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Ethereal is an Everquest guild on The Seventh Hammer.


Hi Folks,

A lot has happened in the past couple of months. Dag and I have moved from Portland to Pennsylvania. We are currently staying in a place without an internet connection. We are in Baltimore right now, but still can't log into EQ. Boots me out every time I try. Will we be coming back to EQ? Yes, well I will, I'm not sure about Dag. Will we be rebuilding Ethereal? No. Don't have the energy, time, want or desire to do that again. A guild should be able to hold together when the leader needs some time in real life, Ethereal just couldn't. As far as I know Ethereal is still up. I won't dissolve the guild, and will stay in it as long as the systems let it stay up. Will I be playing Ivy again? I'm not sure. I'd like to, I'll have to see  how things go. Either way, I won't be playing like I did before. I won't be back on anytime real soon, will probably be another few weeks, unless the powers that be decide to drop something miraculous in my lap and we find a place soon.

As most of you know, our beloved friend Randy Upchurch (Velcast) has passed on.

New News


Just wanted to let you all know how things were going. Doc had to slow down on the treatment a bit. It was too much strain on my back muscles, so we've had to slow treatment down a bit. Its been hurting quite a bit here in the last week, feels better today though cause he didn't do anything major yesterday.

It's looking good though. The pain in my lower back that kept me from walking much has lessened.


Back to the doctors today. Haven't been feeling well since the last visit, actually a little worse :\


More treatment yesterday. Didn't go so well and feeling pretty bad. Good days and bad days right? heh...

Well.. as most of you know Ethereal has suffered a great blow...I'm not sure where we will be going from here... The challenge of getting better is all I can handle right now... The betrayal of who I thought were my friends is something I really didn't need right now, but such is life... As far as where we will be going from here... I'm not sure. We'll have to see where things stand when the dust settles. And  see if I have the heart to rebuild... Thank you to those that are sticking by me through this tough time, and I'm sorry for the awkward position that has been created for those that have been caught in the middle of this horrible situation... It came as much of a shock to me as it did to most, with the exception of those that had been planning it... But, we'll just have to see where we are when dust settles. It will be a bit before I am up to the challenge of repairing the damage... and I'll have to see if my heart will be in it. Dag and I built Ethereal with our hearts, Ethereal was never about being uber or loot, we were about family. We have always stood out from the other guilds because we care about our members as people... I guess somewhere along the lines that got lost... That damn point system was a very bad idea... But I've never been alone in running this guild. I've always wanted others to have a say in running the guild... Well if Ethereal comes out of this, which will take more than just me, there will be no point system... As a matter of fact the charter has changed, check it out if you want... not much to see right now... But the point system is gone, and will stay that way...

I'd like to get a somewhat accurate list of who is left.. so if you would please post in Inner Sanctum.


Had another doctors visit today. It went well, he said I should fully recover, will just take a little time. Not feeling too well today, hope you guys are doing better than I am :) I'm doing better, not in nearly as much pain, and am able to do little things... its getting better. Take care.

Oh members please post in Inner Sanctum. Thanks.


Big changes right now. First off, the point system is gone. The whole charter has changed, check it out. It's pretty simple right now, might add more later, it gets the point across for the most part. Members out there check out the message board eh? Thanks...

Still gonna be at least a couple of more weeks before I'm playing regularly again. For those that are confused about our email, the email button to your left has always been the correct email address, and its checked at least every other day. Take care.









Old News

Epic News


Grats Korlax on Monk Epic!!!!

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CONGRATS to Velcast on necro Epic!!!!!

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Congrats Edde on Ranger Epic!! WOOOTT!! Won't he make a purdy corpse! hehe ;)

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Grats to Daggervamp on his SK EPIC!!!!


Grats to Daggervamp on his epic piece from the golem in Fear!


Grats to Tazok on his Greenmist sword!

Grats to Scea on her Epic!

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Wow! What a day for Ethereal! 3 Epics in one day!

Chardok was a huge success! WE ROCKED THE CASTLE!

Grats to Enyyen on his EPIC!

Grats to Quasabi on his EPIC! Finally got that Phinny piece!!

Grats to Vorpatril on his EPIC! Took down Lord Rak in City of Mist!

Grats to Bigk on epic piece from OverKing Bathezid! All that is left for him is Ragefire!


Grats to Whiggles on her epic! The wannabe dragon Fay in TD goes down again to Ethereal and a new leaf blower is created!

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Congratulations Zyzzx on his epic!! :)

Raid News



Ok, just an update. For those of you wondering where Dag and I have been, some serious real life issues came up that absolutely have to be dealt with. We are working with the officers to help with the raiding schedule, which is back after a much too long break, but such is life. We'll be around hopefully this weekend, and I'll pop on as I can this week at odd hours. Hope to see you all online. If you have any questions please see an officer; Velcast, Enyyen, Gaddin, Scrye, Clergian, Natibela, Kwasabi, or Quasabi. If you want to lead a raid see one of them about setting it up. Have fun and hope to see you all soon!

 Lots has happened since I last updated the site. Sorry about not being able to keep up with it. If some bit of important news needs to get posted here, please email it to me at and I'll try to get it posted.

The Member roster is way way out of wack, again my apologies. I'll get to it as soon as possible.


Can you say ROCK THE HOUSE?! ETHEREAL ROCKED CoM! Oh yeah, 21 Ethereals owned, yes owned, Lhranc! What a spectacular fight! And only ONE death, yes you read correctly ONE death. Poor Sev, enchanter, bit it at the beginning of the fight before Kina, the MT, could get aggro established. I believe Lharnc went down in 34 seconds. 5 clerics, one shammy healing. Lots of melee, 2 wizards, 2 enchanters. One wizard used Spellshield the other used Lures I believe, enchanter used Rune, healers used FAST heals, a CH rotation is NOT advisable with this MOB, he hits hard and fast.

How can we do these things that we do here in Ethereal you ask? Because we dont zerg, we use strategy! And WE ROCK! Wez gotz skillz!!

Vinny and Velk, watch out we are coming for JOO NEXT!! <insert mad cackle here>


Hate last night was a blast! Grats to Lourdess and Scea, they got some great stuff last night! What fun trying to take down Inny too! :D

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Wow, lots of stuff happening this month. Fear for a while, took out the Draco in Fear, I got that cool belt, and Vel got an uber bracer. Took out Cazic twice with TDE. Got the Shissar finally. Couple of Hate runs, almost took out Inny, but it got too late and people had to go hehe.. Oh and one Air raid, lots of stuff, Nati and Vel got their feathers, and some other stuff. Couple of Phinny runs too, jerk finally dropped it yesterday for Q! Took out Fayedar for Whiggles. I'm sure I'm missing something, but it's all become a blur lol...


Dropped Lord Bob again, Grats to Kraevin on Icy Wristband and Efreeti Ice Staff. Had a black marble too.

Prayer shawl dropped in KK, not sure who got it, either Doogan or Bigk I think hehe, sorry guys, wasnt paying attention.

Took out Tantor and he had the tusk. Grats to Daggervamp on Tantor's Tusk!

Grats to Edde on some ranger armor from Fear.












General News


Clergian will be handling the the tallying of points from here on out. If you have any questions concerning your point totals please see him.

Also, we are currently discussing some changes to the system.


Epics are coming along nicely. I know that many of you are getting excited :) But please have patience, we are actively working on epics. The next one that is needed for the guild is Enyyen's chanter epic. Which we would already have had we not had a betraying, backstabbing traitor among us.... but can't change the actions of a scumbag... that was downright despicable... GMs should do something about that, thats stealing plain and simple... Anyway, we'll get to everyone as fast as we can. With a few key epics, getting epics will go MUCH faster.


The password to the member only areas on the message board will be changing soon. Please see an officer for the password. This cannot be posted on guildmotd right now, so please ask for it.


  The point system is being reviewed, we are discussing some changes to make to various loot point costs.

Site update:


Some are having difficulty seeing the java buttons to the left, so I added the links to the bottom of the page. I will be adding it to all the pages as well. Sorry bout that guys, should have thought of that. Hope it helps :)


Various layout issues resolved

Changed the email addy in the button to
    reflect the new email addy :

All members now have a link from their
    name on the member list to a personal
    page.  If you have a personal bio or 
    something you want me to put on your
    page, email it to me
    And keep it clean if you want it put up, I
    won't put something vulgar up.

Member page should be up to date now.








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