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Tekage Ending

As this story has been suspended for so long, I have decided to tell you all its ending.

The Energy Kou and company were looking for was an incarnation of evil that when you went to get, you freed it. This energy fled to a place in mid-ocean creating an energy fortress that went up into the sky. After it did so the reploids all over the world became violent and crazy. Funny thing tough, it didn't affect any of you.

Match found the place he was in was a lab of some sort, with experiments on how to create unseen life. He got himself a new armor wich was some sort of reploid casing but with a jetpack. As for what he discovered...

The good evil doctor in his castle welcomed Gray and company with many traps and hazards. Finally Grey met with Zero. Zero exploited Gray complex of being a clone, a defect. One of many to become Hunters, yes, but they would hunt humans. Humans who didn't agreed with the new order that was to become. A machine order. They then got into a furious fight one-on-one, Zero winning in the start with many sword slashes and jumps, but Gray recovered with his lance until both weapons clashed and canceled each other. Gray weapon destroyed and Zero energy saber is rendered useless for a while. Zero then punches and pummels Grey and he defends. Gray uses a Jude technique and sends him to the floor. Then the battle resumes with jumps and hits until both drained their energy cells. The evil doctor came in and the battle was ended for more urgent matters...

Phantom's son was kidnapped and taken to the energy fortress. Rozlyn went away where she would left alone in some solitary corner of the earth while Phantom prepared his forces to battle this energy.

Dr. Evil made a weapon of some sort to open a rift in the fortress. Match joined with Phantom Beast and his army while Kou and company hijacked a submarine. The news channels rambled and rambled about all that was going on, well, that was before they were destroyed by the crazy reploids.

The techno Angels and Demons found themselves dissapearing or losing power since the fortress erupted. Lenja as she neared it in the sub felt weaker and weaker with her feeling sad since she couldn't acquire the items she was requested.

The time for the final clash came, Phantom Beast and his forces arrived first. They tried to break in but no luck until they saw a submarine and backed off to see if it was going to attack. The submarine shot a torpedo to the barrier but no luck either. Then the Barrier spawned thousands of flying energy monsters that kept Phantom Beast very busy. Meanwhile with Dr. Evil Grey finds most of the parts for the weapon with only one missing. Dr. Evil speaks to them about his sad reality, never been able to succeed in what his father failed. Always feeling like a failure. But this time he will succeed, he will end the cursed existance. He straps himself to the machine with the console in front of him. The weapon appears to be a Giant punch with some anti-matter properties wich all of you aboard. Dr. Evil says Good bye and shoots the weapon while he desintegrates.

The battle rages on with Phantom Beast side suffering heavy casualties and the Sub at a safe distance. Phantom Beast son face appears in the energy barrier. It rambles about how humanity desecrates its own children and how stupid we are. Also he speaks of the truth and perfection of the vacuum where is all of us are going to end. He prepares to make an attack but the Mega Anti-Matter Punch comes flying with Zero in the front prepared with his Energy Saber at full capacity being 4 stories long. When the punch clashes, Zero saber opens a hole in the energy field and discrupts Phantom son attack. Grey and company appear before some stairs leading up holded by nothing and the background being a blue energy. Zero guides them through the stairs to the usual enemy fortress lairs.

Kou and company look at the hole and wonder whats going on. They find there has been formed a similar hole underwater and they go through it. The find themselves in a room similar to Zero's but instead of the stairs going up they are going down. After they pass some rooms they find Mega Man who attacks them. After they land a few hard shots on his head, he comes back to senses and guides you through.

Both groups reach the final boss. The ones going up found Phantom Beast son. The ones below found the strange energy that escaped. As the battles takes place Phantom's son talks about the destruction of the world and their race incompetence at reaching the balance they were supposed to give. Neither they achieved full glory. He damns his creator and curses all existence. As the battle progresses he becomes grown up, with a better armor, and an energy attached to his chest. Zero just confronts him looking for a way to return home.

The ones fighthing below, just hear the energy laughing in the exchange of blows. After a while the battle ends and the evil energy starts to take form as it tells you this:

"Have you met my son? Yes siree. I created him with this two hands and no liquid exportation needed. What a pity he became, dying to destroy me. His father, GUahahahahahaha. Who would have though? Trying to kill a virus that these Angels and Demons couldn't contain. What stupid anti-bodies He created. At least my other son is in here fighting your boss son. Oh, the irony makes me so happy. So happy, I can barely contain myself. The boredom of this world dissapearing in its own destruction. I can see better, yes. YES, I see my nemesis."

Mega Man gasps as he tries to remember this evil that takes is before him. It is none other than (fanfare)... A W appears in his head. Yes, it is Dr. Wily!. Mega Man fills himself with rage and takes Dr. Wily one-on-one. Dr. Wily easily defeats him with his new powers and the rest of the party take on the fight.

The battle rages on until the floor dissapears and both parties reunite and the enemies become one. The transform into a huge mech that easily defeats them. Phantom Beast outside dissapears while his forces continue to battle. Phantom Beast becomes the Mech that united with Zero and Mega Man make a strong combination. Kou and Gray get to pilot it while the others do support fire. Finnaly Dr. Wily is defeated into a never ending





Everything dissapears and there you see a room with a computer in deep space. The computer shuts down and a countdown comences. All of you except Mega Man and Zero dissapear into a binary world while them appear back again in their world. When the countdown ends something is shot into outer space and another countdown begins. You can see Dr. Light photo with Mega Man X in the tube near the computer...