screen. There's another ATE here,after checking it talk to Vivi on the right and he'll join you.Enter the house on the north,talk to Quina, and he'll rejoin the party's.Head out and go left to the next screen (lower left path).Talk to Amarant and he'll rejoin the party's. Now keep going north and talk to the girl you've met earlier,then the screen will switch back to Zidane again.Head right to the next screen and you'll find Garland here.After he leaves,follow him north to the next screen,and you'll arrive at Pandemonium. ------------ Pandemonium: ------------ Now keep talking to Garland.After the following sequences,Eiko will shows up and she'll wakes up Zidane.After that you'll encounter a couple of battles,so defeat it,and keep going left to the next screen. Here's the battle strategy : Battle #1 HP : 18.000 Strategy : You'll start the battle with Zidane alone,but don't worry, Amarant & Freya will join you later.Just attack it as normal,and heal if neccesary Battle #2 HP : 10.000 Strategy : You'll start the battle with Quina & Steiner.Let Quina cast Mighty Guard or White Wind to heal the entire party,and let Steiner as normal.Later,Zidane will join you and the battle will becomes very easy after that. Battle #3 HP : 10.000 Strategy : With Zidane alone you can't beat this monster,but later Garnet will joins you and she'll restore Zidane HP back to full.After that,just keep attacking it and heal if neccesary After you've defeat all the monsters here,Zidane will have some talk with Garnet,then Steiner & Quina will shows up,and they'll rejoin the party's.Now head right and go back to your other party members and they'll rejoin the party's.Save your game here,then continue right to the next screen.Examine the chair over there to receive an item,then go back to previous screen.Keep going left to a large room with a lots of shape rounded things.Examine the switch at the upper right corner of the screen,to turn on the lights on the floor.Now head left to the next screen,but don't go near the lights or you'll have to repeat it from the beggining.Keep going left and cross the brigde to the next screen. Here,head left and move the rock inside the cage to the right (No.4), then continue left to the next screen.Examine for the "!" spot on the left to call the elevator,then go around and enter it.Upstairs,keep following the path to another elevator,and enter it.In the next screen, enter the teleporter on the left,and you'll arrive in the next screen. Enter the teleporter on the north and it will leads to another teleporter,so enter it.There's a mognet here,be sure to save your game here before you move on.Head right to the next screen,and after doing some talk with Garland,you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Kuja's White Dragon HP : 30.000 If you have Vivi in your party,let him cast "Bio" to the boss.Let the others attack as normal,except Garnet & Eiko,let them cast "Cure 2" to the entire party,if neccesary. Once the battle is over you'll encounter another boss battle. Boss Battle : Garland HP : 40.000 Just keep attacking it as normal,and heal if neccesary. Once the battle is over,you'll see an FMV showing Garland's airship sucking the energy out from him.After that,you'll encounter a battle with Kuja Boss Battle : Kuja HP : 45.000 Strategy : Use the same strategy as above. After the battle,Kuja will kicks garland (Yawn....),and you'll see a FMV that showing Kuja destroy the entire place.Once you be able to control Zidane again,go downstairs,then head right to the next screen. Here continue right to the next screen and you'll be teleported out of here.Now keep going south until you've reach Bran Bal.Here Zidane and Garnet will tells the residents to get out from here,quick.After that you'll see another FMV that showing the place is destroyed and collapsing.After the following sequences you'll given an option to save your game here,so do it,then insert disc 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DISC 4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you'll see Vivi talking to Black mage no.288 in black mage village. After that Vivi will leaves,and Zidane will shows up.You'll also notice that the people from Bran Bal is now make a residence here. Later,you'll given an option to choose your party members,and then you'll be back at the world map. Note : More FF9 Sidequest can be found here : ------------------------- Secret Library,Daguerreo: ------------------------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Grand Dragon (Quina can learn Level 3 Def Less from this monster) HP : 13000 EXP : 35208 AP : ? Gil : 2604 Steal : Ether,Tent Name : Gimme Cat (Quina can learn Auto Life from this monster) HP : 4683 EXP : ? AP : ? Gil : 5000 Steal : Ether,Echo Screen,Tent ======================= Fly your airship and head south from Oeilvert to reach a place called "Daguerreo".There's nothing much to do here,except a great Synthesis shop and a pretty good weapon shop.From the entrance,head left to the next screen.Hit the lower left lever twice, until it's reach to the ground, then examine the hole over there.After that,examine the staff on the right (it's lying just next to the levers). Zidane will put it inside the hole.After that,hit the lower right lever twice until it's reach to the ground,and ride it up to the weapon shop upstairs.Buy anything you want here,once you done shopping, leave Daguerreo and head back to your airship. When you ready to go to the final dungeon,enter the portal above IIFA tree. After the following FMV's,you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Nova Dragon HP : 60.000 Strategy : Your party should be at level 50 or more now,if not,try to gain some levels first.Just keep attacking it as normal,and heal if neccesary Once the battle is over,your party will be teleported to "Memoria". -------- Memoria: -------- Monsters in this area : ======================= Name : Iron Giant HP : 21217 EXP : 42996 AP : 4 Gil : 2796 Steal : Phoenix Down Name : Ash (Quina can learn DOOM from this monster) HP : 21591 EXP : 40328 AP : 4 Gil : 2748 Steal : Tent Name : Chimera HP : 21901 EXP : 42783 AP : 4 Gil : 2732 Steal : Vaccine Name : Behemoth (Quina can learn Angel Snack from this monster) HP : 24123 EXP : 53166 AP : 4 Gil : 2765 Steal : Phoenix Wing Name : Stilva (Quina can learn Auto Life from this monster) HP : 21906 EXP : 42784 AP : 4 Gil : 2780 Steal : Ether ======================= After doing some talk with your party's,you'll be able to choose your party members.My party's are : Zidane,Amarant,Eiko,and Garnet. I choose Eiko & Garnet because they can cast White magic to aids the party,or summon.I also choose Amarant,because he's the 2nd strongest character in the game,after Zidane.That's my opinion,but you can choose other party members as well. ===== Optional ======== In a room called "Memoria/lost memories" there is a "!" sign and if zidane tries to check it, it only moves his head but if you press square you will see that a phantom will talk to you and challenge you to a card game, he has very weird cards. Submitted by ifrit55 ===== Optional ======== Once you decided your party members,head north to the next screen.That Rainbow sphere over there is a save point (replacing mognet),so save your game here and continue north to the next screen.Head left to the next screen.Here,go upstairs,then head left to the next screen.Now head north and you'll encounter a boss battle Boss Battle : Marilis HP : 60.000 Strategy : Just attack it as normal and heal if neccesary.Before it died,it will cast a very powerful attack that do about 2000 damage to the entire party, so be sure your HP is full. Once the battle is over,continue north to the next screen. Here you'll see a small scenario with Quina,Eiko,Zidane,and Garnet. After that,examine the back of the room to get "Angel's Flute",a weapon for Eiko.There's a hidden SAVE POINT just next to the "Angel's Flute". There will be no ‘!’ to highlight it so search around.Save your game here and continue right to the next screen. Here,go upstairs,then head left to the next screen.It's raining here.Head right and Zidane will have some talk with Garnet.After that you'll encounter another boss battle. Boss Battle : Tiamat HP : 60.000 Strategy : This boss is pretty tough,becasue it can absorb your all of your MP or it will knock off your party members and put them out of commission for the rest of the battle.Just keep attacking it as normal, and heal if neccesary.Bolt 3 works well against this boss. After the battle,examine the lower left corner of the screen to receive "Rune Claws",a weapon for Amarant,then continue north to the next screen. Keep following the path until you've reach a screen with a bell.From here,keep going north until you've reach another screen with the rainbow sphere. Save your game here,and head left to the next screen.Here you'll see a small events with Quina & Zidane.After that,you'll be able to control Zidane again. ==================================== Optional ======================================= There's a man hiding behind the pillar on the right. There will be no ‘!’ to highlight it so search around.After talking to him, you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Hades HP : 55.000 MP : 9999 GIL : 9650 EXP : 65.530 Steal : Reflect Ring,Battle Boots,Running Shoes Strategy : Becareful with it "Curse" and "Doomsday" attack,it will cause a random status effect to the entire party members.If this happen,let Eiko cast Esuna to the party,and let the others cure themself with Remedy.To attack the boss,just cast Holy to Hades,it will do about 7500 damage to him.If you have Amarant in your party,let him Throw "Wing Edge" to Hades.It will do about 6000 or 7000 damage to him.Also, don't forget to steal "Running Shoes" from him. After the battle,Hades will allow you to forge a few powerful armor and weapons. You can also buy Ether from him,so be sure to buy lots of it.Once you done shopping, continue north to the next screen. ==================================== Optional ======================================= Now go upstairs and you'll encounter another boss battle. Boss Battle : Kraken HP : Kraken (50.000),Tentactles (10.000 each) Strategy : There's a three target's here.Try to kill the tentacles first,and concentrate your attack to one target,before attacking the others.Keep attacking him as normal,and heal if neccesary. Note : You can break frozen status by using Fire magic (cast it to your frozen party members). After the battle,continue north to the next screen. There's another hidden SAVE POINT here,in the upper right corner of the screen. Again,there will be no ‘!’ to highlight it so search around.Save your game here and continue to the next screen. Climb up the ladder,and continue north to the next screen. Now you'll reach a screen with three doors.Here you'll encounter another boss battle. Boss Battle : Linch HP : 60.000 Strategy : Becareful with it Quake spell,it will do about 2000 damage (or more) to the entire party.Also,watch out for his Death and Stop spell.Phoenix summon is works well in this battle (to attack the boss, and off course,to revive your death party members),so be sure to have Eiko in this battle.Keep attacking it as normal,and heal if neccesary. After the battle,continue north to the next screen.Now you'll find yourself on an invincible platform (looks like the outer space). Move yourself to the green lights over there,and you'll be teleported to the next screen.From here,keep following the path until you've reach a screen with the rainbow sphere,and save your game here. Now head north to the next screen. Here you'll find Kuja.After doing some talk with him,you'll encounter a boss battle. Boss Battle : Deathguise HP : 55.000 Strategy : This boss is pretty easy.Just attack it as normal & keep your HP at max and you'll be fine. After the battle,head back to the previous screen,and save your game again. ------------- Final Battle: ------------- When you ready to fight Kuja,head north to the next screen.Talk to Kuja,and you'll encounter a battle with him. Note : ------ Before you encounter the final battle with Kuja & Necron,i suggest you to equip all support abilities that can prevents you from status effect first.(like Antibody,Clear Headed,Jelly,etc).This really helps you against Necron's Grand Cross Attack. Boss Battle : Kuja HP : 55.555 MP : 9999 Steal : Ether,White Robe,Rebirth Ring Party: Zidane,Eiko,Garnet,Amarant Strategy: --------- Before the battle,first equip Auto-Haste & Auto-Regen abilities on your party,and be sure your party members is in high level.(Lv.55 or above).In the battle,Have Eiko and Garnet in your party and let them heal your party members,by using Curaga or Regen. Let the others attack him as normal,and if all of your party members got killed,except Eiko,just summon Phoenix (or Full-Life),to revives your fainted party member back to life.Also notice that Kuja can heal himself about 3300 HP.So,be quick and kill him ! After the battle,you will fight another boss... Boss : Necron HP: About 50.000 Party: Zidane,Eiko,Garnet,Amarant Strategy : ---------- Wow,this boss is pretty tough ! He has a Grand Cross attack that will hit your party members with random status effect (Stone,sleep,zombie,even instant death!) to the entire party ! So like before,have Garnet & Eiko in this battle and use them to heal your party.If you character turn into zombie,then died,you can't use phoenix down or life magic to revives your party. Use "Magic Tag" to cures zombie first,then revives your party member with Eiko's Phoenix summon (or full life). To attack this boss,just use Zidane's "Grand Lethal" Dyne skill.It will causes 9999 damage to him ! If you have any darkmatter,just use it to him,since this a final battle, and you won't fight another boss later.It's a good idea to heal your party members using elixir,though...(like i said before,this is a final battle,so don't worry to use your best items like Elixirs,Ether,Dark Matter,Wing Edge,etc...).Now keep attacking him with your best attack until you win the battle,and watch the ending !! ------------------------------------------------- How to to beat Kuja & Necron in 6 minutes only : ------------------------------------------------- *Auction for 12 Dark Matters in Treno. *Use 6 of them when you Kuja. *You'll beat him 4 minutes time. *Now use another 6 Dark Matters when you fight Necron. *You have to be quick.If he cast the Grand Cross magic (Supernova), quickly heal all your character that been affected by any status effect. *If you follow my way you will not been hit by the Grand Cross magic. *You can beat him in 2 minutes. Thanks to "hadith omar"  for the info ! However,i haven't try this yet,because i can't buy more than 1 Dark Matter in Treno for now........I think this only works with the Japanese Version. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ |_ _| | | __| | __| | | \ | | | | __| | __| | | | | | |_| |__|__|_____| |_____|_|___|____/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Side Quest : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Source : Ruby Intervenes: ---------------- This little secret takes place at the beginning of the game, while you're on the Prima Vista Airship. When Baku explains the kidnapping plans to Tantalus, choose the option " kidnap Queen Brahne." Not only is Baku's reaction hilarious, but if you choose this option 64 times, Ruby breaks into the conversation and you can witness an extra little scene with her. ^_^ Secret of the Eidolon Wall: --------------------------- One of the big secrets of the game is that Princess Garnet's true name is engraved on the Eidolon Wall at Madain Sari. There is a very complicated way to reveal the truth at the beginning of Disc 4. First, form a party with Dagger and visit Lani who is standing on Eiko's back porch. Upon arriving Lani will run away. Exit the village and return with anyone except Dagger or Amarant and talk to Lani twice. Read the message and go to the Eidolon Wall. Walk clockwise from the entrance (heading to the right) until you return to the entrance. Move just past the "!" until you hear a chime. Then walk counterclockwise back to the entrance, just past the "!" again. Repeat this 9 times, going back and forth. Make sure you hear a chime each time. On the ninth round, your HP/MP will be recovered and all status abnormalities removed. Now read the paintings. You can read them in any order, as long as you read them all. A whole slew of extra messages appear this time. At the end, return to the Ifrit drawing and look for an extra message, revealing Dagger's true name which is... SPOILER SARAH Nero Brothers' Gambling: ------------------------ If you go into the Weapon Shop with Zidane in Alexandria at the beginning of Disc 3, you will encounter the Nero Brothers (Benero, Genero, and Zenero). They will ask you to play a game similar to the shell game. You only receive Gil as a reward for playing, maxing out at 25,600 Gil. The best tip to provide for this mini-game is to use the Pause function. Recording the game with a VCR and then reviewing the playback in slow motion makes things vastly easier. Jump Rope: ---------- The first mini-game encountered during FINAL FANTASY IX is the jump rope mini-game in Alexandria. To participate, have Vivi approach the little girls jumping rope to the left of the ticket booth. Once he has done so, the girls offer to let him join. This is a good opportunity to earn some Gil, get extremely rare cards, and obtain a Key Item very early in the game. After Vivi moves over the rope, press the Circle button to begin the game and press the X button again to jump each time a "!" appears over Vivi's head. Jumping rope is fairly easy, but don't underestimate the game! The speed at which the rope moves increases at 20 jumps, increases again at 50 jumps, and then once again at 100 jumps. At 200 jumps, the speed subsides a bit, but the timing is different. After 300 jumps, the speed and timing of the jumps remain the same. You can play the jump rope mini-game at the beginning of Disc 1. At the beginning of Disc 3, the jump rope girls move their game to the moogles' bell tower. You can only play during Disc 3 and 4 if you have Eiko or Vivi in your party. You can only win each reward one time. You will not receive the same reward again if you start over and match the number of jumps you achieved previously. Rewards : 20 Jumps = 10 Gil 50 Jumps = Cactuar Card 100 Jumps = Genji Card 200 Jumps = Alexandria Card 300 Jumps = Tiger Racket Card 1000 Jumps = King of Jump Rope (Key Item) Feed The Moogle Family: ----------------------- Each time you receive a Kupo Nut for delivering mail between the moogles, return to Gizamaluke's Grotto and feed it to the father of the moogle family. You'll receive a random item in return. During the Chocograph treasure hunt, one of the stashes contains a full set of Hawaiian gear, but only 7 Aloha T-shirts. That leaves one of your characters out of the luau! Return to Gizamaluke's Grotto with a Kupo Nut during Disc 4 and the moogle gives you the 8th Aloha T-Shirt. Treno Weapon Shop Monsters: --------------------------- Depending on when you visit the Weapons Shop in Treno, you can have one character duel with a monster that the owner has caught and caged under the floor. You can fight one monster during Disc 2, one of two different monsters during Disc 3, and only one monster on Disc 4. Here are some fighting strategies for each of the monsters. Griffin Use Steiner and equip the following: Gold Choker, Auto-Potion ability, and Bird Killer ability. If you have five or more Hi-Potions, sell all of your Potions so that your Hi-Potions are used when Auto-Potion kicks in. Make sure Steiner is at least level 7. Use a tent on the monster (see the Catoblepas strategy), and it will receive every status effect that it cannot Guard against. Catoblepas Equip the Jelly ability and Beast Killer ability, and use equipment that defends against Thunder and Earth or use the Auto-Float ability. Catoblepas remains in Treno until the end of Disc 3 or until you defeat the monster. Use a Tent on him until the beast bites him (this happens one-third of the time) and he will receive every status effect that he will not GUARD against. You can also use the Blue Magic Roulette if available. Since there is no consequence for losing the battle, use this ability until the happy little finger lands on Catoblepas. Amdusias Amdusias casts Lv4 Holy, so avoid levels that are multiples of four or equip equipment that defends against Holy. Equip the Antibody ability, and defend when it's in the air because it will only use physical attacks at this point. Equip Auto-Reflect if possible, because it only uses magic on the ground. Also, equip Auto-Regen or Auto-Potion and the Counter ability if possible. If you have Reflect, Amdusias will kill itself and you can just defend. At this point, use a Tent on the beast until the snake bites him (this happens one-third of the time) and he will receive every status effect that he will not GUARD against. Behemoth This monster is extremely difficult, even at high levels. It's best to use an attack that kills the Behemoth instantly. You can use the Blue Magic Roulette or Zidane's Soul Blade attack when he has the Sargatanas weapon equipped. This will instantly petrify him. The Weapon Shop monsters don't reward you with any EXP or AP, but the store clerk will give you a prize for each monster you defeat. Weapon Shop Monster Awards: Griffin (Disc 2) = Tonberry Card Catoblepas (Disc 3) = 15000 Gil Amdusias (Disc 3) = Running Shoes Behemoth (Disc 4) = Circlet Mr. Morrid's Coffee: -------------------- After leaving the Ice Cavern, head to the Observatory Mountain before going into Dali. There's an elderly fellow named Morrid inside the hut, who's just dying for a good cup of java. Find the three coffees at different locations in the world and return to Observatory Mountain with them, before the end of Disc 3, and Mr. Morrid will reward you. Here are the locations of the three coffees: Moccha Coffee = At the South Gate entrance near the Chocobo Forest Kirman Coffee = On Eiko's back porch in Madain Sari Burman Coffee = This one is a little harder to get, however, so keep reading! To get the Burman Coffee, Zidane must leave Treno during the card tournament and head through South Gate to Dali. The mayor is not at home at this time, so search his house for his key. When you enter his house, Zidane spots the mayor's son napping on the sofa in the middle of the room. If Zidane moves too hastily, he'll awaken the boy and have to start the search over again. Start by searching the mayor's desk. You will find the Mini-Brahne here. Search the desk two more times until the boy says "Zzzz." Move to the stove and search it to find the Mayor's Key and then leave. Go to the locked door in the windmill and use the key to open it. Move around the chocobo pen to the right side, where a hidden treasure chest contains 30,000 Gil. Check the same chest again to find the Burman Coffee. Now return to Observatory Mountain and give the three coffees to Morrid. He promises to send you the Mini-Prima Vista model ship. The next time you're in Lindblum, return to the Tantalus hideout to find it sitting on the floor near the bed. Again, you must get the Burman Coffee during the card tournament in Treno. Otherwise, it will be too late. You can visit Morrid to complete the side quest any time before visiting Terra. Frog catching: -------------- When you enter the frog pond area of any Qu's Marsh, Quina asks to spend some time catching frogs. Quina must be in your party for this to occur. If you agree to let him/her catch frogs, you can control Quina as s/he runs around the pond attempting to catch the frogs that leap onto the ground out of the water. There's no real strategy to this; you just need to be swift. As Quina catches more and more frogs, Quale appears occasionally and congratulates Quina on his/her progress. The master Qu then bestows items upon Quina as rewards for catching frogs. If you can catch 99 frogs, Quale challenges your party to a battle. The trick to this side quest is to always leave a male and a female frog in the pond. Otherwise, it will take an incredibly long time for the pond to repopulate with frogs. The spawning rate is also much faster if you leave the Golden Frog with a male and a female frog. One strategy for chasing the frogs is to learn the differences in color. Female frogs are usually a much brighter color than males, while baby frogs are smaller and more olive-toned. You may want to change the Contrast on your television or monitor to distinguish more easily. Avoid chasing baby frogs, because they will grow up to become adults and will be much easier to catch then. Quina can learn Blue Magic abilities by eating various monsters in Qu's Marsh. You can learn the reliable Frog Drop ability by eating a Gigan Toad. Frog Drop has a 100% success rate and the strength of this ability is determined in part by how many frogs Quina has caught. The damage follows this formula: Quina's Level x (amount of frogs) = HP Damage For example: If Quina is at level 50 and s/he has caught 100 frogs, Frog Drop will cause 5000 HP damage. Prize : 2 Frogs = Ore 5 Frogs = Ether 9 Frogs = Silk Robe 15 Frogs = Elixir 23 Frogs = Silver Fork 33 Frogs = Bistro Fork 45 Frogs = Battle Boots 99 Frogs = Gastro Fork The Windmill Has Stopped! (disc4 ) ------------------------- Since the windmill in Dali has stopped turning, this is also a good time to climb up top and get the Cachusha and Elixir in the chests. Racing Hippaul: --------------- You can only take part in this mini-game with Vivi at the beginning of Disc 3. Hippaul stands with his mother on the main street in Alexandria. When you speak to Hippaul's mother, Vivi and Hippaul will run a race. Tap the Circle and Square buttons to run to the finish line. Hippaul's level increases the more you race him. For every 10 levels Hippaul gains, his mother gives you a card. You win new cards through level 70, plus a Key Item at level 80. You can actually level Hippaul up to level 100 (but you receive nothing for it). Hippaul Racing Rewards : Level 10 = Wyerd Card Level 20 = Carrion Worm Card Level 30 = Tantarian Card Level 40 = Armstrong Card Level 50 = Ribbon Card Level 60 = Nova Dragon Card Level 70 = Genji Card Level 80 = Athlete Queen (Key Item) Excalibur: ---------- You can get a very powerful sword for Steiner by completing a short side quest. Return to Daguerreo on Disc 4. An old man near the Library's Inn asks you to look out for an item called the Magical Fingertip. Go to the Treno Auction and bid on this item. You may have to pay somewhere around 85,000 Gil in the bidding war, so make sure it's worth it to you. If you don't see the Magical Fingertip at the Auction House, then you may need to sell all of the Key Items you purchased at the Auction previously, such as the Doga's Artifact, Rat Tail, Griffin's Heart, and Une's Mirror. This should make the Magical Fingertip available at the Auction House. In addition, you should be able to repurchase the items you had to sell. Take the Magical Fingertip back to the old man in Daguerreo. When you give him the item, he tells you his life's story and then gives you Excalibur. This sword, which is not as powerful as the Ragnarok found during the "Chocobo Hot and Cold" game, enables Steiner to learn Climhazzard. Final Fantasy Items and Music: ------------------------------ We've mentioned earlier that several items for sale at the Treno Auction House are from previous FINAL FANTASY titles. There is some purpose to this. After returning to Gaia from Terra, purchase Doga's Artifact and Une's Mirror from the auction and return to the Black Mage Village. Speak to the Black Mage standing in front of the phonograph inside the Inn. This causes the background music to change to a tune from FINAL FANTASY III's soundtrack. This special music continues until you leave the village. Renaming Characters: -------------------- You can win the rare Namingway Card from Mario during the card tournament in Treno. You can also find the card inside Kuja's room during the sequence in the Desert Palace by searching behind the stacked books in the foreground. Take the card to Daguerreo and find the man roaming the library on the mid level. He asks to see the card, and then becomes inspired to create new names for your playable characters. You can now ask this person to rename any of your characters, including Zidane! To reach the mid level, examine the strange block next to the Medicine Shop. This releases an obstruction. Speak to the scholar near the bookshelves at the left of the room. After finding the book he's looking for (in the right of the room), speak to the scholar again. This causes him to move from his current location. You can now access a hidden ladder that takes you down to the middle level. Ranking in Daguerreo: The true identity of the four-armed bandit is revealed after you've collected enough treasures to gain a Treasure Hunting Rank of "S." You can view your rank at any time by speaking to the Four-armed Man or the woman at the Treno Inn. Once you reach Rank S, go speak to the Four-armed Man in Daguerreo. This is the same person who has all the rare airship cards, if you challenge him to a card game. When he finds out that you're a Rank S treasure hunter, he becomes intimidated and abruptly runs out. Follow him to the entrance, and he will tell you his true identity and hand you the Rank S Award Key Item. Treasure Hunter Ranking is determined by a point system: :: 1 point for every chest, searched Field icon, and item gained in event sequence, and every rare item purchased in the Treno Auction House (with the exception of Magical Fingertip and Pearl Rouge). :: 2 points for every chest found on the World Map while riding Choco. No points are awarded for items found while digging in the "Chocobo Hot and Cold" game or bought from Stiltzkin. Excalibur II: ------------- Here's a challenge for you true gamers: play FINAL FANTASY IX again and reach the Terrace in Memoria within 12 game hours. You can find the Excalibur II on the Terrace in a corner to the right. This is the most powerful weapon in the game! Hades: ------ Extremely late in the game, you can encounter Hades, an optional Boss. If you fight and defeat Hades, you can synthesize the best items in the game. In Memoria, you will enter a room in which Quina thinks that there is water and tries to swim. After the scene, search the hidden area amongst the coral on the right side of the screen. When an ominous voice begins to ward you off, persist in the conversation to fight Hades. You must continuously press the confirm button here, since a "!" icon will not appear. This Boss is not easy. Your crew must be in tip-top shape, and have all the right abilities and weapons equipped to survive. However, if you can outlast the master blacksmith, he will allow you to forge extremely rare and extremely expensive items. One of them is the Save the Queen sword wielded by Beatrix. Also, you can forge the Robe of Lords, the Tin Armor, and the Pumice for the first time. Pumice lets Dagger summon the amazing Ark. You need the Hammer to forge more than one item on the list, so you must complete the Stellazzio side quest in order to get it. Boss Fight HADES HP: 56.000 AP: 30 Steal Items: Robe of Lords, Battle Boots, Running Shoes, Reflect Ring Spoils: Elixir, Wing Edge The only way to defeat Hades is to prepare extremely well beforehand. He's just a bit more difficult than the final Boss, but equipping the right weapons and abilities beforehand will take you a long way. The best party for this fight is Zidane, Dagger, Steiner, and Vivi. Everyone needs to be at a high level, with plenty of stones to equip abilities. Equip everyone with the following abilities: Auto-Regen, Antibody, Clear Headed, and Body-Temp. Hades performs a Curse spell on everyone, which imposes several statuses at once (Darkness, Confusion, Poison, Slow, and Mini), which can be devastating. Equipping Zidane and Steiner with the Auto-Haste and High Tide abilities also proves strategic. Vivi and Dagger should have the Half-MP ability, and you should equip Dagger with Boost. Also, make sure that Vivi has learned the ReflectX2 ability. Vivi should be able to cast Flare, and Dagger should have the ability to cast Reflect. Equip Zidane with the Ultima Weapon and the Mug and Bandit abilities, and preferably Master Thief as well, and ensure that Steiner has the Ragnarok. You can get this by completing the "Chocobo Hot and Cold" side quest prior to engaging Hades, which lets you obtain it from the Outer Island. You have several rounds to attack before Hades gets serious. Steiner will inflict 9,999 HP of damage each round with Shock, and Zidane should steal, attack, and steal as described so many times before. He should cause around 2,000 HP when mugging Hades. During the first turn, have Dagger cast Reflect on herself and have Vivi cast Focus. Better yet, you should consider equipping the Auto-Reflect ability on Dagger for a consistent effect throughout the battle. In the next round and each round thereafter, Vivi should cast Flare on Dagger, which will be reflected at Hades, inflicting 9999 HP due to the doubling Reflect ability. Dagger's summons will cause some amount of damage, but she is better utilized by healing the party. If a character gets KOed, cast Life on them and let Auto-Regen do the healing. Try to dispose of Hades in under eight rounds. Otherwise, he will charge up his sword and perform Doomsday. This awesome spell levels everyone who isn't equipped with armor that protects against Shadow. Another good tactic is to fight a bunch of random battles in Memoria before this fight, and get everyone close to Trancing before taking on Hades. That way, Zidane should be able to cause a lot of HP damage to Hades with a few Grand Lethal Dyne attacks. Another good strategy is to replace Dagger with Eiko or Quina to counter Hades' Curse spell. Quina can use the Angel's Snack and Mighty Guard abilities, and Eiko has the Mini spell to counter the Mini effect caused by the Curse spell. You receive 16,383 EXP for defeating Hades, as well as 9,638 Gil. He tells you to bring two Pumice Pieces for him to forge into the Pumice, which lets Dagger summon the Ark. You can find them by digging up a treasure on the World Map with your chocobo and after defeating Ark in Oeilvert. Summoning the Ark makes defeating Necron at the end of the game much easier. Quan's Cave,East from Treno: ---------------------------- There is a strange writing on the wall of a room there, mentioning Vivi and has a writing style that resembles Quina’s speech pattern. Bring Vivi and Quina in your party and visit that room for a big surprise! This event elaborates the background story of Quina and Vivi. After the event,check the Clock to get Running shoes. Carbunkle new skills: --------------------- Carbunkle's normal defense skill, Ruby Light, is not the only attack it has! When equipped with the correct gemstones, new effects can be summoned. Fenrir also has an additional skill with this method. Emerald+Carbunkle = Emerald Light (All Haste) Diamond+Carbunkle = Dia Light (All Banish) Moonstone+Carbunkle = Pearl Light (All Shield) Virgin's Hope+ Fenrir = 1000 Year Gust Friendly Monsters: ------------------ At various locations on the World Map, a random battle occurs but the music sounds sweet and melodic. The creatures that appear won't attack either; instead, they beg you to give them a specific jewel. If you give them the jewel, your party receives a ton of AP and sometimes a useful item. What is the secret of these strange monsters? Well, if you encounter all eight of them, you get to interact with the Friendly Yan on Vile Island. When you give this cute little creature what it desires, you get to attack Ozma physically. This is the most difficult hidden monster to overcome in the game, and the characters won't be able to use physical attacks without feeding all of the friendly creatures. Being able to attack Ozma physically enables characters such as Zidane, Steiner, and Amarant to be more useful in the fight. You may notice that some friendly monsters make reference to other friendly monsters, and even give you the appropriate stone to feed to them. This reinforces the fact that there is a certain order in which to encounter the friendly creatures, and the table at the end of this section indicates the order. The only catch is that you can only find some of the monsters in dangerous, out-of-the-way places. For example, you can only find the Purple Jabberwock in a forest on the west continent, which requires the Invincible airship or the red chocobo to reach. The Friendly Yan's more aggressive counterparts on Vile Island are, in fact, some of the toughest creatures in the game, and may wipe out your party during the effort. If you get attacked by Yans while searching Vile island for the friendly Yan, summon Odin and cast Death on them every round. Also, try to perform the ReflectX2 trick with Vivi, and have everyone else perform their most powerful skill. If Quina can successfully eat one of these enemies, s/he can learn the Auto-Life ability. Yans have around 20,000 HP, making them tough to dispose of quickly. However, each set of three is worth 28,000 EXP and 3 AP, which makes leveling up and learning abilities much easier! Friendly Creatures list : Brown Mu Plains between the Ice Cavern and Dali 1 Ore 10 AP, Potion White Ghost Plains Around Treno 1 Ore 10 AP, Hi-Potion Color Ladybug Forest around Black Mage Village 2 Ores 20 AP, Ether Green Yeti Bigger forest outseide Madain Sari 2 Ores 20 AP, Elixir Green Nymph Forest near Iifa Tree 3 Ores 30 AP, Emerald Purple Jabberwock Forest directly east of Oeilvert Emerald 40 AP, Moonstone Green Feather Circle Lost Continent Moonstone 30 AP, Lapis Lazuli Rainbow Garuda East forest on plateau above Gizamaluke's Grotto Lapis Lazuli 40 AP Diamond Friendly Yan Forest on Vile Island Diamond 50 AP, Rosetta Ring Crime and Punishment: --------------------- You can only view this Active Time Event as Garnet during your first visit to Treno. After going to Doctor Tot's tower to get the Supersoft, instead of climbing the ladder down, go outside and yeah! You can view the ATE now! Ozma: ----- The most terrifying enemy in the game is not the final Boss, but the creature hidden at the Eidolon grave in Chocobo's Air Garden. When should you fight this creature? Well, I have a few tips to prepare you for this battle, but that's about it. You must complete most other sidequests first. You must have the gold chocobo to access Chocobo's Air Garden. To find Ozma, go to the Garden and ride Choco to the back islet. When you examine the Eidolon grave, Mene warns you that something dangerous is there. You'll get a few chances to back out, so make sure you only fight it when you're ready. Your characters will also need the Ultima Weapon and at least the Ragnarok. Blackjack: ---------- After finishing the game, let the credits roll until the phrase "The End" appears. While it's on-screen, enter the following sequence of buttons on your controller to access the hidden card game "Blackjack": R2, L1, R2, R2, Up, X, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, Square, Start. The dealer deals out of two decks and stands on 17, and you begin the game with a bankroll of 1,000 Source : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Secrets & Tips: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dead Pepper: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok,i receive so many emails everyday asking about where to find the dead pepper,so here it is : You can get dead peppers during the chocobo hot & cold mini game once you already got the light blue chocobo or red chocobo.Please don't send my another question about Dead pepper since the answer already posted here. Iron Man: ~~~~~~~~~ Limit Gloove is very effective against Iron Man (found inside Memoria) when he goes "helm devide" . Submitted By : Summoning phoenix even though you're dead...: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can summon phoenix evevn if Eiko is dead.You must know the phoenix technique.When you fight someone Eiko has to die last.It automatically uses phoenix.It looks a little different but its cool. Submitted By : Suzi Kang ( Card Game at Memoria: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can play cards in memoria against a guy who has pretty good cards.Just press the square buttom when a ? appears. You can do this at 4 different places in memoria. 9999 Damage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you equp Reflect ring, reflect, and reflect X2 (i dont know if you need this) on Vivi and use flare on yourself it deals your opponent 9999 damage Submitted By : Other Floor at Daguerreo: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you get the lever working again for yhe weapon smith walk around abit on that floor you will see a scholar in a room walk him to were the books are then go back to the room he was in. Walk around in that room you will see a ! over zidane Submitted By : Klee ( Angel Earrings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Battle of Alexandria, Dagger has to give orders to the Knights of Pluto. If done corectly you can get "Angel Earings", so here's the order to give them in. Gather info "Blutzen and Kohel", Protect Town "Haagen and Weimar", Contact Lindblum for erinforcement "Laudo and Breireicht", Begin prepartion to fire the canons Dojebon and Mullenkedheim. Submitted By : Patricia Misczuk ( More places to dig in chocobos forest: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you get a red chocobo go to chocobos forest and you can climb the walls. Level Up on Disc one: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On your way to burmecia through Gizamalukes Groto you can go climb the vine to enter the area where the grand dragons are. To beat them, have quina in your party and have her at 1hp, you can do this by killing her than using a phoenix down and it may give you 1hp or more, its random so keep trying. so what you do is get into a fight with a grand dragon and immediatly use Limit Glove which does 9999. after that do blizzara with vivi and the dragon should be gone, after every fight, save your game, and if quina dies, reset and try again, you can get to level 60 easily within a days worth of playing, (and youre on disc 1!!) and if youre too weak to start fighting the grand dragons, go in the forest and fight the birds until youre strong enough to fight the dragons, same process with the birds, save every time, it gets tedious, but its worth it. Restore large HP : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equip on your healers (Dagger or Eiko) the ability CONCENTRATE (learn from Robe of Lords). When you equip this ability it will raise the magic effect of cure, cura and curaga. This can be useful in battles. Submitted by : Al ( Chimera : ~~~~~~~~~ In disc 4, Memoria hosts some decent things to fight, make sure you have Vaccines. Have body temp, antibody and level/ability up if ya want. Once you get in Memeria, run around the enterance by the save/tent ball. Fight Chimera, you can use Soul Blade with the Masamune and cast Death Sentence or if you are lucky use Steiner's Lai Strike and just kill him! While his life is whitiling away steal to get items such as tents and garnets. Submitted By : Braver2K Jewels...: ~~~~~~~~~~ Various type of jewels/gems can make your Summon do more damage than before.For example,if you have 99 Garnets in your inventory,Bahamut Summon will deal about 8000 to 9999 damage to the enemies !!! Here's the list: Garnet = Bahamut Amethyst = Atomos Topaz = Ifrit Sapphire = Fenrir Peridot = Ramuh Opal = Shiva Aquamarine = Leviathan * * Note that you can get 1 Aquamarine for every 5 Ores you place in the dragon statue,at Daguerreo. Random Battles: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It works like 19/20 times and this is the thing if you dont want any more random battles just walk a lil then press Triangle then Circle then walk a lil more and do the same thing it carries you quite a distance without and random battles. Submitted by : Vincent ko ( Black Jack Mini-Game : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To access the mini-game,in the The End screen at the end of the game press : R2, L1, R2, R2, Up, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, Square, Square and Start.After that, the Black Jack game should begin. Gaining levels : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First equip Level Up abilities to the entire party,then fight the Grand Dragon outside the secret library Daguerreo,and you should gain about 12.000 EXP each time you kill it.If you want to get more EXP, you must kill all characters except the one you want to increase levels, then kill the dragon.In this way,all EXP point will go to that specific character. Kill Grand Dragon easily : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just use Quina's "Level 5 Death" blue magic,and it will die instantly (Grand dragon is level 60 !) Unlimited health and magic: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need Zidane and Freya in your team, Zidane needs to have learned auto-life and sacrifice already, and Freya needs to know white draw. Now, just have your other team fight and cast their most powerful spells. Then when you need a recharge, Zidane can just slap on Sacrifice and everyone else is good to go, immediately after Zidane does his Sac, Freya should cast white-draw so that Z boy is ready to go again if you need a quick health boost right away. Heal Zidane and get ready to rinse. Obviously after the first time he comes back to life you'll need to waste a spell or item to bring him back -- no big, just cast Phoenix :) Submitted by : John Level Up Faster: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Easily Defeat Grand Dragon With One Person(DISC 4)Equip Coral Ring. Equip antibody (ABILITY) Equip Level-UpEquip Restore Hp When you do this, the dragon will severly hurt you in a physical attack but cure you in THUNDAGA.You will recieve 35205 experience Submitted by : Nick Harvey Learn An Abilities Faster: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just equip all the equipments that lets you learn the same ability to your character,and you'll receive more AP than before.Also,don't forget to equip "Ability UP" ability to that characther. In this way,you will gain AP very fast and you will learn the ability to that character in just a few battles. Desert Palace: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you don`t want to fight an Antlion again (At the four sinkholes) while searching for Kuja`s palace, look closely at the four sinkholes. There`s one sinkhole where no 'sandclouds' come from, that`s the sinkhole to Kuja`s palace. Submitted by : Leroy Peridot: ~~~~~~~~ The Peridot will strenthen the Ramuh summon. The more Peridots you have, the stronger the Ramuh summon is. Another way to gain EXP: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Istead of killing the other characters off in the battle, just cast zombie on them, it is just the same as killing them off because Zombie makes them undead, so they wont recieve any EXP or AP. Submitted by : Viper Better leveling tip: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give characters Virus status ailment and it will have the same effect as having those characters be dead. (exp. will be divided between characterswithout virus!) Submitted by : Vastet Freya's Dragon Crest Skill: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actually,Freya's dragon crest skill becomes more powerful as your party keep defeating dragons. For example : Grand Dragon.You can found it outside daguerreo,and you can even kill it in a minute.Read this for more details.Notice that Freya's Dragon Crest skill can reach up to 9999 HP of damage. Zidane's Thievery Skill: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just like Freya's dragon crest skill,Zidane's Thievery skill can becomes more powerful as Zidane keeps stealing from the enemies.Also notice that Zidane's Thievery can reach up to 9999 HP of damage !!! Defeating SoulCage at IIFA Tree: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just Throw One Elixir on it,and it will die instantly. Stronger magic with Carbuncle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summon Carbuncle and then cast Firaga or something reflectable. Usualy Vivi's Fira will do about 1500 damage. With everyone with reflect it will do 3000 and so on. More Secrets,Tips And Side Quest can be found at my website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level Up Data: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- +-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+ | Lvl. EXP | Lvl. EXP | Lvl. EXP | Lvl. EXP | +-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+ | 1. 0 | 26. 41194 | 51. 511919 | 76. 2373113 | | 2. 16 | 27. 47291 | 52. 551285 | 77. 2496372 | | 3. 47 | 28. 54041 | 53. 592878 | 78. 2624372 | | 4. 101 | 29. 61488 | 54. 636782 | 79. 2757232 | | 5. 186 | 30. 69680 | 55. 683080 | 80. 2895074 | | 6. 314 | 31. 78664 | 56. 731858 | 81. 3038020 | | 7. 496 | 32. 88490 | 57. 783202 | 82. 3186196 | | 8. 746 | 33. 99208 | 58. 837202 | 83. 3339727 | | 9. 1078 | 34. 110872 | 59. 893947 | 84. 3498741 | | 10. 1510 | 35. 123535 | 60. 953529 | 85. 3663366 | | 11. 2059 | 36. 137233 | 61. 1016040 | 86. 3833734 | | 12. 2745 | 37. 152082 | 62. 1081576 | 87. 4009976 | | 13. 3588 | 38. 168082 | 63. 1150232 | 88. 4192226 | | 14. 4612 | 39. 185312 | 64. 1222106 | 89. 4380618 | | 15. 5840 | 40. 203834 | 65. 1297296 | 90. 4575290 | | 16. 7298 | 41. 223710 | 66. 1375904 | 91. 4776379 | | 17. 9012 | 42. 244006 | 67. 1458031 | 92. 4984025 | | 18. 11012 | 43. 267787 | 68. 1543781 | 93. 5198368 | | 19. 13327 | 44. 292121 | 69. 1633258 | 94. 5419552 | | 20. 15989 | 45. 318076 | 70. 1726570 | 95. 5647720 | | 21. 19030 | 46. 344724 | 71. 1823824 | 96. 5883018 | | 22. 22486 | 47. 375136 | 72. 1925130 | 97. 6125592 | | 23. 26392 | 48. 406386 | 73. 2030598 | 98. 6375592 | | 24. 30786 | 49. 439548 | 74. 2140342 | 99. 6633167 | | 25. 35706 | 50. 474700 | 75. 2254475 | --. 9999999 | +-----------+------------+-------------+-------------+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 12 Zodiac Coins : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- During the game you can find Zodiac Coins in many places. If you give them to Queen Stella in Treno, she'll give you some items in exchange. Adding to this, if you give her twelve Zodiac Coins, she'll tell you about the 13th Zodiac Coin ------------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------------- Zodiac Coin | Location | Details ------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------- Aries | Dali | 1st floor of the windmill house Taurus | Treno | Behind the items shop at treno Gemini | Treno | Throw 13 coins into a spring at the entrance of Treno Cancer | Burmecia | In the Entrance,check behind a wooden box Leo | Alexandria castle | Alexandria left tower. Virgo | Blackmage village | At the Inn Libra | Madain Sari | Near a fountain Scorpio | Quan's cave | Climb down the rope,and it's near the chest to the right. Sagittarius | Lindbulm | Near the old lady that selling gysahl pickles at the | | bussines district,on the far left corner of the screen. Capricorn | Daguerreo | A water path to the right from the entrance Aquarius | Ipsen's Castle | A treasure box in a hall Pisces | Invincible | A treasure box at the center of this ship Ophiuchus | Quan's cave | Where you found Scorpio ------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------- The items you get according to the number of Zodiac Coins you give to the queen : Coins/Items : 1. 1000 gil 2. Phoenix's Pinnion 3. 2000 gil 4. Blood sword 5. 5000 gil 6. Elixir 7. 10,000 gil 8. Black belt 9. 20,000 gil 10. Rosetta's ring 11. 30,000 gil 12. Robe of lord 13. Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Some Useful Techniques: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.How to cut FMV You can do away with FMV.As soon as FMV begins, just open the cover of your playstation, and then close it. You can restart at the point where the FMV has just ended. If you are using playstation 2, just push the eject button to take the CD-rom out and then push the button again to put it in. 2.How to make money by combining weapons Buy as many "wrist" as possible at the village of Dali, and buy as many "Steepled hat" as possible in the mog shop at Burmecia. Go to synthesis shop and make "cotton robe." If you sell cotton robes at the weapon shop,you can make 610 gil a cotton robe. You can sell a cotton robe by 2000 gil, so you can make money 610 gil by making one cotton robe.If you make up 99 cotton robes, you can make money 60390 gil! FOR ALL PLAGIARIZERS OUT THERE! READ THIS! I have PURPOSELY put a few MINOR MISTAKES in the information in this FAQ (especially,the gamescript section) so I can know if anyone has been plagiarizing it. You may NOT use the information in this FAQ to write your own FAQ! +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _____ ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ ______ ___________ _____ | | | __ \ / _ \ | \/ || ___| / ___/ __ \| ___ \_ _| ___ \_ _| | | | | \// /_\ \| . . || |__ \ `--.| / \/| |_/ / | | | |_/ / | | | | | | __ | _ || |\/| || __| `--. \ | | / | | | __/ | | | | | |_\ \| | | || | | || |___ /\__/ / \__/\| |\ \ _| |_| | | | | | \____/\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \____/ \____/\_| \_|\___/\_| \_/ | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Progress : Disc 1 (Lindblum Grand Castle) =============== The beggining : =============== ??? : Sure is dark... ??? : Guess nobody's here yet... ??? : Who's there ? Enter your name : Zidane Zidane : It's me,Zidane ! Blank : Hey Zidane,you sure are late ! Zidane : Sorry.So where's the boss ? Cinna : Ain't here yet. Suddenly,a mysterious masked man shows up and you'll encounter a battle with it After the battle : All : Whew... Baku : Hey fools ! Baku : You're lookin' alot better ! Baku : Gwahahaha ! Baku : Allright,let's start the meeting already ! Baku : Here's the plan Baku : Tantalus,the infamous band of daring thieves (that's us) is headin' to the kingdom of alexandria Baku : Our mission is to kidnap the heir to the throne,Princess Garnet ! Cinna : I'll take it from here,so listen up ! Cinna : Our ship is about to dock at Alexandria... Cinna : And when it does,we're gonna put on our costumes... Cinna : And permorm 'i want to be your canary',the most popular play in alexandria ! Cinna : Break a leg Marcus ! Cause you're playing the lead ! Marcus : Leave the actin' to me ! Of course the real kidnappers'll be Blank and Zidane ! Blank : I'll distract the audience from backstage with these little buggers. Blank : I can't stand oglops... Blank : But i'll try to manage,so don't worry about me. Blank : And that'll be your cue Zidane ! Zidane : Okay : - That's when i kidnap Queen Brahne,right ? - That's when i kidnap Princess Garnet,right ? (pick the 2nd choice) Baku : You bet ! You're gonna kidnap the most babe-licious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet ! FMV ================ Alexandria Town: ================ Little girl : Are you awright ? Little girl : Here ! You dwopped your ticket ! Rat Kid : Oww ! Rat Kid : Why you-get outta my way ! Head north to the next screen Herald : Honorable nobles of Treno...castle of Alexandria is this way Head to the event square and talk to the ticketmaster Ticket Master : Can i help you son ? Pointy Hat Boy : - Show Ticket (pick the 1st choice) - What's Showing Today ? - Tell Me About Alexandria. - Leave Ticket Master : What's this ? There's something odd about this ticket... Ticket Master : Why,it's another fake ! I've seen so many today. Pointy Hat Boy : Nooooooo..... Ticket Master : Now,now.Don't cry.I know how you must feel. Ticket Master : Here,i'll give you these.Do try to cheer up now,hmm? Received Goblin Card,Fang Card,Skeleton Card ! Ticket Mater : Talk to "Alleyway Jack" to learn more about cars.Good luck lad ! In the next screen... Dante the signmaker : Blast it ! Dante the signmaker : Hey ! You make me miss,you little klutz !! Dante the signmaker : Whew,that should do it Dante the signmaker : Well,it's been a long day. Rat Kid : Hey,you,shrimp ! You're the one with the phony ticket ain't cha ? Rat Kid : I saw the guy tell you that it was fake ! Pointy Hat Boy : - Y-yeah it's fake (Pick the 1st choice) - N-no,it's not fake - Are you alleyway jack ? Rat Kid : I'll let you see the show if you become my slave ! Rat Kid : Well,whaddya say ? Poitny Hat Boy : - Allright (Pick the 1st choice) - N-no,i don't want to Rat Kid : Awesome ! Now for you first assignment ! Rat Kid : You go stand over there and see if anyone comin' ! Rat Kid : All clear ? - Yeah it's clear (Pick the 1st choice) - I think someone's coming Rat Kid : Awesome ! Engage according to mission parameters ! Head south to the next screen,and enter the bell tower Rat Kid : Over here ! Rat Kid : Don't fall behind Rat Kid : Into the steeple ! Rat Kid : Now we're gonna climb up this tower ! Rat Kid : It's very dangerous,you go first ! Pointy Hat Boy : Ow ! Rat Kid : Ahahahaha ! What the heck was that ? Moogle : Sorry about that,Kupo ! Rat Kid : That's Kupo.He's a moogle Kupo : Kupo ! Rat Kid : And this is slave number one Rat Kid : Try to get along,okay ? Kupo : Kupo ! Pleased to meet you ! Kupo : I'm sorry ! I enter you in the moogle's diary ! Kupo : If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD,just ask us moogles,kupo ! Kupo : You can regain health if you have a tent,kupo ! Kupo : You understand ? Pointy Hat Boy : - I understand - Once more Kupo : Glad i can help,Kupo ! Rat Kid : Allright,time for some upward mobility ! Rat Kid : Okay,come on up,slave ! Stilzkin : Kupo ? You here ? Kupo : Stilzkin ! Why that getup ? Kupo : You leaving,Kupo ? Stilzkin : Yeah,and this time i might be away for a long time Kupo : I'll miss you,Kupo ! Stilzkin : Now,don't you worry.I'll write Kupo : Okay,Kupo ! Stilzkin : Well,i'm off ! Take care Stilzkin : Oh,and say hi to mosh in the castle for me Pointy Hat Boy : Was that friend of yours ? Kupo : Yes,a very special one,Kupo !! Rat Kid : Hey slave ! I thought i ordered you up here !!!! Talk Kupo,and save your game.After that,climb up the ladder Rat Kid : Alright,the play's gonna start if we don't hurry ! Rat Kid : Come on ! Get over here ! Rat Kid : Lemme're afraid of heights aren't you ? Rat Kid : It's okay ! Just pretend you're on the ground ! Rat Kid : Come on already ! We're running outta time ! Rat Kid : Not again... Rat Kid : Don't worry ! It won't fall ! Rat Kid : Ha ha ha...i guess it fell... Rat Kid : No point in worrying now,right ? Rat Kid : Oh yeah,i almost forgot ! Rat Kid : I don't even know your name ! Enter name : Vivi Rat Kid : So your name is Vivi,huh ? Rat Kid : Kinda funny name... Rat Kid : My name's Puck ! Pleased to meetcha ! Puck : Whew...we finnaly made it ! Puck : After this wall,we'll be inside the castle ! Puck : C'mon,let's go ! Meanwhile... Baku : Ladies and gentlemen Baku : Tonight's performance is take a story that takes placa a long long time ago... Baku : Our heroine,Princess Cornelia is torn from her lover marcus. Baku : She attempts to flee the castle,only to be captured by her father,King Leo Baku : When our story begins,Marcus,having heard of this,crossed swords with the king. Baku : And now,your royal majesty,Queen Brahne,your highness,Princess Garnet... Baku : ... noble ladies and lords,and our rooftop viewers,Tantalus proudly presents Baku : 'I want to be your canary' ! Blank : Bereft of father ! Bereft of mother ! Blank : Marcus ! Thou has lost even thy love ! Cinna : Fortune hath escap'd thee ! Cinna : For what end shalt thou live ? Zidane : For the sake of our friend... Zidane : Let us bury your steel in the heart of the wretched King Leo ! Blank : Aye ! Cinna : Aye ! Blank : We shall back thee,kinsman ! Marcus : Pray,sheathe thy swords ! This villain is mine alone ! Cinna : Nay kinsman ! Cinna : For i,too,have lost a brother to this fiend ! King Leo: What ho ? Out,vermin ! Away ! King Leo: Thou darest bare thy sword before the king !? King Leo: All who stand in my way will be crush'd ! Zidane : Treacherous Leo,my Kinsman's suffering shall not be in vain ! Zidane : For i shall insruct thee in his incomparable pain ! Battle After the battle : King Leo : Arrg...Grr.... King Leo : Thou hast not seen the last of me,Marcus ! Zidane : Come back ! Zidane : Out the way Blank ! Blank : Consider this Zidane ! If Prince Schneider were to marry Princess Cornelia,peace Would be reign over both their kingdoms ! Zidane : Tis foolishness ! If all were so easy,why none would suffer in this word ! Zidane : Aha ! Zidane : Aha ! Zidane : Aha ! Button pressing mini-game Zidane : Expect no quarter from me ! Blank : En Garde ! After the button pressing mini game,Zidane & Brank has succesfully sneak up inside the castle. Blank : He he he... Blank : Finished changing,Zidane ? Zidane : Yeah,but this helmet... Zidane : It kinda smells... Blank : What are you talking about !? My helmet is totally reeks ! Blank : My armor's way to big... Blank : And my back's real itchy... Blank : The boots are wet... Blank : My gloves are all slimy... Blank : There's a cookie crumbs in my pocket... Zidane : Okay,i get the picture... Zidane : You still have the package right ? Blank : Don't worry ! I won't screw up ! Zidane : Allright ! First i'll go pour some sleep potion into Princess Garnet's teacup ! Blank : And i've got a special something for the lovely queen ! Blank : He he he...they're sleeping so soundly ! ================== Alexandria Castle: ================== Blank : According the recon... Blank : ... the royal seats should be right above these stairs ! Zidane : Got it ! Blank : Uh-Oh ! The scene where Marcus sneaks into Cornelia's chamber is about to start ! Blank : Let's get this over before the finale,okay ? Upstairs you'll meet up with a white hooded girl Zidane : (Hmm ? She sure dressed funny...) Hooded Girl : Um...would you please let me pass ? Zidane : Hmmm.... - Let her pass (pick the 1st choice) - Examine her face Zidane : Wait ! Hold on a sec ! Zidane : Haven't we met before ? Hooded Girl : No...i do not know you... Zidane : Hmmm... Zidane : Maybe you're right...i'd never let someone as pretty as you get away. Zidane : Say,you wouldn't - Blank : Hey,what's goin' on Zidane ? Hooded Girl : I.... Hooded Girl : I must go ! Blank : Who the heck was that !? Zidane : Get up Blank ! That was Princess Garnet ! Blank : Are you serious !? Meanwhile... Zorn : We are in trouble ! Thorn : Trouble are we in ! Zorn : This is terrible ! Thorn : Our leads,Queen Brahne will have ! Zorn : We must hurry ! Thorn : Hurry,we must ! Zorn : We are in trouble ! Thorn : Trouble are we in ! Thorn : The right way,that is not ! Zorn : I know it is not the right way ! Thorn : Really do you ? Zorn : I really do ! Thorn : Wonder i sometimes do Zorn : N-Now is not the time to wonder ! Thorn : Hurry to Queen Brahne must we ! Zorn : We must hurry to Queen Brahne ! Zorn : That is not the right way ! Thorn : N-not the right way i know ! Zorn : Do you really ? Thorn : Know i really do ! Zorn : I really wonder sometimes Thorn : Th-the time is wonder,now is not ! Thorn : Hurry to see her majesty we must ! Zorn : We must hurry to tell her majesty ! Zorn : Your majesty ! Thorn : See the Queen we must ! Captain of the knights of Pluto : Her majesty is busy ! Come back Later ! Beatrix : Is it an emergency ? Thorn : An emergency it is ! Zorn : An emergency of terrible urgency ! Beatrix : Very well.I'll see what i can do Thorn : Very grateful we'll be ! Sorn : We'll be very grateful ! Captain of the knights of Pluto : Grr ! Curse that Beatrix ! Always trying to one-up-me ! Beatrix : So what exactly the problem ? Zorn : Her royal highness... Thorn : Princess Garnet... Thorn & Sorn : Is in danger ! Beatrix : I see.Wait right there. Queen Brahne : No interruptions ! Can't you see i'm watching the show !? Beatrix : Your majesty,im afraid Princess Garnet has- Queen Brahne : Ah yes...she did leave her seat a while ago Beatrix : Your majesty,it seems that Princess Garnet has run off with the royal pendant. Queen Brahne : Well,of all the...what could she be thinking !? Queen Brahne : General Beatrix ! Beatrix : Your Majesty ! Queen Brahne : And captain...uh... Enter name : Steiner Queen Brahne : Captain Steiner ! Steiner : Yes your majesty ! Brahne : Go find Garnet ! Steiner : Yes my queen Beatrix : At once your majesty ! Steiner : Knights of Pluto ! Steiner : ASSEMBLE !!! Steiner : Huh ? Steiner : Where is everybody ? Blutzen,Pluto knights II : Captain sir ! Kohel,Pluto knights III : All present and accounted for,sir ! Steiner : What are you talking about !? There's only two of you ! Steiner : Where's the other six ? Steiner : Why,you useless good-for-nothings ! Steiner : I bring order from the Queen ! Steiner : Get dressed and go find Princess Garnet !! Head right to a screen with a mognet.Talk to the soldier over there. Blutzen : ... So i guess they really did. Kohel : Whoa,really ? You always have the latest news ! Steiner : Hey ! I thought i told you to look for the princess ! What are you doing here !? Blutzen : Oh,captain ! It looks like Weimar got together with Barbara at the pub ! Steiner : Why do i have to hear this !? Steiner : I told you nitwits to go search for the princess ! Blutzen : At once sir ! Kohel : Y-yes sir ! Head out and go north to the next screen.Here talk to a soldier that walking around the corridor. Dojebon : Yes,sir ! I'm looking,sir ! Head right and talk to the soldier over there. Mullenkedheim : Awwww.... I'm so hungry ! Steiner : Wimps like you are the reason nobody relies on men in Alexandria ! Bite the bullet,you worthless grub !! Mullenkedheim : Whatever captain,i'm so hungry. Head back to previous screen,go downstairs and enter the library on the left.Talk to the soldier in the lower left corner of the screen. Laudo : You see,i never wanted to be in military.I just wanted to write fantasy novels... Laudo : Captain,please ! Let me quit the knights of pluto ! - You can leave (pick the 1st choice) - You can't leave Steiner : I really want to let you go.....but now's not the time ! Steiner : Go find princess Garnet !!! Laudo : Wah !!! Head out and talk to the soldier near the fountain Haagen : Sitting here watching the water always bring peace to my soul. Haage : Care to have a seat,captain ? Steiner : Now is not the time ! By order of her majesty,we must go search for princess Garnet ! Haagen : What !?!?!? This calls for immediate action !!! Haagen : Fair princess,be not afraid !! Haagen id on the trail ! Haagen : Feel my fury !! Head left and talk to the soldier over there. Weimar : Hey,let's go to Treno.Just the two of us. Alexandrian Soldier : Hmmm...let me think about it. Steiner : You there ! Stop that immediately ! Steiner : Go search for princess Garnet ! Weimar : Yes sir ! At once sir ! Now climb up the tower,and talk to soldier no VI Breireicht : I'm so tired... Breireicht : Oh ! Breireicht : Captain Steiner,do you climb this tower for exercise too ? Steiner : No ! No ! No ! I'm searching for princes Garnet ! Steiner : Is the princess at the top of this tower or not ? Breireicht : I want to reach the top,but at my age,i get so short breath... Talk to him again Breireicht : By the way captain,have we all received the order ? Steiner : Of course ! All knights will obey !!! Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to double super-sleuths, Blutzen and Kohel ! Breireicht : And also... Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to our most inspirational writer, Laudo ! Breireicht : And also... Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to the most famous artillerist in the realm,Dojebon Breireicht : And also... Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to the only man who can name all the girls in town,Weimar ! Breireicht : And also... Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to the knights with the knack of navigating the neighborhood,Haagen ! Breireicht : And also... Breireicht : Ah ! So you've given orders to the winner of last year's cannon ball race,Mullenkedheim. Breireicht : That's my captain ! Received Elixir ! Now climb up the tower until you've reach to the top. Steiner : Whew...fatigue rears its ugly head. Steiner : No ! I must persevere ! Steiner : The princess must be found ! Steiner : Wait ! Over there ! Steiner : It's princess Garnet ! Steiner : Being hounded by brigands ! Fear not,princess ! Your knight is coming ! FMV Zidane : Huh ? Where'd the princess go ? Hooded Girl : Woo !!! Zidane : Owwww.... Head right to the next screen. Ruby : Hold yer horses there ! Ruby : Whut kinda cattle you chasin' darlin' ? Ruby : You should at least say yer sorry ! Hooded Girl : Please pardon me.I was in hurry,you see... Ruby : And here i am,fixin' to get ready fer my big entrance ! Now you'll be controlling Zidane again,go talk to Ruby Ruby : Hey Zidane ! Did you see the way she hit me ? Ruby : This cowgirl's wilder than a buckin' bronco ! Zidane : Just let me talk to her,Ruby ! Ruby : Come again,pardner !? Ruby : Did you hear what i'm talkin !? Zidane : Ruby ! We'll talk later ! Go downstairs Zidane : Whew...Well it looks like you've finnaly made up your mind. Zidane : ( Wow.We really had to improvise.But hey,we got her ! ) Hooded Girl : Do you work on this theater ship ? Zidane : ( she figured it out,huh ? ) Hooded Girl : As you have no doubt suspected... Hooded Girl : ... the truth is that... Hooded Girl : I am actually... Hooded Girl : Princess Garnet Til Alexandros,heir to the throne of Alexandria. Garnet : I have a favor i wish to ask you... Garnet : I wish to be kidnapped ... right away. Zidane : H-huh !? I don't ... i mean ... Steiner : Princess ! Where are you !? Garnet : Please...they're coming for me ! Zidane : that's what's going on... Zidane : Alright ! Leave them to me ! Garnet : Thank you.You have my gratitude. Zidane : Alright then your highness ! Zidane : I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you ! Cinna : What're you two doin' ? Come on,this way ! Garnet : Ahh ! Zidane : Don't worry princess,this is my friend,Cinna Garnet : Oh,really ? Garnet : I am sorry,you startled me. Zidane : Well,with a face like his,i'd pretty shocked too ! Cinaa : Man,that hurts ! I wash up every morning,you know ! Steiner : Princess !? Cinna : This way ! Zidane : Alright,we'll follow you ! Steiner : Princess !? Steiner : Princess... Steiner : Princess ! Steiner : Princess...? Steiner : Princess !!!!? Steiner : Princess ? Suddenly,soldier no ?? shows up. Steiner : Where have you been ? Soldier : Sir ! I'm sorry sir ! Steiner : Princess ! Zidane : Hey,Cinna,this is a dead end ! Cinna : He he he...I thought this might be happen... Cinna : Open ! Cinna : So i set up this escape hatch ! Steiner : Princess ! Cinna : Come on,jump inside ! Steiner : The princess must be down there ! Soldier : I-i'll go first,sir ! Steiner : Hey !!! What do you think you're doing !? Soldier : Captain,sir ! I'm stuck,sir ! Steiner : Grrrr ! Blast it !!! Soldier : He he he ... he bought it ! Meanwhile.... Zidane : Wow,you're really athletic,princess.I think i'm falling for you ! Garnet : This is nothing.I have been training to escape the castle,after all. Zidane : What a waste.If only you weren't princess... Garnet : We have no time for idle banter.Come,let us move on ! Head left to the next screen. Steiner : Aha ! Steiner : Princess ! I,Steiner,have come to your rescue ! Soldier : You needn't worry,your highness. Steiner : Good work ! This will be remembered as the pluto knight's finest hour ! Soldier : He he he ! Soldier : Just relax,princess.We'll get you outta here ! Steiner : What !!!? Steiner : You're not one of my knights ! Zidane : You can just... Cinna : ... leave the princess ... Cinna : ... to us !! Blank : ... to us !! Zidane : ... to us !! Battle Steiner : I'll never give up ! Steiner break Blank's armor. Steiner : N-No !!! Steiner : I hate oglops !!! After the battle Steiner : Oglops are the worst ! Cinna : Get these oglops offa me ! Zidane : Now's our chance ! Come on ! Meanwhile... King Leo : Tonight,i shall finally see my daugther,Cornelia.Betroth'd to prince Schneider ! King Leo : And then,prince Schneider and his kingdom will be mine ! King Leo : Gwahahahaha ! Benero : Your majesty ! Zenero : We've caught him ! King Leo : Why,my poor Marcus... King Leo : Hark lad.No matter how much thou dost treasure Cornelia... King Leo : ... No matter how deeply she might believe she doth love thee... King Leo : ... Never shall i see her marry a peasant such as thee ! King Leo : When yon bell strikes three ... King Leo : Under the axe thou shall be ! Garnet : What now ? We can't go any further ! Zidane : Hmm... Cinna : Zidane ! Get on number two ! Zidane : Okay ! Princess Garnet,this way ! Steiner : Stop ! King Leo : Further more ! King Leo : !! Suddenly Zidane,Garnet and Steiner appears on the stage. Baku : ( Princess Garnet !? ) Zidane : ( Guys ! Just improvise ! Steiner : Ho ? What's all this ? Marcus : Cornelia ! Garnet : (Um...) Zidane : (Marcus is Cornelia's lover !) Garnet : Oh Marcus ! Zidane : (Yeah,you're doing great !) Garnet : (Ahaha...i have studied drama,you know ) Baku : ( Okay,guys. Lets keep going.Brahne is still watchin' after all ! ) Garnet : Oh Marcus ! I missed you so ! Garnet : I wish never to leave thy side.Prithee,lend me from this place ! Zidane : See King Leo ? Thou shouldst give them thy blessing ! King Leo : Never ! King Leo : Never leave his side,thou sayest ? King Leo : Foolish banter ! I'll not allow it ! King Leo : Cornelia shall marry none other than this man - Prince Schneider ! King Leo : Is that so,Prince Schneider ? Steiner : M-Marry princess ! Me !? King Leo : Aye ! And this traitorous crew,i'll put to death ! Benero : Too many of them ! Zenero : Run Away ! King Leo : Pray,my sweet daugther,come home to the castle with me. Garnet : Nay father ! I shalln't return ! King Leo : Cornelia,trouble me no more. Marcus : Not if i can help it !!! Marcus : Now is my moment of vengeance ! For my parents and for my love Cornelia ! Marcus : I shall cut thee down ! Garnet : ngh ! Marcus : No...Cornelia !!! Garnet : Mar...cus,forgive me.I still love my father... King Leo : Cornelia ! Steiner : Princess ! Garnet : Please forgive my selfishness,father,and spare my sweet Marcus... Marcus : What have i done !? Am i never to hear her loving voice again !? Marcus : Am i cursed never again to feel her soft touch !? Marcus : Oh cruel fate ! Thou hast robbed me of all i treasure ! Marcus : Ngah !! Zidane : Marcus !! Queen Brahne : Oh my ! Queen Brahne : This year's show is splendid ! Queen Brahne : Waaaaaaa ! Queen Brahne : Why did she have to die !? Why !? Queen Brahne : ( Now,where could Garnet be ? ) Queen Brahne : Bo-hoo-hoooooo! Puck : Wow,What a show ! Vivi : Yeah,so sad... Puck : I'm glad we climbed all the way over here,how bout you,huh ? Puck : Uh,look out ! Pluto Knights No VIII : Stop you ! Pluto Knights No VII : Come back,trespassers ! Puck : Fool ! I'm outta here ! King Leo : Forgive me !!! Steiner : Princess ! Vivi : Leave me alone ! Pluto Knights No VII : Stop ! Pluto Knights No VIII : Come back here ! Vivi : Don't come any closer ! Vivi cast fire spell to the pluto knights,but it burned Garnet's robe,and reveal her identify in the front of the crowd. Garnet : Ow ! That's hot !!! Baku : Zidane ! It's time ! Zidane : Princess Garnet,let's get outta here ! Steiner : What...what is going on !? Garnet : Steiner ! Don't follow me anymore ! Haagen : Captain sir ! We await for your orders sir ! Steiner : Hmmm...Well...Um....Err... Steiner : Princess ! I'm afraid i cannot comply ! Garnet : Stubborn as always aren't you ? Zidane : Come on princess.Let's ditch sir rustalot and get outta here ! Steiner : Princess ! Wait ! Zidane : Hey kid...are you okay !? Vivi : Y-yeah,i just tripped,that's all... Steiner : Princess,i cannot allow you to go ! Seize them at once ! Battle Haagen : My fury ends here... Weimar : I'm gonna be late for my date ! Steiner : Bah ! Only a flesh of wounds ! After the battle... Cinna : Stabilizers configured ! Baku : Good ! Blank : Engige room is good to go ! Baku : Allright ! Baku : We're movin' out ! Blank : It's about time... FMV Battle After the battle,you'll see another FMV,and the ship will crash down into a forest. Cinna : We're gonna crash !! Meanwhile... Queen Brahne : Garnet... Queen Brahne : I never imagined you would do such a thing...perhaps you're not such a helpless little girl anymore.... Queen Brahne : Zorn ! Thorn ! Queen Brahne : Is our little experiment ready ? Zorn : Yes your majesty.It's combat ready. Thorn : Easily terminate princess Garnet it can,your majesty. Queen Brahne : I need her alive ! Queen Brahne : Bring her back at once !! Later,Zidane will wakes up in the forest... ================ The Evil Forest: ================ Baku : back's killin' me. Baku : Are you alright ? Cinna : Yeah,but the Prima Vista's wasted. Baku : Just our luck to crush in this forest...It's gonna get interesting... Cinna : What do you mean 'interesting' boss ? I hear no one's ever made it outta here alive. Blank : Boss ! There's a fire everywhere ! It's outta control ! Baku : Quit yer whinin' and get it under control ! Baku : And get the wounded outta here ! Blank : Alright ! Baku : Get our goods outta here too.Weapons,items,anything we can use ! Baku : There's no way we can survive if all our stuff is toast. Cinna : I'm on it ! Cinna : Phew...I'm beat... Cinna : Hurry up and put out the fire ! I can't carry 'em all by myself ! Cinna : What the hell are they doin' ?? The whole ship's gonna burn up ! Zenero : They're lookin' for Garnet...Can't find her anywhere. Zenero : Maybe she fell squashed under the ship. Cinna : This is great.First we kidnap her,then we kill her.We'll hang for sure. Cinna : Zidane ! I'm surprised you made it ! Cinna : I can't believe you jumped off ! You're nuts you know that ? Zidane : I didn't jump off.I got thrown out from the impact,so everyone okay ? Cinna : Yeah,we've got all the devil's luck. Cinna : But if we don't find the princess Garnet,we're all dead meat. Press select to see an ATE (Active Time Events) ATE : Forest Keepers -------------------- Vivi : Whoa ! Garnet : Are you alright ? Garnet : I-is it still coming ? Vivi : Watch out ! After checking the ATE,head right then north to the next screen. Vivi : Sh-She's in trouble... Zidane : ...What the hell is that ? Steiner : Release the princess at once ! Steiner : Yeah,like it's gonna really listen to you. Zidane : Come on ! Battle Steiner : Wh-what is that light ? Zidane : I don't know.Somehow,it raises my power Steiner : Could it really be Trance !? Steiner : I've heard if it before ! Steiner : Trance is induced by a surge of emotion. Zidane : Alright,let's take him ! After the battle,the monster will ran away with princess Garnet. Steiner : Princess ? Princess !!! Zidane : What the heckl ? Where did they go ? Vivi : I was too scared to cast any spells...that's monster's probably gonna eat her... Steiner : How could i let this happen !? Zidane : Don't worry,she's not dead yet. Zidane : That monster was only a minnion.He's probably gonna take her to his master. Steiner : That means the princess might still become ! We must go find her at once ! Another monsters will shows up,and it will captured Vivi this time... Vivi : Whoa !!! Steiner : !!! Zidane : !!! Battle Vivi : Let me go ! Help Me !! Vivi cast fire spell to the monster. Vivi : Magic seems effective... Vivi : Nice ! After the battle... Vivi : Zidane : Are you alright ? Vivi : Y-yeah...i think so... Vivi & Zidane : !! Steiner : Ugh !! Steiner : P-Prin....cess... After that,all of them will be carried back to the ship. Blank : You guys are lucky.If i weren't for Zidane,you'd both be dead. Blank : Some of the monsters in this forest reproduce by planting seed in other animals Blank : And when the seeds sprout,it's hasta la vista : you become beef jerky. Vivi : i gonna die ? Blank :'re gonna be fine.Here drink this.It'll remove all the seeds from your body. Vivi : Ugh...eeyuck... Meanwhile.... Steiner : Princess..i'm coming right now... Steiner : ... stand aside ! Benero : Room behind you.Go Steiner : The in grave danger ! Steiner : Do you intend to abandon her !? Zenero : You're in no condition Zenero : Don't worry about the princess.The boss'll think of something. Steiner : Hey ! Stop ! Zenero : Get some rest. Benero : Yeah,and take that medicine i gave you. Steiner : Dammit...i can't just stand here... Steiner : The princess life rest in my hands. What can their boss possibly accomplish !? Steiner : This smells terrible.And the color...this obviously poison ! Steiner : ( Huff-huff-heave-heave ) Steiner : Ugh...i can't take it anymore... Steiner : God help me ! Steiner : Hey...not bad. In other place.... Baku : Forget it Baku : Monsters born out of mist are crawlin' everywhere. Zidane : So what ? There's nothing out there we can't handle. Baku : Yeah,but what are we gonna do about the wounded ? Zidane : We can take 'em with us. Baku : How are we gonna carry all of them ? Trust me,we go out now,and we'll all get wasted. Baku : My boys come before the princess,you know.It's too bad... Zidane : !!!! Baku : We're gonna stay put 'til everyone recovers. Baku : You better not set one foot outside this ship,you got that !? Zidane : I can't believe you're abandoning her ! You're nothing but a big coward ! Head south to the next screen to see another ATE's ATE : Time to escape Girl who left behind Cancel ATE : Time to escape -------------------- Steiner : Hmm... Steiner : This structure is in poor condition. Steiner : Perhaps i can break out by ramming into the wall ? Steiner : ..... Steiner : Fire ! Fire ! let me out !! Steiner : Ugh ! Steiner : ( Huff-Huff ) Steiner : I'm still not feeling well... Steiner : What's this ? Steiner : What an ugly doll....'Princess Garnet,age 15' !?? Steiner : How dare they write the princess's name on such a ragged doll !? Steiner : Besides,the princess is not 15 ! She's 16 ! Steiner : ...Princess... ATE : Girl who has left behind ------------------------------ Ruby : Where'd everybody go ? Ruby : Abd whut am i supposed to do now ? ATE : My little baby -------------------- Cinna : It should be here somewhere... Cinna : Huh....? Cinna : Damn ! Cinna : Where is it !? Cinna : What happened to my Garnet doll !? Cinna : Man,how am i supposed to sleep now ...?