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Races Overview


    Reploids are the race of robots that were made after MMX was found but in this new planet reploids are
common working robots with human characteristics. They got jobs like cleaning maiden, storage organizer,
accountants, and so forth. The personality of the reploids vary from each other.

Robot Masters

    Robot Masters are the foes of Mega Man in the past but in this new planet Robot Masters are assasings,
robot leaders(generals, commanders, etc.), guardians and so forth. Unlike Reploids, Robot Masters are more
focused on fighting and accomplishing the missions given to them.


    Magiroids were the lords of machines long long long ago. They were named Magiroids because they have
the ability to cast magic(impossible to normal robots) and they had armors or looked like androids. There are folk
tales about a great war that these beings made, and lately were imprisoned by a group of wizards all eternity.
Although the arquelogists dream is to find their burial sites.


    Humans were the ones who created the Reploids and Robot Masters. They can't defend against robot
attacks so if they were to fight they would use specialized armors or suits. There are rumors about two secret
organizations that maintain the Magiroids throughout the long eras but this hasn't been proven.

Techno Angels and Demons

    This races are believed to have been expulsed from hell or heavens and look for something to bring them
back to their places. Although this isn't entirely true most of them got a mission to do and since the planet they are
on has many great technological advances, they use the technology to improve their speed, strenght, etc. They are
seldon seen and seem very shy. Although these two come from diferent places they don't act diferently. Most of
them act like neutral creatures.

Other Races
    You can make another race from your lil imagination but it gotta be of futuristic style and have a weapon or something to withstand a robot attack. It must also have some of the realities states below or in case it is from another plane you have to write the character background and (briefly) How is the plane that he came from.

Race Realities:

    The world you are on is called Steel Land. This place is similar to Earth but it is of a more futuristic style. Although they still haven't researched well spacetravel they try. Once in the past like 300 years ago a "God" came and made a commercial pact with the planet inhabitants bringing good fortune to the planet.

    This commercial pact consited of bringing and giving goods media a Portal situated in key point locations. The pact states THAT ONLY GOOD MAY PASS btween this portals and the money is given media a Credit Card system which allows the goods to pass because they will be stuck in mid portal unless the money is paid and the goods bringer pushes the button to continue or he pushed the button to continue. He can retrieve it he hasn't been paid but if he was paid he can't do so. Many have tried to get to the other side using this portals but they have died in the process.

Now I shall tell the Races Roles:

Reploids: They were discovered in the year 50 ACP(after commercial pact). The designs remote from an ancient era due 1300 BCP(Before commercial pact). It is believed they were made by intelligent people in a medieval setting because the ones discovered had medieval style armors. Although they technology was Earth current Technology status they couldn't reproduce them. So they put them in Museums and stuff. After 120 years of their discovery Reploids could be reproduced(but it is also believed some were stolen from other planets using planar travel). They Roles they got in the year 300ACP is of common use(being cheap for medium and high class people 50 years ago) so they have jobs and were used as slaves. Right now most robots don't got a concience and only do whats ordered but like a computer they got bugs. So there is a Reploid police whos object is to destroy or heal those.

Robot Masters: They came 100 years ago, but their appearance is unknown. They are believed to be stolen from other planes but it hasn't been proven. Military and Rich People are the only ones who got them and their purpose has been for fighting. Their personalities have become unstable because one or two of eight can get bugs and start killing.

Magiroids=All of their info is just fairy tales books. Although no one believes they are real some of them do. They are told to have great power and be versed in many fighting arts. They are called like this by the mythic books: Fire Lord, Earth Lord, Water Lord, Wind Lord, Shadow Lord, Light Lord, Phantom Beast and Time keeper. Although there are believed to be more of them no one knows. There is also told that them were grouped in two clans:The white and the black one. Their colors also implies their aligment but it is believed they can change their colors. More to be added when you find out in the game.

Humans=They are what they are in our world the only diference is they got robots at their disposal and they got a more futuristic style setting. As told above for the Androids bug problems they created suits to fight and destroy them(You can make this suits up by watching Bubblegum Crisis 2015 or other animes which the suit is a suit and not a Gundam). There is also believed to be two underground movements throught the times.

Holy warriors: They are the ones to be believed are preserving the white Magiroids. The members are members because their fathers were members and so on. There is not much info on this one.
Dark snakes:The same as the holy warriors but they serve the black Magiroids.
This two made a peace pact in which no one of the other one will reactivate the magiroids.
Techno Angels and Demons=Angels and Demons or any other mystical creature doesn't exist here. They are very few and not seen to humans so if a human see one of them he will be marked as crazy. Although in the mythology books they tell that these two traveled to this planet through the planes and got stuck here. Since they power became weak over the time not having their god help them, they created weapons and implants to protect themselves. The story of each one of them is very large because they are immortal but they can be killed(their immortality only aplies to age) and they can regenerate but the procces is a slower one than a demon and angel in a mythical era.