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The Eternal Senshi of Twilight: A Sailor Moon RPG  
 Eternal Senshi of Twilight

                                 You are the     person to visit Jupiter Palace since it opened on October 23rd, 1999.

 It is the 30th century. Over 40 years have passed since the defeat of the Black Moon family, the Animates, and Galaxia. The Star Soldiers have returned to their own galaxy long ago, and now Neo Queen Serentity rules, with her husband King Endymion and the Princess Serenity from Crystal Tokyo, as Earth's Moon is slowly being healed. The other Senshi, of the Inner and Outer Planets have returned to their kingdoms. The solar systems prosper under the laws of the Princesses.
      Peace has reigned. The battles are over. The mind is a fickle thing, and quickly forgets past suffering. People return to an idle life, oblivious to the returning evil from the beginning of time....

"   I'm Sailor Callisto....welcome to the Planet must be visiting, for I am sure I don't recognize your face...

    But that probably doesn't tell much does it?" a pretty girl says. She wears a short ruffled, dark green skirt, black-green boots, a white top. The white top is covered with a deep maroon bow,which compliments her short brown-orange hair. She brushes her bangs from her face and smiles at you.
    " I'm a princess of Jupiter, Makato's daughter.  I don't have the power over lightning and thunder that she had. " She smiles, as if apologizing," I'm sure this is boring you, so I'll get right to the point....
        A serious situation has developed. Phobos and Deimos, the fraternal twin descendants of Sailor Mars,  have been causing trouble. Not your everyday mischief, though." She shakes her head regretfully," I wish it were....Phobos and her brother were misguided by  promises made by a dark force. We haven't even  identified what it was yet! The twins have formed the Twilight Senshi and Shadow Soldiers. Their army is formidable and we can't defeat them without help-"

            Sailor Callisto is cut off by a shadowy figure, vaguely the shape of a man with glowing red eyes. Uttering a tiny squeak of dismay, she leaps back, recoiling away. The figure speaks, its voice sending shivers down your spine.
    "How pitifully weak you are, Princess Callisto! Your pathetic forces could never defeat the might of our army!," rumbles the shadowy figure. He turns toward you, the fierce red eyes focusing on you," Do you join with us....or do you die defending a useless cause with the Sailor Callisto?"

        Join up with the Dark Sailors and Shadow Soldiers

        Join up with Sailor Callisto and her friends

::Disclaimer: Sailor Moon does not belong to me. Nor was it created in any way by me. It was created by Naoko Takauchi, and  well, here's the rest of the disclaimer.....(Note:All the characters on this site marked with and * or **'s were created by Sailor Callisto and Umbriel. Don't even take them.! Otherwise we come after you with burning torchs and Lobster Sabers( Umbriel's idea of taking a lobster and taping a french bread stick to it's mouth.

             Sailor Moon is copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation. English Language Adaptation © 1995 DiC Entertainment.

   Sailor Moon was created by Naoko Takeuchi. Sailor Europa, Callisto, Larissa, all the Dark Sailors etc. are characters I made for this based on Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon.
:( Important:Please don't use these characters. They're mine and I spent a lot of class time(which I should have spent paying attention((just kidding!))) to develop them. Also don't take my pics (the ones I drew) and don't copy the story...those took a lot of work, from both Dark Sailor Umbriel and myself.  I'm not trying to sound mean ^.^...have fun!