Our Anime Guys Shrine
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Bubbles as Mojo Jojo!
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~!Welcome to Trinity's Homepage!~

Under MAJOR Construction...

.april.24. trinity is born!

.may.13. we went and watched mummy returns with steven and lincoln! 1/2 stars!
after da movie ended, they were waiting outside da washroom for 30 mins cuz they thought we were in there! hehe!!

.may.29. trinity and garrick went & watched pearl harbor, really good movie!

.june.1. da trinity went bowling with josh, wilson, michael and lincoln , it was our first time, and we are good!
double 0s! lol! =p

two more weeks of school! YES!

.july.18. trinity tried to make cheesecake but didn't know what vanilla paste we bought a cake instead! =P

.???.???. trinity slept over at joyce's house! talked all night long!=P til what?? 9am?!

.october.???. trinity, josh, mandy and her sis and rodney started japanese classes! yay!

.october.31. happy halloween!! so painful! did nothing at all! ~>.<~

.november.22. happy b-day garrick!! trinity celebrated with our "lil" bro by buying him chocolate =P

.january.21.2002. yay new year!! haha took way too long to update =P ah well...

.january.27. happy b-day joyceee!!!

.feburary.6. happy b-day janeeett!!

.april.1. happy april fools!!!