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Age: 20

Height: 5'10

Weight: 145

Race: Human/Egyptian

Previous Occupations: Fortune Teller, Master Theif

Current Occupation: Head Mercenary, Zalhara Apprentice

Inferno~ By gathering mana from the very depths of the caster this spell will incinerate the victim upon contact. It must be prepared with much concentration or it will back fire on the castle herself.

Fire Bolt~ A low level spell that utalizes the energies of mana produced fire. It has the same affect as regular needle point darts. They cause low amount of damage about that of a third degree burn.

Fire Ball~ Mana is gathered into the caster. It then feeds off of the body heat and pulls heat from around the air into it. The spell comes out as a globe of fire that is shot at the enemies. The affect is the same as if a any other mass of fire being sent at a target.

Fire Wall~ A tall wall of flames of about ten feet high and twelve feet long to help block against charging attacks.

Enchant~ The ability to embue a weapon with one elemental power

Meteor~ Draws down a meteor from the heavens in a shower of flaming meteor rocks of a foot in diameter. The shower radius covers an area of ten feet. A very high level spell that can only be used once as it is highly draining.

Hydra~ Creates a multiheaded beast that attacks enemies with pure magma for a limted time.

Charged Bolt~ By charging the ions in the surrounding air that fires mulitple jumping bolts of lightening. It covers an area of 5 around feet that expands to 7 infront of the caster.

Strike Bolt~ The ability to call forth lightening to strike a target. It has the same effectiveness as a regular strike of ligthening.

Telekinesis~ Allows caster to pick up items, trigger objects, and hurl heavy objects at enemies by the power of the mind. The heavier the object the more concentration the spell and the more draining it is.

Frozen Orb~ A blue orb will spin, traveling above the ground spraying Ice Bolts in all directions

Nova~ A sudden burst of energy around the caster that expands in a five foot radius. Non damaging it only pushes them back with a force to knock down a 200 pound being. .

Ice Bolt~ Creates a magical bolt of ice that of severe frostbite in places it hits. If more concentration and mana is put into the spell the bolts will free limbs to the point where they are easily shattered.

Shiver Armor ~ Covers the caster in a protective armor of ice that covers from head to toe. It is strong enough to stop up to three direct sword strikes. It only lasts as long as the concentration can be kept up.

Glacial Spike ~ Creates a magical ice spike acts like mini razored throwing daggers coming forth from a concentrated ice mana orb

Blizzard ~ An area attack spell a blizzard is called forth from the mana well while tapping into the very elemental energies about. It lasts as long as the castor can keep the mana up to supply for the storm. It is a highly draining spell and can only be used once.

Enchant Freeze ~ The castor can freeze the floor that will cover everything with a fairly thin layer of ice for a few moments. It is not damaging and only is used to stop enemies for a short time.

Temperature ~ The ability to lower or raise the teperature in an immediate area or room at will. This is a low level spell. With more concentration the tempertature can dip to below freezing or to the boiling point.