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  • Welcome

  • Hello and welcome to the brand new site of Final Fantasy Junction. We have made this site for one reason and one reason only...And that is that we just like Final Fantasy (Well FF7-FF9 anyways..hehe). E-mail me if you wish to have a banner made something like the one above...E-mail me at this addressbrandon_lee12@hotmail.comand get a banner for free!

  • News/Updates - May 13, 2001

  • Some new news for this site is that this is our first day up for the site and please bare with the webmasters because all of the links may not be up. New updates for this site are we have gotten the main page done, and we finally created an afficiant banner for the site.

  • News/Updates - May 14, 2001

  • Some new news/updates for the site is that we have gotten all of the main links up. All of the Final Fantasy (7-9) are up, but the biographies and Game Shark Codes are still not up. We would like for all of our visitors to vote for us whenever they come to the site. Thanks.

  • News/Updates - May 16, 2001

  • May 15 the staff could not update the site because they were not home at all. They were gone on a 1 day camping trip. Fortunetly the staff has gotten FF8 and FF7 and FF9 Bios done. Unfortunetly the gameshark codes are not up yet. I am reminding all my visitors and staff members to vote as much as possible so this site can get some new visitors. Thanks.

  • News/Updates - May 17, 2001

  • Today we have gotten the Codes up for all of the Final Fantasy Versions. We would like to also announce that we have a new voting topesites for our site and we are in 26th already, so it would be so great of you to vote for us to get to the top of the list. I will probably be putting up a page for people to apply for a job so they can help me with the site, this should be done by next week, so be patient.

  • News/Updates - May 18, 2001

  • We have a new Sponsor/Affiliate on our site, and it is called
    Final Fantasy Wherehouse so I would like you to visit his site as well, and the site is now in 18th rank in the topesites voting, so thatnks to all the particapents that have voted for this site. I have added a Link to us form so that it will be easier for more people to become affiliates/sponsors of this site.

  • News/Updates - May 20, 2001

  • I have made my own
    TopSites so if you want to get some more visitiors then I advise you to add your site here! I have also changed the music on the Enter page.

  • News/Updates - May 23, 2001

  • The site will not be updated as much as it usually is from now on...Well at least for the rest of the month...Because I have so school stuff to do. Well if someone anyone please someone help me with this site, can you please e-mail me if you do.

  • News/Updates - May 24, 2001

  • This site will be not updated as much because of some time problems and i'm also working on the
    Frames site. So if you have any heart can you please e-mail me with your information and qualities so you can help me with the site.
    Copyright © 2001 Final Fantasy Junction.