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Reploid Wars Player Directory

Welcome to the Reploid Wars Player Directory. Here you will find a (hopefully) up-to-date list of players in Reploid Wars as well as their stats. To view a character's stats, click on the name, simple as that. Any questions, comments, complaints, suggestions, etc on the board post on the RWD Player Directory Boarad.  If you really need to contact me, then either e-mail me, Archer, at or AIM me at Pixie Aikan. Please be a bit patient, I am in college and have classes. Any of the same about the game, e-mail the GM at

Note: I am not the one who gets the submissions, so please stop asking me about whether you're in or not.

I will not look at or post any profiles that are posted upon the main board for updates in characters. [If you are new and post it up there, I might look at those.] There is a board for them and that is where I will look at the profiles. It is listed below.

Site updated: 03.01.2001 13:49

Hunter Profiles

Maverick Profiles

Out of Commision?

RWD Player Directory Board

Random Facts:

Note: If you are going to send me a picture, no *.bmp please.  Send as either *.jpg or *.gif as an attachment.

Thank you

Other RWD Portals:
Dark Mission: The Novel Reploid Wars Main Page Crusader's Barracks
Alpha Squad

Black Dragons

Omega Squad
Hunter Board Maverick Board

Site Fights Spirit Counter
Site maintained by Archer