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Intro to Mega Man

    I am writting this because many people that I mentioned I was gonna do a Mega Man X Role Playing Game didn't know what the hell I was talking about. And I need more players and explaining would be a good thing. Sighs, if you want more info than what I got for you here just go to this page go here. I will explain briefly though.

     Mega Man is a bioroid(A living machine-term made by Mandi Paugh from what I know). Mega Man was built by Dr.Light as a Tool user android. But Dr.Wily turned evil and Mega Man was rebuilt to be a fighting machine. In some point of the story he becomes a bioroid and so does Protoman. Protoman is the prototype of Mega Man. He dissapeared and Mega Man took his place.

     After a while Dr.Wily and Dr.Light died in a earthquake. Dr.Light was working on a diferent project name Mega Man X and sealed him in a cilindrical capsule. Dr.Wily is believed to have done the same but his robot was named Zero. Mega Man and Protoman are believed to have died in the earthquake also.

     Some years later Dr.Cain(I dunno if that is his real name) did an excavation and found Mega Man X. He was astonished to what he found because there was no one who could made a living machine in that time. He freed Mega Man X and he tried to reproduce Mega Man style robots named Reploids.

     But everything didn't came as planned. The Reploids had free will and became angry at humans reveling againts they creators they were named Mavericks(although Mavericks are also robots that become berzerk). Zero was a former Maverick and was defeated by Sigma Leader of the Maverick Hunters. After that he was integred into the Maverick Hunters(tell me if I am wrong). Sigma Became a Maverick and has been pesting Mega Man and Zero for quite a while