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Castallia is all but a child of only five years of age. Her long bright red hair which changes consistantly with the color of her wings seems to brush along her shoulders and dance along the small of her back everywhere she walks...almost as if wind following her wherever she happens to go. Her gorgeous green eyes dwell the small glimpse of stars shining in the evening night sky...almost mesmorizing any of which who looks deep enough to see it. Resting along her back stay a small bouquet of transparent body length fairy wings which change to assorted colors and textures in the light of the sun and the atmosphere around her...their beauty glistening in an overwelming shimmer where ever light carresses where she stands. The youngone's clothing consists of a white one-strap silk tanktop that barely clings to her small upper form...cutting off just a few inches above her belly button. To follow with the lovely top goes along with a floor length silk white matching skirt. The thin material seeming to wave in the gentle breeze that she carries with her...the soft fragrance of jasmine glistening where ever she shall stand...calming almost any who dares take her within their attention.