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The December 2002 issue of Fictional Reality is now 
available for download.  

Fictional Reality has moved to its new home at

Please head on over and check out the December 
2002 issue.

The Contents of the December 2002 issue of Fictional Reality can be seen below.

Part One TOC
Part Two TOC
Part Three TOC
Part Four TOC
Part Five TOC
Pages 000-019
003-012 Game Reviews
  003 Mech Warrior: Dark Age
  004 Giant Monster Rampage
  006 Lord o/t Rings: The Two Towers
  009 Armies of Arcana
  012 Mutants & Masterminds
013 Fiction
  013 Magic: The Gathering
Pages 020-41
020-032 Miniature Reviews
  020 Pulp Figures
  022 IK:Warmachine
  025 Hundred Kingdoms
  027 Rackham
  028 Reaper
  029 Knight-Terror Games
  031 I-Kore
Pages 42-67
43-067 d20 Product Reviews
  043 Masters of Arms
  044 The Book of Righteousness
  045 Heroes of High Favor: Half-Orcs
  046 The Assassin's Handbook
  047 Oathbound
  049 Common Ground 2 
  049 Gaming Frontiers 3
Pages 068-087
068 Fiction
  068 Necromunda
071-075 Press Releases
  071 Games Workshop
  073 Pinnacle Entertainment
  074 Privateer Press
  075 Fast Forward Ent.
076-078 Standing Orders
Pages 088-105
088-093 Quick-Star Rules
  088 IK:Warmachine
094-102 Battle Report
  094 Confrontation: Twilight o/t Dead
103-105 The Slave Pit
  103 Painting Translucent Clothing
105 Contest
  105 Merry Christmas Contest
015 Larry Leadhead
016 Dungeons & Dragons
  016 Warhammer Demons in D&D
  032 Excelsior Entertainment
036-041 Battle Report
  036 Chronopia: Firstborn vs. Devout
  050 Wild Spellcraft
  051 Depths of Despair
  052 Monster Manual II
  076 Gothic Horror: Vampire 
079-080 Free Bi-Plane Game
081-087 Concept Artwork
  053 Star Wars Equipment Guide
  054 Monsternomicon
  055 Bluffside: City on the Edge 
  081 Excelsior Entertainment
  084 Knight-Terror Games
  086 Hundred Kingdoms
  056 Land of the Rising Dead
  057 Lost Colony
  060 Twin Crowns
  061 Broadsides!
  062 Wrath & Rage
  063 d20 Modern
  064 Arsenal
  065 Hell on Earth